VF5:R Sarah Updates

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Slide, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Do you think it can crush rising lows?
  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I'm assuming. Unless it's one of the full circular lows, which she probably cant counter. She has jumping flamingo moves for those though.
  3. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! AWESOME!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    Do you know what this means?! No more Shun low kick! No more Lau's/Pai's 2k,k! This is fantastic! It alos looked like whoever did the reversal was a bit slow on the next move so I gather you can still G-cancel into 1k. This is so awesome!

    I'm gonna go look at it again.
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Sarah not having the *high kick in FL makes this reversal so necessary.
    Being able to reverse low kicks and punches? That's so necessary.

    Shun's 2K, I don't think went under *highs, but I think Pai and Lau's 1K did. Lion's 2K I know for sure, does though.

    btw, I think the exe on the FL knee is much faster than it would take for Sarah to cancel out of FL and float dragon. That knee didn't counter float.
  5. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    can anyone point me to a vid where F-typo is used?
    can anyone describe this attack?
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yeah. Im bummed about many things. She must play totally differently in R.. I cant shake the feeling of her flamingo being made easier to deal with. Slower. That sort of thing.
  7. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I don't mind the change really... I'll have to totally rework how I play offensively, but that's fine. It sucks that they moved the flamingo throws to step stance, but also reduce the things you can do out of step. It's either step-throw or step-mid punch. I was hoping they would have expanded on her options here... I was really hoping to get something with a built in back away dodge like Jacky and Akira have. Imagine step-hop back-lunging knee. No new animation needed. It would have been simple to implement into the game.

    Oh, the 2nd punch of the step /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif looks to be the same as the new /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif. I hope it has all the same properties. That looks like it's a very powerful tool.

    Guess I'll have to finally learn the FL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif just frame combos... it looks like from the move list you can do them with step /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif. I haven't seen this in a vid yet.
  8. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    Shun's 2K definitely went under highs. And if you tried to time a FL 1k/4k to hop over and kick him, NEITHER of the moves would hit him. The fact that she doesn't have FL 1K anymore definitely adds to the need of the FL reversal imo.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">btw, I think the exe on the FL knee is much faster than it would take for Sarah to cancel out of FL and float dragon. That knee didn't counter float.</div></div>

    I think the knee didn't counter float because the guy who did the reversal was slow to react to it in the vid.

    However you do bring up a good point. You can combo off of the 6K,k (knee and the followup kick) in R. Are the juggles more damaging leading off with the knee or the dragon cannon in R?
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    shuns 2K goes under frigging lows..
  10. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    I can't handle good Shun users AT ALL. I try to fight as many as possible but all I do is get depressed.

    And I just remembered something. Sarah won't need to G-cancel out of Flamingo into the dragon cannon. Sega put her 1K in FL.

    She's gonna be so fun to play with.
  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I think the knee didn't counter float because the guy who did the reversal was slow to react to it in the vid.

    However you do bring up a good point. You can combo off of the 6K,k (knee and the followup kick) in R. Are the juggles more damaging leading off with the knee or the dragon cannon in R? </div></div>

    Shun's 2K should go under highs, I meant *highs = special highs, the *
    If you use lows vs *highs, the *highs counter hit.

    Also the flamingo knee and kick, seems to be a good float ender sort of like using jackknife(vanilla 2KK, R 3KK), except it's out of flamingo instead of normal, the knee also seems to be a great way to sabatoge some sabaki.

    Another good and fast choice vs Shun 2K btw, is actually Sarah's jackknife.

    The flamingo low reversal in the other VF versions, that opponent falls on their ass and stays out of commission much longer in, appearance. I guess we'll see if dragon can still float off that, maybe the flamingo version will though.

    The catch throws being in step stance is fine now imo, because step stance seems to begin the move much faster, and I think the catch throws exe quicker than they used to. And the punch float in step is excellent because I think not only does it provide the delay for evading it's another punch with float reward.

    Sarah's flamingo doesn't seem to be as weak as it is in vanilla 5. Watch more videos, flamingo now has rewards and a way to close it out after you make a correct choice, instead of only being rewarded with getting to make another guess. Also you can get more damage potential out of it instead of about 60 pts, in R the risk finally goes down somewhat and there are rewards upwards to 80pts+.

    The little things about Sarah, that make her much more usable than vanilla: Serpent cannon hasn't been randomly whiffing the 2nd hit, it also does upwards of 65pts+ on everyone, this makes it far more threatening. Even though it's still about 4 Serpents per round to finish a round, I'd say it's kind of like 3 to 3 1/2 which is nice now.

    Flamingo is not ass.

    The all purpose jackknife kick, can go into flamingo. The jackknife is a very very useful kick btw. It's one of the fastest moves she has, that scrapes the ground.

    EDITS: OH YEAH, her flamingo 2/8P+K is ALOT faster, and it also floats, and it also seems to avoid stuff alot better. It's so fast if youre in flamingo on wakeups you can position yourself to your adv every single time.

    More damage off of her choices in general now, to matchup much much better with the actual risk involved in the moves.

    There's even some parts where Sarah looks absolutely retarded, like flamingo 4K(this right here is a 2P and back evade beater, aswell as being fast enough to win out P on a big enough +) at the wall stagger = 100+, and DM P+K at a wall for stagger = 100+
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I don't think the Serpent Cannon whiffs are random. It will just miss when you're out of a certain range.
  13. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Flamingo is really good in R no doubt and sarah has alot easier time against shun than in 5. Everyone does, actually.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    In vanilla 5 it depends on alot of things, like sometimes I've found that even at point blank when you're doing it when your opponent was crouch dashing forward or backwards, the 2nd hit was more likely to whiff. The 2nd hit will sometimes whiff not even dependent on normal or counter hit. Sometimes it's range too obviously, and that also depends on weight classes.

    And then there's the stance dependent combos that might not work right when opponents get floated sideways, I don't think that is a problem though however.

    Also, vs heavy weights, 6PK the K would whiff at random(even on crouch stagger) because of the heavy weights distanced hitbox. This is rare though, I've had it happen to me and there's also a video where it happened to Nori(but I think this was a ver B. battle).

    Good thing in R, where the 6P had issues connecting on slippery stuff, the new 3P+K slap can cover that. And it's not attack property pidginholed, she has a punch that can scrape and jackknife can scrape low.


    Shun is looking beefed up in R with some cool stuff, but everyone has much better means of actually hitting the guy now. And Sarah has much better DP draining stuff, with that slap, which also seems to work really well just on his moves in general.

    I really like how R has addressed some of the minor quirks that really made some matchups get ugly when trying to play it moral.


    EDIT: I forgot to mention that 4K+G(combo following) now deals 65pts+ on alot of the cast. Good stuff.
  15. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">sarah has alot easier time against shun than in 5. Everyone does, actually.</div></div>

    Really? I don't believe that. Have you seen the new stuff Shun can do? He's as nasty as ever.

    Things I like about Sarah in R

    3KK~G,FL This is gonna be great. 3k was already a really fast move but in VF5O there was practically no advantage to finishing with the other k, hit or block (other than damage of course). The transition to FL is fast and if you hit with the 1st kick, you have plenty of time to do whatever (I've seen lots of people do the 3k+g just frame).

    FL 6KK juggle starting combo on MC. You can delay the 2nd hit and it'll hit steppers and start juggles too. Quick enough that if you get a 4k or FL 3k or P+K stagger, the FL 6K will hit and lead to combo goodness. AND.... it's a pretty darn good combo ender to boot.

    float off of FL 6PKKK/Step 2KKK Gives much more incentive to use it unlike in VF5O where all you got was another guessing game. It's duckable after the 1st kick on NH though.

    FL 2/8P+K. It's quicker, dodgees more moves and it stuns MUCH more easily than before. In VF5O the only way you'd get a stun was if you hit your opponent from the back. Now, if you do it in anticiaption of a jab you get the stun to combo goodness.

    3P+K. A punch juggle starter! What a concept! And a takes off 3 drinks (or was it 2?)

    FL 6K+GK (at least that's what i think the motion is) The move that kills steppers while in FL AND starts juggles.

    FL P+K now reversing low punches and kicks I won't front. After I saw the vid, I went to the bathroom and masturbated.

    3PP Finally a worthwhile alternative to getting my 3PK ducked/2ped.

    The damage she can do 100+ off a wall stagger. 80 off an MC dragon cannon. 70+ off a 4K/FL 3K/P+K if they don't shake out of it. We were working too hard with not a lot of reward for guessing right. Now? Heh-heh-heh......

    I am kinda sad at the loss of Step K,K,K (and its cancels) and FL 1K, PP2K, and losing all of the jab series moves while in FL. But I'm sure I'll forget about it after I finish a round with a combo off of a FL 2/8P+K for over 65+ damage.
  16. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Really? I don't believe that. Have you seen the new stuff Shun can do? He's as nasty as ever.</div></div>

    Just the lower 2P for majority of the cast, is a vast improvement, in addition to the refloats from it. I've seen almost every characters 2P reach lower in hitbox in R, except for Jean's.

    The new stuff Shun can do is all well and good and great and too good, but some characters in vanilla 5, didn't have much of anything to combat what Shun already has, outside of going very high risk. In R characters have more ways of taking drink points away, moves that scrape the ground, and safe moves that give good rewards on counter hit(for characters that lacked that, i.e. Sarah without the 3P+K slap)

    Basically the cast is better rounded, especially with including missing properties for problematic situations that can be common.

    Sarah was already able to deal 80 from MC dragon all the way up to Lau and Akira. Remember, dragon cannon has maximum damage footstance(open and closed) specific combos, and even slightly(3 to 7pts more) 1f delay floats. You can get like 87pts on Lau even, if you want to know these combos send PM.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Of course they are not random. But whats the point of having a two-hit string where the second attakc has shorter range than the first?
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    Really? I don't believe that. Have you seen the new stuff Shun can do? He's as nasty as ever.</div></div>

    L_A just spent a month in Japan playing Shun in VF5:R.
  19. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Really? I don't believe that. Have you seen the new stuff Shun can do? He's as nasty as ever.</div></div>

    Yes, i've seen it, done some of it too! Check out my youtube channel 'laakira' =D I even uploaded a match vs a strong sarah here...

    Slide is right. All chars in R are pretty well rounded and some (sarah) can take up to 5 drinks from shun at the end of the round.
  20. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    I stand corrected then. I forgot about how low the 2p is gonna be. There was a combo vid floating around here where sarah was scraping someone off the ground with a 2p and finishing the combo with a 3kk.

    Edit* Yeah it's an an earlier vid. 2K+G,OM,2p,2p,rising knees/jacknife/6k,k.

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