VF5 Quest Mode tips

Discussion in 'Console' started by White_Worm, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I noticed that you don't get money for losing in quest mode if you have a win streak going. If you go into an arcade, pick a player, and lose to them, you'll get money.

    Also, in VS mode, its 50g per win/loss. 50g for every round you lose, and 50g for every round you win until you lose. For example, player 1 wins 10 matches in a row then loses to player 2. So player 1 gets 50gx10 for the wins, and 50g for the loss, for a total of 550g. Player 2 will get 50gx10 for the losses, 50g at a time.
  2. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    I just finished quest mode sort of. I beat all the guys in the arcades but I still need 2 emblems which I guess I will need a winning streak to get. Nothing happend when I finished all the arcades though.
  3. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Hmm... I wonder how you ended up with 100% players defeated, but not all the emblems. Unless you passed up on some of the tournaments for emblems. Do you have the Sonic the Hedgehog or Dural emblems? I know you get those from tourneys.

    Also, do you have 100% items collected?

    I'm wondering if its even worth getting 100% everything with my vanessa. I'd really like to move on to some other characters now, but its really bugging me thinking that there could be something more once 100% is obtained.
  4. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I need another emblem from a tournament, I guess I will pick it up tonight.
  5. raoul

    raoul Well-Known Member

    So is it actually by player and not by profile? At work we play with a modified rotation of "if you win three matches you give up the controller" to let less experienced people play each other, so it would suck if you always waste the winning streak money that way (and give it to the person who ends up losing next...)
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Anyone know if you gain items at a good rate in Vs mode?
  7. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    After I defeated all AI characters I received 1250g after each item battle. I am not sure what you receieve in gold before this for item battles. Playing at the Downtown arena seems to trigger emblem tournaments and playing at Bay Area arcade seems to trigger big GOLD tounraments, like 15,000g.
  8. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    When you collect all of the emblems you get a bonus set of emblems, there is about 30 new ones. This leaves hope for an additional costume or rank when I get all of my costume stuff.
  9. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Good work, EVM! Keep us posted! I'll check to see how much money I'm getting for each item battle now, because I haven't defeated all players. I think its around 1000g though.
  10. vf5jason

    vf5jason Well-Known Member

    Quick Question about Ranks do you have to beat a certain number of same rank players to get a ranking match?
  11. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Not really. VF5 works on a progress bar to show how close you are to ranking (thank you SEGA!). Usually, you can gain xp from several different ranks, but I have noticed that beating your same rank gives you more xp. The exception to this is Master rank, where beating 10th dans gives you a ton of xp (you only need to beat 5), but if you lose to a 10th dan once, you are demoted back to 10th dan.
  12. Enishi

    Enishi Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but, every once in a while a hot air balloon will appear on the quest map around the Sega World East arcade. Well, I decided to see if maybe when you waited till it hovered over the arcade to enter and then proceeded to play, something would happen. Surely enough, something DID happen. I tested this twice so far and this is what I got:

    1st time- Played as Akira and got 3 item battles in a row. Lost on third.

    2nd time- Played as Aoi and got 11 item battles in a row. Every fourth battle resulted in a red gem item. The twelfth wasn't an item battle and, before I could do 13, a tournament became available so I went for that instead.

    Anyway, if others could test this out that'd be great. The balloon only seems to be there immeadiately upon exiting a battle back to the map so I wouldn't just sit around the map screen waiting for it. The balloon really doesn't appear often so don't get frustrated. Good Luck!
  13. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I saw the balloon once before too, but I didn't wait till it stopped. I kinda thought it would just leave the screen so I entered the arcade right when it was over an arcade.

    Great find though! If I see the balloon again I'll definitely check it out!
  14. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    See? No quest orders, but VF5's Quest mode seems to be deeper and deeper day by day. Maybe there are some funny easter eggs? Just keep looking, the baloon is great find BTW.
  15. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Damnit I never saw the ballon. Anyways I can only assume there will be a "very hard" setting if the complete quest on hard mode. I think it would only make sense but I will never get it because I did quest on normal.
  16. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Try this out but make sure you don't have a winning streak going anywhere else or a bunch of matches already played.

    Win 15 matches in a row at Sega South then go to the Bay Area arcade and win about 1 or 2 matches. It should trigger a tournament at Sega South 1st place 15,000 gold. You should be able to do this over and over again.
  17. vf5jason

    vf5jason Well-Known Member

    Another dumb Question is the Quest difficulty level based on the difficulty level your options set on or is it just on on normal? I just startedQuest mode today and I could only go between normal and hard difficulty.
  18. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Its based on the settings in your quest mode.
  19. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I got all the emblems today. The "bonus" set is a fancified alphabet. Pretty good, but nothing spectacular. I still need 186,000g for the rest of the items in the shop. Thats gonna take a while...
  20. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Not after I beast you countless times in versus mode it won't. ; - ; If only this were true.

    That's good to know about the emblem bonus at the end though.

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