VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    yeah thats basically what i was saying but i wish they would make online slightly different. in the screen shot i saw for online there was an option for ranked match and player match. i wish ranked matches were strictly 1v1 rooms and player matches could have more people in a room like maybe up to 8 people. also if i hope thay add private rooms in because i hate trying to play a certain person on GG and someone clicks on their name before i can get to them.
  2. XenoVagrant

    XenoVagrant Active Member

    What other options are there to play the game apart from the 360 pad and Hori's stick?
    The 360 pad obviously sucks for these games and I can't play with a stick (i just never got used to playing with arcade sticks) so I am wondering what other options i have.

    I'd like a pad with a good d-pad and digital buttons... no analog buttons and of course no triggers.

    Do you think that they will do something about it before VF5 is released?

    I wish that I could use a Saturn pad.. heck even a PS2 pad would be a better solution than XBOX's pad.
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I know someone I worked with got a pad to play Street Fighter on the 360, I'll ask him which one and if it was worth it once I actually mozy on over to work.
  4. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Same for me. I could never get used to playing with a stick, mainly the directional controls. Left movement caused me to look like a complete douche. The 360 pad will no doubt suck. I'm afraid I will be forced to use a stick and thats really going to hurt my game.
  5. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Well he got a Madcatz controler and wasn't too impressed with it either. So no help on my side.
  6. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    All of you guys should start using a stick. Your game will improve 200%.
  7. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    DOA4 stick is ok for the 360.

    In limbo on wether to buy a PS3 stick tbh, I've given up on using my ps2 adapter with my PS3 just doesn't seem right tbh so gone back to using the pad.

    It does seem weird how some characters seem to suit the joypad more than others, not sure if Sega are that clever or if it's a happy accident?
  8. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

    PS3 is the System for fighting games.. PERIOD. Tekken 5 DR ONLINE, Tekken 6, VF5 Evo hopefully, All kinds of import only fighters. I will take real human play over ONLINE anyday. Also there is no high quality sticks out for 360 nor do I hear of HORI or Sega making any. Im not talking about the rehashed DOA4 stick a REAL stick like HRAP SE
  9. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Chill dude /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif the PS3 hs a very bright future, just like the 360. Funny thing is both systems rely on each other to realise their potential. No point in arguing.
  10. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    VSHG is the best damn stick I have ever owned. If your sick of using adapters it's the stick to get. I hope sega does release a stick for 360 or hori releases their SE's, it would be a shame if they didn't.
  11. n_nlemon

    n_nlemon Member

    should be a pretty simple Sanwa conversion..
  12. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

    Another reason I would never reco0.0mend a 360 to anyone is because of the faulty rate. This was admitted by m$ that almost all of their 360's are defective and will break.

  13. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    what did sony do when the PS2 started getting disc error read. they made you buy a new console. at least microsoft will repair your damaged console. sony will just make you buy a new one when your years up.

    it took 2 to 3 years for the PS2 to get disc error read. what did sony do? they said buy another PS2. the PS3 cost 500 to 600 dollars and all sony can offer me is a one year warranty. i can see everyone bitching when there PS3's end up breaking down after 2 to 3 years.
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    You know what I did when the PS2s were breaking? I wasn't buying any.
  15. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    well regardless of a warranty. the issue isnt solved. Some ppl waiting a month for a replaced 360 but some waited a week. I am waiting until the falcon chips to get my 360. Halo 360 with falcon chip is probably not going to happen. 360 is known to have the highest failure rate of the next gen which i heard its at 30% so far. I am getting an elite once i am sure its witht he falcon chips. I can wait on version C as I can play it after that. Thats my plan anyhow.
  16. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    there's always the 360 to ps2 controller converter. I most likely going to buy that as I can control a stick and it feels to weird.
  17. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    know the disadvantages of 360 as welll. I recognized this and decided to keep the ps3 version of vf5 as i can see me with a 360 playing vf5 alot maybe online then rrod. 360 has ots problems as well. Same wth ps3. I am with the others as i think ps3 be fine. B ut I bought ps3 for other games and vf5 tho and not vf5 sololy. So yea i am going to be multi-console user this gen.
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I had a different experience. Mine was fixed for free by Sony - twice in a three year period. After the third breakdown (4 years into ownership), I was offered a refurbished PS2 for $49. Wasn't a bad deal at all.
  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Console wars are lame. And the 360 failure rate is not 30%, c'mon, use your brain and a little bit of common sense.
  20. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Gawd sony fanboys in here...

    i bought both of the systems and now im proably gonna be playing the 360 more...

    Most of you complaining wil proably wise up and get the 360 version as well.

    If you spent that much money on a ps3 than a 360 shouldnt be so hard..

    This isnt a bash thread everyone should be happy were getting a better version of vf5...

    Also ive played on the doa stick it isnt bad...

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