VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    okay so your going to tell me that i didnt mention any problems with the 360? shutup. all im saying is i buy consoles for the games and right now the console with the best games is the 360. once again in my opinion some of you are just trying to justify your PS3 purchase. at least i kept it real. i had owned a PS3 since launch and i got tired of waiting for games. at least i admitted it.

    didnt i also say that i was going to buy a PS3 again when there was more games and when the price goes down? i like how some of you choose to only read certain parts of my post. doesnt matter what console is better. all im stating is that the 360 has the better library of games for right now.

    you guys are getting mad because im stating that the 360 has better games but its true. i think the PS3 is actually the better console but when it comes to games are you going to tell me the PS3 has a better library. thats all ive been saying, that and the fact that most games(as of right now)that are featured on both consoles are better on the 360.

    how is that starting a console war? all i did was state facts. oh and by the way online isnt that big of a deal for some of you but it is for others. i probably wont play VF5 online but you have to admit the 360 version is better than the PS3 version and thats a fact. its funny how i always have the same problems with the same people go figure.

    either way i will be playing VF5 version C on my 360 while you guys will still be waiting for games to be released on the PS3. goodluck with that. like i said ill wait to buy a PS3 again when theres more games. by the way what games on PS3 do you currently own that your actually playing? yea thats what i thought keep justifying your purchase.

    at least i admitted when i had a PS3 their were only two games that were worth owning and playing. guess what i bet your still waiting on those PS3 games to come out. all im saying is that i got tired of waiting. my friends and i just play VF5, thats it. we dont play any other games on the PS3.
  2. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Alright bro, this has been done to death. I think everyone just wants to know impressions of the game or any new info for the 360 version. I feel your frustration, but atleast we got the chance to play the game for months and I'm happy for that atleast.
  3. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Well... once again you completely miss the point of what people are trying to tell you.

    Is this a 360 vs PS3 thread? NO. All the more reason just freaking CHILL. Very little of what you say is important, and hardly EVER relevant, yet as soon as someone says something... you try to go to war over it.

    Seriously. CHILL. Don't tell everyone you're going to chill. Don't make posts and explain on the shoutbox on how you're going to chill. DO it. If you don't smoke, maybe you should. If you do smoke, maybe you should smoke more or stop, because just MAYBE it's making you troll like you do.
  4. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Destro, you changed your avatar? What happened to the game pouncing puma?
  5. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    the only reason i posted what i did was because i was responding to Absoluteboxers post. your calling me a troll. grow up thats something kids say to each other when they disagree with someones comment. how is my post trolling. is this a PS3 forum? no. even if it was a PS3 forum how am i trolling? explain this to me. am i not making valid points?

    all i did was respond to Absoluteboxers post. i didnt see you guys jumping all over absoluteboxer about his 360 comment. i bet the majority of people posting on here are PS3 owners. its like a PS3 forum. all you people do is rip on 360 version saying how much the gameplay will be messed up due to lag.

    who cares. is it not still version c and doesnt it still have alot of features that the PS3 version is lacking. you dont have to play it online. i probably wont much but stop trying to justify your PS3 purchases by bashing VF5 for 360. if you want blame sony for making a console that is harder to develop games for.

    your calling me out for trolling when this isnt even a PS3 forum. yet some of you guys that own the PS3 just cant admit that there isnt any games to play for the PS3. maybe thats why i dont even own one right now. at least i can admit VF5 for the 360 will be better than the PS3 version. so whos really trolling? in my opinion its the PS3 owners that are justifying their purchase.

    hey i can admit it i screwed up. i shouldve waited to buy a PS3. have fun playing resistance fall of man and a rushed version VF5. its like a PS3 forum. you say anything bad about the PS3 and people think your trolling. its ok to bash the 360 version of VF5 because the online play will have lag.

    i love it you can only make negative comments about the 360 on this forum. uh could it be because most of you are PS3 owners? what does smoking do have to do with my posts? thats a good one his name says 420 so im going to insult him with a post about smoking. real original. im sure im not the only one who smokes on this forum.

    so your saying people who smoke are all just your stereotypical stoners? what does smoking even have to do with what i post. maybe your mad because ive made some valid points and because of it your calling me a troll.
  6. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    You make the same post. Over and over and over. And it is always 13 paragraphs. Just don't post in this thread anymore, simple as that. :>

    You seem like a nice guy but you gotta see how repetitive it's getting.
  7. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    cool got it moderator. lol. i like how you tell me dont post in this thread anymore simple as that. then you go on to say you seem like a nice guy. fine ill stop posting unless its something about the 360 version of VF5.
  8. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Some gameplay videos are up on Ign Insider for the Xbox 360 game.

    - Lion vs Akira gameplay
    - Goh vs Vanessa gameplay
    - Lion vs Lei Fei gameplay
    - Wolf vs Aoi gameplay

    The video size is 640x360 rez, so it's more or less the same quality as the replay videos you'd get for VF5 Arcade.

    The game looks exactly like the arcade version in terms of interface and everything, I can't judge the graphics since the resolution is so low, but the game looks like the arcade version.

    Of course everyone by now knows it's Ver C. So It's got some nice customization features, and you see that chest with chains on it, before the match starts.

    It looks like IGN are capturing replay footage, since you see the direction and keys display, during the gameplay and I think there's commentary.

    Omg! Wolf's custome is f'kin Badass!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    I dunno if I should upload the videos so you guys can see it, I really want to, but if it's not allowed then I'll post pics instead.

    Ok, looks like IGN posted the arcade version rather than, the real 360 version, hopefully we'll see the real deal at GC07.
  9. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I call you a troll for three reasons:
    -1. You always seem to post asinine things (which MAY be valid points in some regards, but have NOTHING to do with the thread containing it) I seem to recall a string of shoutbox lines of you talking about how much you loved toking in the morning and such. .. point?
    -2. You post WAY too much for WAY too little content. You post 3 times with 10+ lines of text to just say PS3 doesn't have many good games? Tell us something we DONT know!
    -3. You can't take anything people say to you as criticism. You take everything as some sort of challenge to you and feel the need to show just how good you are at counter-flaming and insulting (which really isn't that great, but that's not the point)

    I said it before and I'll say it again. CHILL. There's plenty of info in the thread without you feeling that unless you write 50% of the content in it, your presence isn't justified. Just follow the lead of people like ZeroEx and others who are posting ACTUAL INFORMATION. Not your biased opinion, not your speculation, not your bitching at people who disagree with you. FACT. That's what everyone's here for, and that's why people are having such a hard time with you!

    I had an avatar before?
  10. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Just got a used Xbox360 pad, Custom stick building will commence upon return to californian soil. Till then, everything sounds good.
  11. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    lol. i love it. its so easy to get you mad destro. all it takes is for someone to disagree with you. lets me know your probably a penis in person. someone who just gets easily pissed off. i know what your trying to do. you even told me one time how you think your so cool because your good at flaming.

    so whatever start all the crap you want. your still a dork whos life probably revolves around VFDC. you think your cool because you think your good at flaming. what kindive person admits that? your so cool because your good at using posts to insult people. yea thats something to be proud of.

    in my book that makes you a geek that expresses his inner cool guy when hes online. i bet you wouldnt act or say any of this to someone in person. thats why you act the way you do online. no wonder youve got so good at flaming. its something that makes you feel cool i guess.

    personally i wouldnt be proud of flaming. it just means your good at being a dick online. whats so cool about that. sorry everyone but i wasnt going to post anymore unless it was about the VF5 on 360 but destro had to call me out. i kindive new he would since he had bragged to me before that hes was good at flaming.

    sad thing is people like that are most likely geeks if you meet them in person. i bet if i met you destro id say to myself ah thats why he acts like that when hes online.
  12. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    ...you don't have any kind of personality disorders do you? you go from being apologetic to offensive in a matter of a post or two. if several people are all telling you the same thing, maybe it's not just a coincidence, regardless of how they say it.
  13. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    Someone lock this thread, or at least start deleting irrelevant posts.
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Can we just get rid of 420 altogether so we could actually discuss VF5:360?
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Been playing this of and on between meetings online here in Leipzig.

    Working better then I expected, sometimes it hitches up yes but such instances were really rare.
    Of course this means nothing and the real test will come soon when we get reviewable code.
  16. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    So VF5 plays with no visible lag (with of course hick ups now and then) ?
  17. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I think you need to read what Fishie wrote again. He wrote, "better than expected" and you read "no visible lag". I may be wrong but the "hitches" mentioned may not be references to lag but actual game complications.

    Fishie, what is the actual distance between game stations and can you clarify what you mean by "hitches"?

  18. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Seconded for simple necessity.

    420, We've been down this road before. If you were half as smart as you thought you were, you wouldn't keep trying to take stupid cheapshots about me for telling you you're wrong. In your book I'm a geek? Aren't we on a VIDEO GAME FORUM? Who here's not a "geek?" You think you aren't? No, I think the term for you would be LOSER. You can't take criticism, you can't follow administration, and you just keep begging for attention, don't you? What else does "your book" say? Does it have anything to do with green eggs and ham? We know you LOVE your green stuff, don't you, Mr. 420? The point's been made, and it's pretty common knowledge that you're fundmentally brain damaged, so why keep feeding into that?

    I like flaming? Do I? I don't post all that much to begin with(especially compared to your 5-10 times a day and on the shoutbox), so it can't be that much fun. It's certainly not more fun than actually PLAYING VF. Do you actually play? It doesn't seem like it considering A: How much you chat on here and B: How LITTLE you talk about the game. I was being nice when I said chill, and you decided that was too much for you.

    I'm not gonna keep feeding your retardation by making a longer argument. I'm not the only person who keeps telling you you're simply wrong, but if you need to feel like you have one enemy, by all means make it me. Enjoy your little pathetic show and maybe you'll finally get yourself banned.

    Back to the topic at hand...
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Like split seconds of freezing, which they said would be taken care off.
    The thing is, the stations are right next to eachother and the network programming guy from AM2 said they were simulating a low latency situation like when two people from the same general vicinity challenge eachother and get connected trough direct connect(which the game does when choosing quick match.
    This doesnt mean its like a LAN since it still has o go trough the respective servers of people and stuff but it didt work better then expected.
    But again, how will the system cope with people on vastly differing up and download speeds on different ISPs and when they are further from eachother then a few hundred kilometers?
  20. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I'm curious to know about that as well, because I want to play people online from back home, and I would imagine the possibilities of that right now are nigh-impossible.

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