VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Altec103

    Altec103 Member

    In the Bluray forum bluray.com, there was a link stating that Microsoft admitted a design flaw in the XBOX360 that practically gaurantees a breakdown at some point on all units sold so far. I didn't click on the link to read the actual statement, though, so I can't really verify this.

    But as of right now, I feel bad if the XBOX360 version is actually version C because I won't practice on my PS3 if I know the final exam is actually going to be on the XBOX360's C version. I don't really care about the online or graphical update, I just don't want to learn something that's going to be outdated. In fact, I've stopped playing VF5 completely so far. And I barely started VF5 a few months ago when it first got released...!!! Talk about Sega screwing me, if it really is Version C for the XBOX360.
  2. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    you have homo qualities and thusly may be a homo. as much as you can say "oh gawd sony fanboys", there have been just as many, if not more, xbox 'mos screaming "oh gawd we're so cool.", kinda like how you're talking.

    it's not necessary. this is a vf board, and everyone should be happy that vf has been given new life in a new system. i have no qualms about vf going to another system, all i want is ver. c. that is all; nothing more and nothing less. so, instead of being a hypocrite, try being a little mutual.

    as was said by a wise man:

    and another that said:

    peace out.
  3. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    I wonder if they made any changes too the 360 stick ...maybe make it more modable for the gear heads...?
  4. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    I wish that MS would lighten up on the peripherals.

    It's so not cool playing with the 360 D-Pad. Online play or not, who can play on that shitty D-Pad?

    *go buy sticks, momo!!*

    yeah, like where? not many options available out there
  5. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    Check out the trading outlet at SRK. Lots of stick builders there.
  6. Grey_Fox

    Grey_Fox Member

    Man, Microsoft kinda shot themselves in the foot on this. (No 3rd party Wireless controllers). But PS3 didn't have one either did they. Does anyone know if it would cause too much lag on a high precision stick or something?
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I can see lag being an issue. I bought a wireless adapter for my PS2. Plugged in my Evo sticks. My percentage of successful Akira Knee went way down.
  8. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    could in-game lag, created by internet, grant these same results? or would actual inputs not be affected?
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I think it depends on how the code is written. I've seen frame dropping in Quake3 - Game runs at normal speed and frames are ignored so everything looks choppy. I've seen the opposite playing GranTurismo 4 online through X-Link Kai - All the frames are there and the game slows down.
  10. Grey_Fox

    Grey_Fox Member

    I can't really see them ignoring frames like in Quake, one big lag spike and you could literaly miss the entire fight. If it does slow down though, wouldn't you have a lot more time to throw escape, dodge or block?
  11. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I just hope that SEGA takes the stingiest approach possible with bandwidth. No voice, no spectators, no nothing except p,k,g, and 8 directions.

    The truth is, if there were a half decent way to play VF online, I would pay for a 360, a high speed connection, and xbox live.

    I bought a PS3 just for VF5, and thankfully I am at a point in my life where the money I spent isn't going to kill me and I don't care that there may be a better Xbox version soon. I will be happy if gets more people playing VF.

    PS: If an anthropologist wanted to capture a snapshot of the decline of the American Empire he could do worse than recording an hour of the inane banter spewing from the half-wit denizens of XBox Live.
  12. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    How bad is the banter? Is watching a soap opera on TV better?

    Since the X360 port is supposed to be better on features I was thinking of going for the X360 instead; but my sibling would prefer a PS3 for other potential games. Oh well, not as if I got the dough for it yet (or I would already be mashing buttons on the PS3).

    Anyway I can't help but be curious about what will the initial reaction be for VF5 online when it finally appears on XBL.
  13. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    It's like one of those odd couple cop movies where the two heros insult each other throughout the film, except they aren't funny.
  14. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    quoted for truth.
  15. Grey_Fox

    Grey_Fox Member

    It would have to be more than P,G, K + 8 directions, (4 directions btw, up + right = diagonally up/right) you would have to keep track of location, rotation, animation, animation frame, health, environmental damage, and time (I might be missing some stuff too) to decrease the chances of players being out of sync, bouncing off a wall that doesn't exist any more. Grabbing someone that’s 8 ft away, taking too much damage from a punch from someone in front of you (instead of behind you)...

    Like any other online game you have to keep track of a lot of stuff to account for lag, physics and randomized figures, otherwise every online game would just track the player's input. Like it was said earlier in this thread the amount of data that is being transferred isn't the bottleneck its the actual internet itself. It doesn't matter if you can transfer 20 mbits/sec. Its how many milliseconds it takes for any amount of data to get from point A to point B.
  16. mokochun

    mokochun New Member

    PS3 owners may feel betrayed.
  17. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

  18. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    Does it actually affect console owners in the slightest?
  19. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member


    I think that there wont be any diffrencesbetween Arcade and console... That ''jumping mascots'' make Virtua Fighter 5 a typical, crazy japanese game, maybe little exotic /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif For me , person from Europe its disquisting. But i love VF and i will buy it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There will be lots of differences between what you see in those commercials and what gets delivered in the home.

    Just because the xbox 360 version is based on the ver.c engine, it doesn't mean you'll get the complete ver.c "arcade experience" at home.

    The extra stuff you see there will only be for the Arcade.

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