VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I can't see either of these versions (the one currently available on the PS3 or the one coming out for the 360) being the last ever versions of Virtua Fighter for either console.
    Even if the PS3 doesn't get this new version, or a port/patch (whatever it's called) to download, In my opinion, both systems will get the next version that is released on console (whether it be VF 5 Evo or VF6).

    Yes, it would be nice for the PS3 to get the new version, or at least the new updates to the game if not the online capability, but even if it doesn't, there will be other releases of the game; it isn't like the PS3 is doomed to play the lesser quality version of the game for the rest of time.

    And...whoever it was that said buying a PS3 solely for one game is entirely right. We have to remember that these systems are going to be the systems we use for the next 3 or more years (I heard it could be up to 10), so claiming that one system is shafted or that anyone has been screwed is, in my uneducated view, being a little short-sighted. We cannot possibly know what new releases are going to be available to either console, and I think that both systems have a lot to offer.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Lastly, the differences between the PS3 VF5 and 360 VF5 are massive.</div></div>

    Umm no it's not massive, besides online and improved A.I its not massive. Dont get me wrong i will end up buying the 360 version aswell but i dont think PS3 owners should be to disgruntled. The best and biggest news we can hope for now is the rumoured PS3 VF5 patch.
  3. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Sorry for off topic, but I remember reading a post about the PS3 hdd being too small with the prospect of downloadable games being purchased and installed.

    Just a note that the drive is a standard notebook hdd and can be replaced with a larger capacity one.

  4. MattiK

    MattiK Member

    IGN's preview claims that "The game won't feature a lobby system for viewing other people's fights and the online play will only exist within the Vs. mode."

    A huge disappoinment to me.
  5. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    I take this to mean that you can not view people's games like in "I got next" for SF2HF in a simulated arcade waiting coinop match. But i wonder if you can view your friend's list last match, like in Virtua Tennis 3? However, one dev did say they were thinking about a replay system in the leaderboards - so is this feature dropped, or is it different to what IGN are alluding to?

    Also, i'm unclear why there should be disappointment for online only in Versus? We all knew that online would be a seperate mode from the Quest mode..

    Even so, the silver lining is that you can save your own fight replays (just not send them over live) and we'll have dlc (hopefully it wont be an overpriced rip-off).
  6. MattiK

    MattiK Member

    Ah yes, I meant if VF5's "lobby" is like the one in Guilty Gear X2 (the Xbox version), it won't be fun at all. Only two people playing... boring.
  7. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    i dunno...i find that whole lobby thing a bit gimicky for fighting games, especially if it's anything like DOA4's. it's just an extra layer of loading and menu navigation holding you back from the actual fighting.

    what WOULD be cool is if they allowed people to play the arcade mode han-solo and be challenged or interrupted by other players like in the vs-city arcade set up. a simple flag in the options could be set to say if the player wanted to be challenged from the network or not.

    the default friends service on live will provide some nice backgound matchmaking functionality. if you want to challenged particular players again, just add them as friends. simple.

    i can see my friends list becoming full soon after release. there's at least a dozen people on these communities i'd like to add off the bat. think how cool this is going to be...dozens of people on these boards who've never met or indeed played will have the opportunity to spar and chat over the network. even with intervals of lag that's going to be an amazing development for the scene.
  9. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter


    VF5 stick for 360.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    For all of you selling your PS3's,

    Since they're so worthless, will you be selling them on e-bay?

    I'm currently putting together a cluster of PS3s. I could use between 4 and 6 more. How much 420gamer are you selling yours for?

    If you put it up on ebay let us know on the forum.
  11. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Not that I thought it would be, but interesting to note is that the stick is not wireless.

    Is that a final visual design? Or could there be another art plate?
  12. MattiK

    MattiK Member

    Yes, for that part, you are right. It's just so dumb to not have other players cheering in the backround, watching you and your opponent play.
  13. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    A = guard
    B= punch
    X = kick

    traditionally speaking, what moves are attributed to the placement of the Y, LT & RT button on a real life arcade booth?
  14. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    There are only 3 buttons in the arcade: guard, punch, and kick.
  15. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    + Pelican adpters (2)
    + Motor Storm
    + VF5

    = 500 bones.
  16. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    i taint selling mine.

    i like my ps3.
  17. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    If online is like guilty gear then the game should run pretty good as long as you have a good connection since it will be a 1-on-1 room. on the other hand i will miss not being able to talk to other people while im playing because some people on XBL never talk.
  18. mall

    mall Active Member

    GGX2#R was the laggiest game ive ever played on Live, i certainly hope it turns out to be nothing like that.
  19. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    i meant for the pc
  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    To echo the point, if it's strictly 1-on-1 then the connection will be better than if it has a lobby/group-view system.

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