VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    I would bet that Microsoft paid for this content on 360. They paid Rockstar upwards of $50 Million for exclusive content for GTA4 on the 360 that would not be found on the PS3.

    That being said, as long as a patch comes for the PS3 version of VF5 or VF5"EVO" is announced soon, I will not feel like I wasted my money.
  2. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    well E3 is in a couple of days. But I play various other games as well. Like tekken. So this isnt a big loss for me. Have I wasted 600 dollars? Nope not really. tekken 5 DR online be good enough. But to tell you the truth i be an owner of both consoles next year so i ts gonna be win win for me anyways. And Not all ps3 gam,e are goign to 360. Thats an alright lie as sony 1st party games like gow have 0 chance of being ported.
  3. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    Also for a long time i wonder ? What is VHGS?
  4. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

  5. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    oh i am not a stick users. As I am not use to a stick. I see. I am a pad user as i am more confortable witha pad as opposed to the stick. The stick requires too much sensitivity as i run or dash when i dont want to and cant move correctly.
  6. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha, Heheheheheh, LOL, That's funny shit... lol
  7. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    I already have both systems, so I have taken my medicine... Call me Luna' but I have to believe AM2 will do right by the PS3 fan base, if no more than to keep making money by bunny hopping each system with updates... What will the PS3 get, Ver. D.
  8. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    yea man. I am getting a 360 next year but this news of 360 may push it to this year. But I am not selling my ps3 because I am one of rare ppl who plays both tekken and VF at a decent level. I mean I switch games between the two all the time to train even tho tekken 5 DR doenst have a training mode yet :(. But it coming soon.
  9. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    I just heard, This is the most BS shit I've ever seen. Sorry for cursing but Sega has Really Stoop to a new LOW. Quite Frankly, If there was a F'in chance that VF 5 could be online then why not make the PS3 version online as well. I would have taken a 2, 3, 4 month delay for it. Quite franlky, this is probably why VF5 for the 360 is delayed till October.

    Man, I hope Microsoft really paid them an Arm and a Leg as this simply undermines the already LOW sales of the PS3.

    And you know what, With news that Tekken 6 will be online, I wouldn't be surprise if Sega didn't just cave in. That's good for them, I was worried for them having low ps3 sales but you know what, This is what they get. For YEARS we all said, a new Next Gen Fighter will have to be online or else it is essentially with 1 foot in the grave. In fact, some of us were already calling for those end of the lifespan PS2 fighters like Soul Calibur 3 to be online.

    Unable to reproducing the 60 frames of fighting online my ASS. Everything I ripped Sega in my other post here are all true. They deserve every last point deduction for the LACK of PS3 online.

    Sega, if you know what's good for you (as if they care about me) but if you care about your fans, and us Early adopters, Release an expansion pack, or quickly release that Rumored VF5: Evolution game ASAP.

    and for those Wondering a few Month ago if the 360 will be the difinitive Version. This is your answer. VF5 for the 360 will have better anti-ailising and thus cleaner graphics, it will be Online, it will be Version C, and quite frankly, by it being online, it opens the easy possibility of periodic updates like version updates, or costumes, new stages and so on.
  10. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    lol everybodies pissed. I guess I would be too if I invested that much money for one game and better version came out on the opposing console.

    I think a patch would be perfect cause honestly we don't need the scene to split due to different console platforms.
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Haha, Christian's my boss at Future. He's as surprised as anyone.

    We'd heard that some sort of online was in the works a few months back, but that we couldn't talk about it publically. NDAs and all that. Most likely, though, the reason they wanted us to hush up about it was because they was doing negotiations with MS for something like this. It happens all the time.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    i'd vent my anger at sony, not sega. sony, afterall, are the folks who launched a $1000 shiny black shit-brick with woeful online implementation.

    microsoft, to their credit, have made online development a breeze wheras sony have made it into voodoo magic...it's that simple. that's why virtua tennis 3 sported online on 360 and not ps3. if sony had pulled their finger out and provided decent libraries for developers you'd have online on ps3.

    this can only be a good development for the vf series, especially in the west. we'll have a western console championing the best version of vf5 with a community building online mode. surely good news?
  13. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Again, if you can't work on the PS3, this means online too, you don't deserve a job in the industry. So if you want to blame Sony for something, blame them for not throwing wad loads of cash at Sega.
  14. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Well the ps3 usere got the bad end of the deal...

    But this should be expeted you guys were good fans but made a bad decision consumer wise by getting a ps3 in general. It's not the console, just the way sony is handlin business right now suck's which means the ps3 is messed up
  15. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Also i fear this might turn into a flame thread please dont let that happen.
  16. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    The 3rd time my 360 was sent back to me, made the decision for me.
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    After witnessing first hand what 30 million dollar with a first party working on a high profile game(Warhawk)achieved, after witnessing what the current graphics champions at Insomniac achieved after 20 million dollars and nearly three years of developing RFOM and THEN seeing what acompany like Epic does with 9 million on the weaker 360 I think it would be fair to assess that you are full of shit and have no flying fuck of a clue what the fuck you are talking about.

    Face it bitch, your company of choice screwed up big time.
  18. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    If it weren't for Lair I would have probaly ended up buying the VF5 for 360.
  19. whoady4shoady

    whoady4shoady New Member

    Yup, and this is the only thing I am angry about. Its bad enough that I have to put out another 60 on a new game, but now my VSHG is useless. I dont FN think so. I dont want no Hori piece of crap to play on the 360. This is my major gripe. I mean I cant be angry really for buying the other version. I have had it since launch, and it has given me lots of good times so far.
  20. whoady4shoady

    whoady4shoady New Member

    Well put.

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