VF5 Netcode discussion

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Marginal, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: There's life left in VF5!

    He's just trolling.
  2. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    Re: There's life left in VF5!

    Yea, right. If I was going to troll, Why would I go to this small user base of a site, A site I've been I member of since 2007, spare me. Normally trolls troll games that have a large base of people to get pissed about it. This was just what I experience when I played it online years ago, waits for matches (normal) lag (normal) and If there are less people on now, to the point where you have to go to a website to find a match, then I'd say yea its fairly DEAD. IMO

    No, I still have my copy of VF5 online and my wonderful 360, it was months after VF5O dropped that my 360 broke, around a few months after Halo3 give or take. It'd been Jan or Feb of 09'..not alot of time. Regardless give me VF5R plz.
  3. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Re: There's life left in VF5!

    Not to many people can speak with much authority about the netcode. Basically you have to very good to gauge how much lag is present when it is not obvious and you have to know a lot about netcode and what is possible with optimal netcode.

    For me the worst thing is the last instant evade that fails (like vs Lei's charged move from across the universe). With a good connection, VF is very good. Even most of those tiny dis situations work out more often than not like they are supposed to. Moves with minimal guard stagger and/or pushback are problematic at times imo.

    This guy might believe what he is saying or he might just be trolling for reasons that maybe he doesn't even know. But nothing he has written suggests to me that he knows enough about VF or netcode to really be any kind of authority on VF netcode. So much so that I feel stupid for having even taken the time to type this.

    No offense JackyB... I don't really know much about the subject myself, but VF5 online is good enough and that alone is pretty amazing.
  4. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    Re: There's life left in VF5!

    No offense taken. I'm no VF pro, but I know a lil bit about netcodes. This thread was suppose to be about VF5 is still got life in it not about the netcode. I think there is a ton of life left in the game. People still play SSF2 and 3s still has a huge scene. I'd say VF is not dead as a franchise or a fighter, the current 360 online is for a different thread.
  5. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: There's life left in VF5!

    Maybe it's time you go back to lurking because you don't seem to have a point whatsoever. Just play the damn game, invite people here if you want GGs. If not, shut up and be gone.
  6. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    Re: There's life left in VF5!

    Beat that dead horse man, or try reading the current post in the tread. Fanboy's scorn seesh.
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: There's life left in VF5!

    No, you better go back to lurking, cause you dont have a fucking clue about this game or the people of this forum either, SEEESH.
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Too bad there isn't any real data available on the netcode of Virtua Fighter 5 (even though there is some official stuff on the graphics engine), or how data is being synchronized between both peers, how lag spikes are being handled or lag-hiding works in the game, etc...

    One thing I know for sure, though: it's certainly better than KOFXII's netcode [​IMG].
  9. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    VF5 netcode is good theres no deny about that.

    BB & SF have reason to improve cos the time is vast moving on to 2010 now

    But Doa4 was in 2005 way back of time lobby system wise avatars viewing outside while others play and can hold 16 people.

    If VF5 was set for a lobby for 4 i think it would have had more to offer and other people could of joined and learn from 1 another which would of made it last even more.
  10. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    I just popped into the site to check on any rumors regarding VF Final Tuned coming to console and noticed this thread.

    I haven't been playing VF online for about a year and a half, but I can tell you that other 3D fighters dont hold a candle to VF's netcode.

    Im playing T6 currently, and the netcode sucks. I think the code for DOA4 and SC4 was better than T6, but still no where near as lag free as VF.

    There's my two cents. Here's hoping for another VF console release!

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