VF5:FS Sarah Combo Chart

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by BLACKSTAR, Sep 6, 2012.


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    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    i'll get on it
  2. ThisGuy

    ThisGuy Active Member

    First of all, great job on the chart Blackstar. Saw quite a few new combos I didn't know worked. They definately help with maximizing damage. I've got a few combos that are more optimal.

    Side Neck Cut Sword (FL 2_8P+K)

    You can replace FL 2_8P+K(CH)-->FL 6K+G-->3PK-->FL PK with FL 2_8P+K(CH)-->FL 6K+G-->1K+G,K-->FL PK. It works on all characters below Akira, in both foot stances and does 87 damage.

    Add FL 2_8P+K(CH)-->FL 6K+G-->2P-->3KK. This combo is optimal for Akira since he can't be bound by 3K+G and it does 82 damage. Works on all characters in both foot positions except Taka.

    Add FL 2_8P+K(CH)-->FL 3K+G-->1K+G,K-->FL 7_8,K. Optimal for Jeffery and works on Taka and Wolf too. Does 85 damage and works in both foot positions. I prefer using 66K+G ender on Taka because of better positioning. FLPK ender can be used on Jeff or Wolf for better positioning.

    Backer Shift Combination (FL K+G,K)

    FL K+G,K-->3K+G,K-->FL 6K+G-->3KK works on Eileen and El Blaze in both foot positions. It does 85/92 damage.

    Vertical Hook Kick (K) / High Kick Straight (KP)

    K(CH) P-->P-->6K+G-->3KK is optimal for Akira and Jacky. It maximises damage against Akira and it works in both foot positions for Jacky. Jacky can only be bounded by 4K+G in the closed foot position. It also works on Jeffery in the open foot position. No idea why because it doesn't work on Wolf at all.

    Hope it helps.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Thanks, man. adding them in now

    oh and btw, this isn't a max damage combo list. This is a 'complete' combo list, or at least as reasonably complete as I'll make, so i don't need to replace stuff
  4. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    So far the flamingo wall combos are on the wiki.
  5. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    I was reading through the combo list and noticed these ones aren't in there:

    [2][P]+[K][K] [P] [3][K][K](G cancel) fl[K] fl[8][K] (71/76), works in both stances on all the girls, Blaze, Lion and Shun.

    Fl[P][2][K][K][K]/step [K][K][K] fl[1][K][K] fl[K] fl[8][K] (80/85), works in both stances on the girls, Blaze, Lion, Shun, Lei, Kage, Brad, Lau and Goh. On Lau and Goh the [8][K] has to be slightly delayed in open stance. It works on Jean, but the [8][K] can be teched in open stance, and it works in closed stance on Jacky.

    I also noticed [1][K] [4][4][P] [P][K](G cancel) [4][K]+[G] [6][6][K]+[G] wasn't tested on Shun and Pai in the list, but it works on them as well in both stances.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  6. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    I'll add those to the flamingo and normal list. By the way. the combo list will be in abc order so its easy to find her move names and what not.
    ToyDingo likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    It's.....done. 7 months, several WEEKS worth of hours dedicated to this list......and it's FINALLY done. :confused:

    I'm gonna run through the suggestions you guys left to double check later on, but as of today, besides that, I'm NEVER touching this list again :p
    FakeSypha, blossy1000 and Jide like this.
  8. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Cool list.
    It's missing some of the advanced jp combos like the the one I had Elite and Kamais test for me yesterday, which gives 81NH/96CH damage on Jean, from FL3K. Which is higher damage then any of the FL3K combos I saw on the chart.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  9. FakeSypha

    FakeSypha Active Member

    I'll say thanks again BLACKSTAR! Even If I kinda dropped Sarah. Well, she was intended to be a third option behind Vane (main) and Goh (sub), but I was under the assumption I played her the wrong way all the time.I figured she wasn't for me when reading this thread, lol.

    Anyway, this chart helped me a lot to get a very basic grip of her BNB combos. So I really appreciate all that time you dedicated to it. You should feel proud! :D
    steelbaz and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    thanks man, I'm really glad to see the list helped, whether or not you decided Sarah was for you :D

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Thanks for reminding me. I'll test them and add those in
    steelbaz likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Did you guys list the combos in this thread, or are they linked to a youtube vid?

    just making sure
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    good shit!

    Edit: I'll just pm you some to test, really glad you decided to cover content (finally) ;)
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    CH FLA 8/2P+K -> FLA 6K+G -> 44P -> BT PK~G -> 3KK
    Does 91.

    Works on Eileen, blaze, Vanessa, Pai, Sarah, Lei, Brad, Lau, Shun, Lion, Jean, Jacky (Jacky was a bitch to hit it on but it works)
    Doesnt seem to work on Kage, Goh, Akira and the heavies.
    BLACKSTAR and steelbaz like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

  16. blueeyedtasha

    blueeyedtasha Member

    no its more a case of thankyou, i have tried to get my sarah beyond average into good and never seem to be able to do so (in my eyes anyway) but will sit later when my 2 devils are in bed and try and get a few out :D
  17. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    noticed the master sheet had techable combos, so i thought this would be the appropriate place to post:

    66k+g/FS 2k - 1kk+g - FL 8k: about 65 damage, works up to wolf for sure (pretty sure it'll hit jeffry but didn't test yet). techable, obviously.

    the beauty of these setups is that you basically can hit them on reaction: if you see the tech miss, get your damage. if they tech, 4p+k almost certainly nails them in their un-evadable frames and you either get damage/stagger or +4 or better in FL.

    3k+g - 3kk, 45 damage, probably everyone, techable.
    3k+g - 3kg - FL 8k, 53 damage, probably everyone, techable.

    this one's a little weird: there's a stance or spacing dependence to it. however, it's a nasty tech trap since you can get a BT stagger if they tech in place. you basically have to throw it out immediately, though, and it may whiff some techs entirely. i think the 3kg should be relatively safe to use though if you don't finish on a whiff.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    If u play online, we can play some matches to get in some practice.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    This sounds like good tech. I've been neglecting this list again, among other things, due to Final Round, Sega Cup,and life stuff. But ill take a look at this tonight, so thx again
  20. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    update on the OTG combo front:

    FL 2k should give you the same as 66k+g or FS 2k, i had gotten confused and thought it ended in FL for some reason when i was writing things down. dur.

    stance dependance for 3k+g looks like:
    closed: use 3kk
    open: use 3p+k, 3kk (47 damage or so, riskier)

    there's potentially a better combo for 66k+g/FL 2k/FS 2k to use as well:

    9k+gk - 3kk - ~72 damage (iirc), techable.

    this is pretty damaging and gives spinning knockdown like 3kk or FL 6kk, meaning you can OM to the opponent's head and threaten P+K on wakeup kicks. it's braindead, too, just throw it out as soon as you connect. unfortunately, the second k does not connect in the opponent's un-evadable frames if they exact tech, but it's fairly difficult to do anything about. you can also delay the second k slightly, meaning you can switch between the kk and ppk enders if you choose. you should be fairly safe if you stop at 9k+g but i haven't tested options after that.

    disclaimer: i've only fully tested after 66k+g, the behavior after FL 2k or FS 2k might be different or stance dependent.

    if you know they're going to tech, you can still get more advantage/meatier combos from going to 4p+k, so that's still technically the smarter option. but if you'd rather not try to spot the tech this works nicely and is likely to encourage more predictable techs in the future.

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