VF5 Throw Escape Guide

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Yupa, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Thanks Myke, I was unaware of the original thread and will check it out now as my guide is based on that format. I've mentioned before, but forgot to put it in the guide, (stupid,) that I always start my throw reversing at either the f or b direction, too, and then go to either the opposite b or f, or the appropriate downward direction second. I think this is a strategy that most beginning to intermediate level players should be able to implement. I'll add input strategies to a future version of the guide. It is an important subject.

    I see now that I did not make it clear in the guide that you should interpret the vs. character high throw escape list as a higher to lower PRIORITY list, NOT literally as a list of HOW to input throw escapes vs. each character. (This is how I interpreted Drift++'s original work.) I agree, inputing more than 2 throw escapes by bouncing the stick back and fourth is inefficient.

    The main strategy I was trying to suggest was to derive the highest 2 potential directions that someone would use with each character and then provide the next probable direction they would most likely use as a mix-up. I'll spell this out clearly in the next update.

    One of the trends that I first observed, before I fully embarked on testing every throw in the game, was that almost all the characters (17 out of 18, Akira is the only exception) have f AND b in the top 3 of potential directions to be escaped. Without research, f+P+G,b+P+G, was a useful (if uneducated) solution whenever I was expecting to be thrown, but I wanted to learn more efficient strategies vs. each character.

    The half circle technique is intriguing, and will be added in a future update. It is clearly the only way you'd be able to escape the maximum no. of throws possible. We just have to break down the characters into primarily HCF or HCB. This is the next level that advanced players should strive to apply.

    Thanks for pointing out this major flaw in my work.

    After reading the old thread, Myke's advice of learning to quickly input f+P+G,df+P+G,b+P+G is still applicable to VF5. It will work against 11 of the 18 characters, and Sarah is just in the opposite direction b+P+G,db+P+G,f+P+G.

    Hmm... Kage, Pai and DS Vanessa are b+P+G,d+P+G,f+P+G.
    Shun and Eileen can be b+P+G,P+G,f+P+G and
    Akira is quarter circle down, f+P+G,df+P+G,d+P+G.

    Huzzah! Quick and dirty advanced players throw escape study guide. =)
  2. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG.

    Edit: found what Myke was talking about. Something I have to try out.
  3. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Throw Escape Guide ver 1.4 update

    update to ver 1.4:
    added half circle technique for escaping throws and grouped characters using that technique to order them

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Code:</div><div class="ubbcode-body ubbcode-pre" style="height: 150px;"><pre>
    HCF: b,df,f: Lion, Jacky, Brad
    b,d,f: Kage, Pai, DS Vanessa

    HCB: f,df,b: Wolf, El Blaze, Goh, Aoi, Jeff, Lau, Lei, OS Vanessa
    f,db,b: Sarah
    f,df,d: Akira (quarter circle down)

    b,n,f: Shun, Eileen

    Instead of making a half circle motion for Shun and Eileen, I
    suggest moving the joystick straight across the horizontal:
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Throw Escape Guide ver 2.0 update

    updated to ver 2.0
    noting which throws push/pull so that I can prioritize throws based on ring out and wall combo ability.

    find it here: vf5_throw_escape_guide_ver2_0.txt

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