VF5 PS3 Exclusive

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 8, 2006.

By Myke on May 8, 2006 at 7:40 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Virtua Fighter 5 has been announced as a PlayStation 3 exclusive, due out in North America in Spring 2007!

    Virtua Fighter 5 Announced for PS3
    We'll cut to the chase: Virtua Fighter 5 is coming home, and it's coming exclusively to the PlayStation 3 in the Spring of 2007, and we couldn't be happier. -- 1up.com

    E3 06: Virtua Fighter 5 to beat on PS3 exclusively
    Today, Sega announced that Virtua Fighter 5 is indeed coming to a next-generation console ... but not the Xbox 360. The game will be exclusive to the PlayStation 3 when it is released in North America in Spring 2007. -- gamespot.com


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 8, 2006.

    1. THE_WALL
      Re: Griever

      Back on the points scoring idea how about just 1-6 pts. for the different places you would put opponents in the ring or out of the ring (it would make it easier for the programmers). Oh yeah on that PS3 rumor is anyone 100% Sure that it will recognize the games on more than one PS3, and what is your source?
    2. Luddie
    3. Plague
      Re: Griever

      Thanks for the link. Sounds good to me.
      [ QUOTE ]
      THE_WALL said:

      Here is a crazy idea for a game mode that they could throw in VF5. What if they had matches where instead of taking damage from the opponents you would get points due to where you put the opponent in the ring. The sides of the arena would be worth 10 pts., walls 15pts., corners 25pts., and ring outs 50pts.. The winner would be decided at the end of a 60 second round.
      I have a few thoughts on this myself.
      * Would it be cheap with certain players like Wolf, Akira, and Kage (fighters with distance advantage throws).
      *It sounds kind of like Greco Roman Wrestling point scoring system.
      *It sounds like they would have to put Taka-Arashi back in the game since part of Sumo Wrestling is about ring manipulation.
      What does everyone else think about this idea?
      Hopefully we as the VF community can think of ideas for VF5 that will make the purchase worth it. It is innovation after all that makes game companies go forward, and the gamer's to buy the games!!!

      [/ QUOTE ]
      Interesting idea. A point system similar to this was used in an obscure N64 fighter called Fighter's Destiny, a surprisingly decent fighter.
    5. Chikahiro
      [ QUOTE ]
      Setsuna_Goh said:

      did you get an X360 chikahiro?

      [/ QUOTE ]
      Nope. However, I feel that competition is a good, if not excellent thing, if for no other reason than to keep competing companies "honest." I'd like to see MS make inroads in Japan simply so Sony has a rival its size to contend with. And I would've liked to seen a 360 version of VF simply because the system is in dire need of good fighters, it could be used to propogate Live (which would encourage Sony to work on their online plan more), and would help spread VF around in general. Hell, a 360, live enabled VF: Evo would be good in the interim.

      Competition between systems would encourage both companies to do better, to encourage developers more, to (hopefully) act smarter, etc. If there's no competition, then I strongly feel like its very easy to get complacent. MS should have offered Sega a blank check for their games...if Sega wanted $50 million for VF5, it would've done more for them in Japan than the $300+ million they paid for Rare. MS gets credibility in Japan, gets more Japanese players, greater chances of there being more Japanese devs onboard, and the 360 is that much better for it. In turn, one would assume Sony would have to react as well, improve what they're doing, encourage their developers more, etc. I'm not saying "MS can win the war!", but they can certainly make Sony uncomfortable by eating into "their" marketshare, by gaining a greater reputation at Sony's expense, etc.

      If they got into a price war, so much the better. I mean, nobody here is going to complain if Sony and Microsoft suddenly lowered all their prices by $50-100, right? /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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