VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Demo of VF5 online gameplay.


    Loading Seems pretty Long, but so is the loading for Tekken 5: DR Online.

    Looks like you go into VS mode, select a character and then search for opponents.
  2. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I would imagine the loading time's based on the buffering and calibrations of signals and all. After playing C in the arcades, I'm SO glad that's what we're getting.
  3. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    oh no dont ban me. its the worst thing you could do. sorry but VFDC isnt my life. it might devastate destro or cuz if they were banned but i could care less. i already have friends that i play VF with. anyway im sure alot of people who wanted VF5 online are glad to hear that the online play for the 360 isnt going to be as bad as some thought it would be.

    its good for VF. the more exposure the better. cant wait to play version c.
  4. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    the loading time didn't seem that bad to me. it was only ten sec tops. to me thats not that bad.
  5. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    exactly i have to agree its not so bad. of course PS3 fanboys are going to complain about the loading times or how lag is going to totally ruin online play. its still version c and youll still be able to take your profile to other consoles via memory card now. not only that but no more crappy background music.

    hey VF5 is good on both consoles. i have to admit though their is a biased because most of the people that are bashing the 360 version of VF5 are PS3 owners. we all know that VF5 wont play perfect online but at least we now have the option for people who love online play. im glad that i wont have to travel to japan to play the latest version of VF.

    by the way for those of you justifying your PS3 purchase have fun playing no games on the PS3. i can wait till theres more games on the PS3 before i buy one again. ive already preordered VF5 for the 360 and ill be picking it up on the day its released. im sorry but im keeping it real. i owned a PS3 for a while and now as of today theirs still no games for the PS3.

    everyone thinks im bashing the PS3 but in my opinion their should be more games out by now. thats why im going to buy a PS3 when its actually worth owning. i can only assume most of the people on VFDC are PS3 owners. its really obvious.
  6. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Meh, i can deal with load times. Just glad im able to get some comp, online or off. On a side note, did anyone else catch that you cant save replays online? Ill watch the vid again but i couldvs swore i didnt see the option /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  7. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    exactly luosnomed the load times arent a big deal like some people are making it out to be. im glad for people that have been wanted for VF5 to be online. the reason i cant wait to play VF5 on the 360 is because theres so many more features. like better AI and being able to finally take your profile other 360's.

    im a VF fan of course i cant wait to play the best version of VF5. no matter what console its on. the other thing is if you read the gamespot article sega is also going to release downloadable content. sorry but when it comes to online features and downloadable content the 360 wins. i wish sega wouldve or would release a patch for the PS3 but i doubt it will happen.

    thats because sony doesnt push for online features like microsoft. if sony did VF5 for the PS3 would at least have a patch that would make it version c. like i said the 360's claim to fame is online play. thats why xbox lives online community has alot more people than sonys.
  8. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Yeah the ability to save you character seperatly although it could and probably will add a bit of load time, is soooooooo goddamn worth it. (I'm not being sarcastic)
  9. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    hell yeah i think its way worth it. it shouldve been done for the PS3 version of VF5. you shouldve had a way to bring your profile to other PS3's. at least it finally happened though so its better than nothing. did sony ever make an update so you can listen to your own music when you play games on the PS3?

    does anyone know just wondering.
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    420, you are being silly.

    One guy wrote that it was funny that all the eb 360s have the red lights of doom. That is funny. He didn't mention the ps3 and yet you launch into a fanboy tirade.

    I may buy an Xbox soon. I got a ps3 just for vf and it is annoying that there aren't more games for it, but I don't really care too much. I would have payed a grand to be able to play the new vf.

    Funny thing is, I have a wii and a ps3. I just got a big screen hdtv. And you know the best game I've played is? Resident Evil 4 on the GC. It looked cool on the big screen even with the dated graphics, and as a game, I would say that it is better than anything on the new consoles, with the possible exceptions of Zelda and BioShock.

    I digress. But seriously, go to the ign message boards if you are going to keep preaching the fanboy gospel. It will only annoy people here.
  11. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    dude its over. by the way its funny how you also mentioned you own a PS3 and not a 360. how am i a fanboy if i bought a PS3 on launch date. not only that but i stood in line to preorder the PS3. so im a fanboy or is it just that your a fanboy.

    the only reason i sold my PS3 was because there werent and still arent any games to play. that sucks considering i payed 600 dollars for it. by the way i could care less if you own a wii because there isnt any games besides legend of zelda that id play on the wii.

    the rest of the wii games in my opinion are gimmicky. theres no games on the wii right now with any substance. i admit i will buy a wii when smash brothers is released. its just like a gamecube 1.5. for example i already owned a gamecube and their were only 4 or 5 games i actually bought for it.

    game developers instead of making any games with substance on the wii are making game that just use the stupid wireless controller. instead of making good games most developers are just creating generic games that use the remote. the wii is another console i can wait on.

    i loved resident evil 4 but theres only so many times i can beat that game. besides ill be playing resident evil 5 soon enough. either for the PS3 or 360. its funny how people who own PS3's are the only ones responding negatively to my posts. your trying to justify your post by saying your going to buy a 360.

    the fact is though you dont own one. so of course your again your just justifying your PS3 purchase. hey at least i can admit it. i bought a PS3 way too early and i shouldve waited till there was more games. which im right now doing now. if you people keep calling me out of course im going respond right back.
  12. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    An FYI for everyone:

    1. 420 sold his PS3 because he didn't just want a BluRay player. It didn't have enough good games.

    2. He now owns an XBox 360 because it features better games and has a better online component. Again, the 360 has better games than the PS3.

    3. He will be playing VF5 online and people shouldn't jump the gun on online play because he believes it could be solid.

    4. He's really high, like right now.

    In the 40+ pages of this thread, the above points have been established beyond a shadow of a doubt. Future posting is thereby rendered unnecessary.

    Thank you,
  13. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member


    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    i'm sorry, but this is, without a doubt, THE BEST post i've seen in this thread, and possibly in the entire forum!! if i could have this as my sig it would have been about 10 minutes before you even posted it.
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hey oscar, you live in missouri now? i beleive theres some Vfers over there, look them up in their thread here in VFDC.
  15. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    Microcrap fan boy.
  16. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    420, stick to bong hits and don't try to psychoanalyze me. I do not have to justify my ps3 purchase because I am finally at a point in my life where $1000 one way or the other is not going to fuck me up. And like I said, I will probably end up buying a 360 eventually anyways.

    And it IS funny that the eb 360s are all fucked up but I can play Mike Tyson's Punch Out on my 20 year old NES. I don't say that because I like Sony. In fact, I think Sony are corporate dicks. At least Sony has made a penny off of videogames, unlike MS, but again, that doesn't effect me on the consumer end, so whatever.

    RE 4 is better than any 360, or PS3 game right now, IMO (except Oblivion, but that is a different beast entirely), but that is neither here nor there. The point is you are being very silly, in a fanboy-like fashion.
  17. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I'm calling you out!

  18. Marlo_Lurosci

    Marlo_Lurosci Active Member

    Help me out, where do I go exactly? Thanks a bunch man.
    BTW, my folks still live out in Queens. Next time i'm out lets play some VF.
  19. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I just hope they really refine the game so there are no slowdowns or freezing....Bioshock for the 360 got amazing reviews overall, but at the same time every review said the game suffers uncontrollably from freezing and stuttering.
  20. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    once again you guys are the ones who cant let it go or for that matter cant stop holding hands. all VFDC geeks unite. gimme a break. go ahead and just keep justifying your PS3 purchases. like i said all of you arguing with me have PS3's.

    why call it VFDC when clearly it seems like a PS3 forum. dude stop saying negative things about my PS3. hello mcfly i bought a PS3 too. anyway have fun not playing games on your 600 dollar console. by the way when did i say online play for the 360 would be solid? ive always been saying in my opinion VF5 will be better on the 360. it just isnt online play.

    the other point i made is the PS3 should have more games by now. not just for me but for everyone who owns a PS3. i wish PS3 owners had more games to play. its not right in my opinion. you guys are real original with the smoker jokes. he he he. im sure im the only one on these forums who smokes. what does smoking have to do with what i post.

    are you guys saying all people who smoke are stereotypical stoners? judge me by my post dont judge me cause i smoke alot of people smoke. this couldve been over with but you guys just cant let it go. i hate him. grow up. i love it you guys tell me not to post unless its something to do with VF5 on the 360. it seems to me you guys are doing the same thing.

    you guys want me to stop but you lovers cant stop either. i bet sebo or someone else is the next to reply. i already know how your clique works. once again have fun not playing any games on your PS3. it says VFDC not PS3 forum.

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