VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. SuperDave

    SuperDave Active Member

    I'm perfectly happy with my garb for Shun. I mean, I have a mad bomber hat, and a hand-made fishing pole on my back. What more could I ask for?
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I really want to make Jeffry into Uncle Ruckus from Boondocks. I need a glass eye, balding and graying hair, and maybe give him a limp!
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Just imagine the possible win quotes!
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  5. SuperDave

    SuperDave Active Member

    I finally made the reference. Yeah, he does look a bit like Krillan in the vid.
  6. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    DITTO: Because that bullshit I am looking makes me want to barf. I guess you have to appeal to the vf community as a whole.
  7. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

    Yeah dont forget vf is designed for arcades in japan, where it get alot of following, so i guess sega has to adhere more to what the japanese players want rather than the western ones. Though im sure they try to encorporate something for everyone.
  8. Marlo_Lurosci

    Marlo_Lurosci Active Member

    I'm excited. I haven't played VF since the late 90's because of the crap community.

    I for one don't want the PS3 game patched. You guys have to stop being selfish and think of me! -I need your scrubby little talent in one place.

    With that said i'd like to give a shout out to my friend AdamYuki and the "old" NYC VF crew. You Akira loving freak, i'm coming back.
  9. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    I am buying a 360 soon so it looks like I will be playing VF5 on it. See all of you online!
  10. BradWongShunDi

    BradWongShunDi New Member

  11. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    i cant wait to play VF5 on my new xbox 360 elite.
  12. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Does the "ELITE" come the new chip set? BTW played Gears of War. That game is graphically intense.
  13. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    no it doesnt come with the new chip set. microsoft was planning on releasing a 65nm chip code name falcon inside the july manufactured 360's. a 65nm chip would make the 360 cheaper to produce and thus it would cut manufacturing costs. the problem is when the chips were being tested they ended up burning out and giving 360's the red ring.

    so i recently heard the 360 should be fine if you own one that has a april manufacture date or later on it. those 360's will have a new heatsink which keeps the 360 cooler. i recommend buying a 360 at best buy with a warranty. the warranty cost 79.99 and if you want to upgrade your 360 within 2 yrs you can. just bring in your 360 with your receipt and exchange it for a new one.

    this is what im doing. when the new 360's come out in 2 yrs im going to go into best buy and tell them my 360 is freezing on me so i just want to exchange it for a new one. believe me save a little money and buy a 360 at best buy with a warranty. when i buy the PS3 again(when theres actually games)im also going to buy it from best buy and get the warranty.

    besides ive had one 360 that had to get repaired. granted it was a launch console but still it sucks waiting a month to get your console back when you love gaming. i ended up giving that 360 to my little brother in law. hes 10 yrs old and he really wanted it so i gave the 360 to him. boy did i regret it though.

    i had a PS3 and i was stuck playing two games. one was resistance fall of man and i bet you VF players know the other game. i mean how long is it really going to be till the PS3 has a decent library? the other thing that makes me mad is all the games that are on both PS3 and the 360 are better on the 360. i mean look at madden 08. 30 fps on the PS3 and 60fps on the 360. anyway im glad the sites back up.

    sorry if my post was so long.
  14. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    cant wait you can now save your character on a memory card and bring it over to a friends house. theres also going to be downloadable content on the 360. i guess its just another game thats better on the 360. this is what i mean by ports are usually better on the 360.

    sony shouldve made the PS3 more developer friendly. i mean how long is it going to take for the PS3 to have a decent library of games? its like this generation switched sides. now its not the PS2 that keeps breaking down its the 360. the xbox didnt have as many great games as the PS2 but this gen the 360 now has the better games.
  15. Absoluteboxer

    Absoluteboxer Member

    every gamestop i go to has a playable 360 that has the red ring of death, its funny..
  16. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    want to know something else funny the PS3 works fine but their isnt any games on it. lets not turn this into a console war. both systems have their faults. i just prefer the 360 right now because i got tired of waiting for the games to be released for PS3. in fact i think it sucks that PS3 owners are still having to wait for games to be released.

    seriously how long is it going to be till the PS3 has at least 5 decent games? if you wanted a blue ray player though the PS3 is a good deal. later on down the road when game developers are more familiar with the PS3 is when the console will really shine. right now though in my opinion when it comes down to which console has the better games its the 360.

    yea i know microsoft had a head start but that was smart and bad strategy by them. it was smart because the 360 has alot more better games than the PS3. not only that but the fact that the 360 is easier to develop games for means most(if not all)games on both consoles(for now)are better on the 360.

    i can list a few, fear,madden 08,oblivion(no downloads for PS3),tony hawk,VF5 360(online play and version c you can also now transfer your profile to other 360's. their are other features the PS3 version is missing but i think those were the main ones) virtua tennis 3(not that it matters much but its better on 360) i could keep going on but i think you get the point.

    now the bad part of microsofts strategy to have the 360 out before the PS3. it took until april of 07 for microsoft to start putting in the new heatsinks inside the 360. without the new heatsink the 360 has a higher chance of overheating. not only that but there were alot of other issues with the 360 that microsoft fixed.

    like i said i like both consoles but for right now as a gamer the best console is the 360.
  17. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    that's funny because that's exactly what it seems like you're trying to do.
  18. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I agree. 420, chill with the 360 vs PS3 comments, because there's more to that decision than just which system is "better". I have a 360 too, and aside from it currently not working... I prefer it over PS3 too, but this thread is for what the game will have, and what information is gathered, not why 360 has so-and-so feature and PS3 doesn't.
  19. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    I wonder how the online gameplay lag is going to be since VF is a tight frame / timing game.

    And looking at Dead on Arrival, where there isn't any just frames, the games already lagging.
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Pretty much every single one of his posts in this thread has been about how the 360 > PS3.

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