VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Regardless of the fact that we both acknowledge that we won't be able to convince each other, I thinks it's customary that we keep throwing insults.

    Your mother is obese and unattractive.

  2. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I think every dev has said the tools and working with Microsoft for 360 is great!. Yes if you really want to code something fantastic then coding to the metal(ASM etc..) is something you'll need to do. Sony have been playing catch up for quite some time when it comes to development tools. Microsoft have been doing this for years....

    It seems to be the never ending cycle. Release a console get not so good looking games for the first year. Everyone catches up and gets better tools and so on and so on.. Games look better. Next year same thing happens again and again.. You get the point
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Boy, has this place changed. From just skimming of this thread, it looks like the majority of people are pretty excited about getting a watered down version of the game. Tsk tsk. I don't really play this anymore, other than an occasional pop-in at the arcade (I can still stomp some ass, even though I don't know many move introduced into VF5) but I must say, I was a bit saddened to hear the news Sega had sold out.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Does the entire industry consist of weak ass faggot developers who shouldnt be in this industry to begin with?</div></div>

    That's the conclusion I've come to (for the most part anyway). I've bought two new games in the last year, and both were 2D. Maybe I'm just getting old.

    Anyways, hope everyone is well.
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    And your boss has edited out since I might meet her again soon(looking at your location I assume you work for Ubisoft) and she told me the 360 version of her game will edge out the PS3 version despite first being anounced as a PS3 exclusive.

    Edit: removed an insult
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Awww c'mon, it's not 30%. I don't even know one single person (IRL, not some anonymous Sony/Nintendo fanboy on the Internet) who has a malfunctioning 360. I'm sure they are out there, and that they number in the hundreds of thousands but that is still less than 9% of a 12 million userbase. And I bet most of those failures are limited to early units and "repaired" units; i.e. it's the same faulty machines that are breaking over and over again.

    Also, it does not change the fact that if I had to own only ONE console this generation it would be without a doubt the Xbox 360. For all the mistakes MSFT has made, they have done many more things right. They didn't, for example, have to take a +$1 billion write off and extend 360 warranties to three years. But most of all, MSFT has delivered good games and a great online environment and those are what get me my vote.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    My boss is a rather big burly man.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    cuz, maybe if am2 were a montreal based uber producer called ubisoft they'd see things from your narrow perspective. large mega developers have seperate divisions for writing online wrappers and api's....am2 have always functioned as an independent small unit....so yes, the quality of stock sdk's would make a huge difference to online play...and its implementation.

    admit it, sony have sucked dead mong's balls with ps3.....they're not a scape-goat, they deserve every bit of bad press becasue they've ripped off consumers and fucked up so monumentally.
  8. whoady4shoady

    whoady4shoady New Member

    Im actually on my forth one, but hey it happens, and I dont mind since MS customer service has been top notch and replaced them for free.
  9. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    I had mine replaced (for free) -- no problems since. The "faulty xbox" angle has been way over hyped, imo...
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Sucks yer not working under Jade
  11. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    No kidding.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    *bites his fist* that sucks on soooo many levels /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Guys, can we resist turning this thread into another console war?

    I've locked the other XBOX360 thread and updated the first post with new/confirmed info.
  13. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Ya that works nice good call, also in the interview says based off latest jap arcade version so its gotta be version C
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The official "latest" version in Japanese arcades is still Ver.B though.

    I'm pretty sure the XBOX360 version will be based on Ver.C, but until they specifically announce it, it's not official.
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">[the game will track your win/loss stats in versus mode, unlike the PS3 version] </div></div>

    the PS3 does actually do this (I have over 10 Versus only characters on my PS3). maybe they mean somehow that you can create a character whose wins/losses won't be affected outside of versus mode?

    The addition of the ability to move character files is a godsend!

    This announcement is the best thing to happen to the VF scene outside of Japan in years, IMO. Although it can easily be argued that AM2's still not off the hook as far as being full of crap goes (remember all the talk of how only Blu-Ray could hold all the item data, now they're adding MORE items plus much more gameplay/modes...), it appears they've finally decided to listen to the fans outside of Japan, which is amazing! I still don't think I'll believe it until the game's in my hand.

    Also, I don't think anyone has real reason to be upset: we all knew the 360 version was coming, at least 2 months before the PS3 version even released. Everyone knew that MS nearly demands some kind of Live support, and that the game might be updated over the PS3 release. If you bought a PS3 just for VF5 (like I did), think of it this way: from Febuary until October, you've been able to play VF5, unlike people holding out for the 360 version. I'm sure you can sell your PS3 at a slight loss if you've taken good care of it. Think of the loss as the fee you payed to play VF5 for 9 months, which I can guarantee is cheaper than what people are paying in the arcade at $1.00/game.

    Also, take solace in the fact that you've had all that practice, you'll be able to trounce all the new 360 players online! If this means you're gonna have to buy one more console, check it out: thanks to MS's new warranty extension, even used launch units have almost another 18 months of full warranty on them! Also, there's a LOT of great software for the system out there at used prices already, and almost every major game is going multi-platform at this point.

    The VSHG seems to be the saddest point if everyone's gonna be switching over, but I'm betting someone will come up with a way to mod it for the 360. If not, I'm sure there are plenty of Tekken/SC fans who'll be happy to buy them.

    Everyone should be excited about this. By connecting w/ friends in my area, I can now enjoy sessions of VF when I don't have time in my schedule to get out to a gathering. And when I DO go, I'll be able to carry my character file with me, and be excited to play @ full speed w/ no worries about lag.

    The horizon for VF just lit up.
  16. Isamu

    Isamu Active Member

    This is good news. But everyone is worried about lag this and lag that, and I'd like to get a more optimistic perspective...if both players are in the US, and on a connection with AT LEAST 6mb down/700kpbs Up, couldn't it be possible the game may very well play smoothly?

    I mean, midway absolutely nailed the netcode in Mortal Kombat Deception, a 3D game that plays relatively smooth on Xbox Live, so I can't think of a reason Sega can't pull off the same thing.
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    A good online implementation of VF5 would not be a straight port of the game online. I'm convinced AM2 will have to change some of the underlying game mechanics to make VF5 playable with lag.

    As a caveat I don't know networking programming at all, but perhaps one way to do this is to slow the game down. Instead of assuming the game runs at 60 fps, maybe program it so it runs at 30 fps online, or maybe even worst case at 15 fps. (It could depend on the players' broadband connection when played). The game still actually runs at 60 fps, just that the game engine behaves it is only 30 fps. Basically, you assume the other 30 fps is lost to lag.

    Let's say the game is built around 30 fps. This would generally mean all moves get their frames cut by 1/2. A 12-frame low punch would come out in 6 frames. A 16-frame sidekick in 8 frames. But this would also mean that there is no difference for moves less than 1 frame apart; a 16-frame sidekick and a 15-frame upper would both execute at 8 frames (15/2 = 8 rounded up) in a 30 fps environment.

    Damage may be adjusted to reflect these changes, but basically, in a 30 fps world the whole game has become simplified by 1/2. This would however ensure that the game can tolerate lag of up to 30/60 or 1/2 of a second. I.e. as long as lag is less than 1/2 of a second the game will be played smoothly and consistently. I think.

    As you can see this is a major design challenge but I trust that Sega is trying to do something along these lines rather than simply hoping people will enjoy a laggy 60 fps implementation. What do you guys think? I would be interested to hear how the budding/aspiring game designers out there would handle lag in online VF5.
  18. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    One big plus, I guess, is that even though the environment is different to offline, the conditions are the same for both players. So maybe have a dynamic frames per second system which would mean players would have to time their reactions visually as opposed to units of time that can be learned metronomically.

    Just a thought.
  19. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    couldn't say it any better akiralove. I agree 100% and I am one of those ps3 owners :). I keeping ps3 as i said earlier due to 360 problems i have when i get one. Knowing me i get one day of release of vf5.
  20. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    I think both consoles are great but this VF is case in point to play to a console's strengh, and in Xbox, Live is a strength on the 360.

    Previously I was a huge PS/Sony fan I can really understand the frustration of VF fans who supported the series on PS3 and won't be getting an online mode and other slight improvements.

    But in general, I think the more people that play VF, the better for all the community. VF is a series we all love, so being able to cross continents and play anyone in the world is a mouth-watering prospect and I respect Am2's decision to use the time for the delay to throw some net code the 360's way.

    I would have thought that an online patch should be worked on by Am2 fo the PS3 to not let their Sony fans down, but I guess with Sony being a free network there had to be a lot of comprimise for the online portion. I suppose I'm a little bit glad Xbox charges an online subscription so that the online network can flourish, as more games emerge with online play.

    All i can say is Sony VF fans, don't dishearten. Who knows what further announcements will be made in response to the 360 news.

    And 360 VF fans, I'll see you online.
    Pai~Chun likes this.

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