VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "The biggest reason why we decided to include online versus play is because we received so many requests from the fans. It was quite surprising that there were many fans that expected online versus play even with lag"

    this sentence tells me they are really not trying to get a lag free VF (NOONE CANT ANYWAY!) ....remember this feauture is for americans who dont care about lag......EXPECT VF TO BE A LAGGY MESS LIKE THE REST OF FIGHTING GAMES. there is no cure for fighting game lag (or just plain old lag), it will always be there. playing vf online will seriously hamper your skills offline...where it counts...as ive been saying take it as a training mode feature...and for fucking around...everyone who brags online about winning online is a tool.

    lets talk about other features instead of the online part..seriosuly. vf online is great to fuck around..(great feature really, i like to fuck around..but not really needed)thas IT.
  2. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I agree with Suddendeath. It's not the on-line that I'm going to miss with my PS3 VF5, it's the fact the 360 will be Version C.
  3. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    Well, I must say that I couldn't care less about online play.
    That is because after any VF user pass the VF4E training, he already knows for sure what would happen to the game play in an environment with lag.

    Imagine yourself, instead of the joy of showing the correct skill by doing a ETEG that was needed to defend and take the win, we will have to adapt and discard a lot of the tools that we use in common VF play.

    SuddenDeath gave us a great example of how to use online as a teaching tool. I found that idea very clever and wordy of exploration, since every X360 user that get a copy of VF5 is a potential hardcore user of VF5.


    If X360 get a version C, then great!!
    Now let's have a patch for PS3 users and let's unify the fan base for both consoles.

    And what about online for the PS3?
    I understand that Online on PS3 is a very different story.
    You see guys, Sony does not take the load of hosting servers for games unlike XboxLive. This only translates on Sega having to create the structure for PS3 users and of course charge them for the use of that network. Just like the case of Fantasy Star Online.

    I have very bad experience in my country (Dominican Republic) seeing a fighting community divided by versions. I am referring to the Soul Calibur III community trying to align to the best SCIII version.

    A lot of people were using the American version
    Others the more balanced Japanese version

    At the end, after a lot of struggle, they all went for the Japanese version.
    But I remember the pain of some users going to a tourney to find moves with different properties and seeing their main strategies either nerfed or useless.

    I really don’t want to see the VF community on this position.

    I will buy a NexGen system in Christmas and funny enough; the only thing that I am sure about at this point is that it won’t be the Nintendo Wii.


    Heta Akira

    English is my second language, please forgive any mistake.
  4. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Well this part got me worried too. looks like they just threw it in their last minute....

    But online play that is very close and/or the same as offline play is possible. It's all in the netcode..

    But with fighing gmes it is very hard and most gaming companies dont work on it enough becuase theyre main source of revenue is arcades. I wish vf5 for the 360 could be delayed about six months more so they could put a thorough effort into the net code..but alas hope they actually work on this for vf 6
  5. 33

    33 Active Member

    Can you explain further?

    As a starting point, we all can agree that in VF 5 if you expect to be at -5 on guard, you really can't afford to be at -6 or -7, since the implications of these various disadvantages are huge (even though they may appear very small on paper).

    So exactly how is it possible to ensure (or achieve with some certainty) -5 in the online environment as opposed to some other disadvantage (e.g., -6 or -7).
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">But online play that is very close and/or the same as offline play is possible. It's all in the netcode..</div></div>

    Ummm.... no. It's not. Why do you think VF has never been online (successfully)? The engine will have to be massaged to make up for crappy internet speeds. The ironic thing is that US broadband is on average 1/10th max of Japan, and locations most likely MUCH further. Yet, here they are, appeasing whitey.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wish vf5 for the 360 could be delayed about six months more so they could put a thorough effort into the net code..</div></div>

    Doesn't matter, it will still suck. You're talking about going from the same CPU, to two different geographical locations. Even a programming novice would be taking advantage of pointers and memory whoring to allow the tightest engine possible. Now... compare that with sending packets over ethernet. This is like comparing fax to broadband.

    As it were, it really doesn't matter for a western release. Seriously, how many westerners even know how the frames system works? 1000 maybe? I'm sure Johnny PS3 would much rather play a crappy online version than a tight non-online one.
  7. Makatiel

    Makatiel Well-Known Member

    Online VF5 is awesome news for VF fans everywhere. Maybe now VF will at least get some real attention and playtime outside of Japan.
  8. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    I don't really care much for online I would want the other upgrades that the 360 has such as a better AI, an EVO dojo mode, being able to bring profiles over and version C!!! Online will just bring more casuals to the scene but I don't think it's going to bring too many dedicated players.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Rumours are persistent that PS3 will get a Version C patch, so PS3 early adopters don't fret. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. takira

    takira Well-Known Member

    It is a fucked up world:p Sony already deleting any post requesting an update in their forums. That alone tells me that an update would never happen :\
    I'm not buying any Sega product if they don't patch the PS3 ver. :\
  11. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Amen Brother. Couldn't have said it better myself. Loved the "meme" reference; it seems so true in this case. (I'm reading Dawkins at the moment.)

    Online play will usher in new players to the scene, which is GREAT, but some people may be overstating the impact online play will have on training and improving one's skill. The recording feature and other training mode options are a *much* better tools, i think.

    BTW, I think dedicated servers are the shit. Playing Resistance online is amazing. We should play sometimes. Add me (adamYUKI)!
  12. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I agree. This game wouldn't sell on xbox360 without online, so I support it. As long as this makes the game more mainstream then it's good for all of us.
  13. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    If this doesn't BRING THE PLAYERS nothing will.
  14. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Think about what you are saying: if Sega don't patch the PS3 version, in future that means by your ultimatum you'll also not buy VF6, or VF7 etc, because they will obviously be Sega games too. I believe you (and anyone else proposing a Sega game boycott) is not really thinking this through. You must be too big a Virtua Fighter fan to continue that threat.

    Anyway, I see there's a huge resentment for VF5 online for the 360. It mostly appears to be coming from PS3 owners, begrudging a missing feature - but I can understand the disappointment. I would be upset too.

    But I still maintain that in the wider scheme of things in terms of VF's success, getting a world audience is better for the series. In our hearts, we may know that VF is the best, but frankly in terms of technical innovation (ie online) VF is still behind, losing out to less superior fighters (like Dead or Alive). Tekken is going the way of online - that in plain simple terms, means Sega/VF have to compete. On paper you need a like-for-like feature list, otherwise questions are raised.

    Elites in Japan have their Arcades. But the fact is around the rest of the world in key markets, not everyone has the luxury of the arcade near them, and those arcades we do have probably dont feature VF.

    Hardcores should consider 360 online merely a distraction, as they may never even play online due to the frame worries. They probably use their PS3 version only to train and learn the game, but use the arcade as the main gaming platform and community.

    Therefore, why cater to the select few (in comparrison to potential market share of a western audience) when if the hardcore are serious about frames (and basically winning) they would not use this online option anyway. Yes, you do have to appease the majority in a functional manner.

    So online is a natural evolution. Almost a required necessity for modern games to unite gamers from across the world; but also enhance technical knowledge for developers.

    Look at it this way, consider VF5 360 a testing ground for VF & Sega to introduce online ability. Even with lag (hopefully kept to a minimum), we can consider it a definite improvement, and up for continued improvement in future releases. It can only be a good thing. The network knowledge learned to bring VF5 online, and any problems encountered therein will help to improve the franchise no end for future online play.
  15. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    At the very least, exposure to other cultures could be a benefit? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  16. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    Have you guys tried out GGPO? Pretty damn lag free with that. I'm sure it's possible to have lag free (for the most part) but it will be hard.

    In any case, online play will only increase the fan base of VF5 in America and that is something that will be welcomed by all.
  17. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    In a way, I guess if it brings people in, that's cool.. but do you really want to bother w/ two different VF's? Online & Offline? Don't know why I'm getting all worked up... I don't play anymore. Just never thought I'd see the day.
  18. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    For comparison's sake, in the DOA community, online wins are viewed as worthless by the hardcore members, and it is acknowledged that "offline" matches are the only kind with any validity; however, the appeal of online gaming did get a bunch of people hooked who eventually became members of said hardcore group.

    Hopefully it will work much the same for VF360: as a lure to get people to come to gatherings and experience the true VF5 we all know and love, offline.
  19. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    To the argument of online fighter credibility:

    What if VF5 360 uses a system similar to Virtua Tennis 3 on the 360? That features Virtua Tennis TV - the ability to view the last tennis match of anyone on your friends list - the whole match.

    If VF5 features a VFTV style thing, where you can view your friends last match, that'd rock. And if they could improve it so you can view anyone's last ranked game then we could really see if online fighers are scrubbing their way to victory, and how lag is impacting the game.

    Plus don't forget, the ability of 360 online means that if the network code is unoptimised at release, it could be tweaked through several updates..
  20. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    It's to do with the fact that the whole game relies on time being a constant. So you can calculate specifically why every move was successful or not, because you know exactly what the situation was, and exactly how many 1/60ths of a second the attackers move took to execute in relation to the current situation. So every outcome is down to the knowledge and skill of the players involved.

    Online, many of the constants become variables, so the whole environment becomes too complex to even quantify.

    But I think it will be playable tbh.

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