VF5:FS Eileen Thread

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by adverse, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. TetsuyaHikari

    TetsuyaHikari Active Member

    Wow, I must be blind, lol. That is in the command list. I don't know how I missed that.

    Well, that was a waste of time for you, Myke, haha. Sorry about that! I appreciate the help regardless though!
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So lets talk new moves. 4P+K is half circular covering her back, leads into the low kick on counter hit, or you can do the 214K+G for more damage and some oki mixing. It's a nice move, but I don't find myself using it a ton as I'll use 4K if I think they're going to evade to my back to get the CH and side turned state. That side turned pressure is out of control if you know the positive on block moves.

    44P doesn't really replace 4P+K because 44P is a half circular covering eileen's front. It's one of two moves she has that does that, the other being 4K+G. I find 4K+G is often in my mix ups because of the mid Kick followup which forces them to stand up to block or get hit. You can also cancel into any of her moves after the first 4K+G, so very nice move. I end up using it instead of 44P, party because it won't put be back turned.

    43P+K is something I use when my opponent wants to counter me a lot or catch one of my punches basically. It also works pretty well on oki, it also forces crouch on block. Gotta be something you can do with that. It gets most of it's use in combos on very light characters since it bounds.

    7P+K+G is nice for spacing since you hop back very fast now and you can cancel the movement into her wari moves. It doesn't serve the same function as 8P+K+G does because you're not jumping over stuff you're just moving back slightly. It can mess with people's ranges if you're dancing right outside their max effective poking range.

    6P+K+G is an amazing move to use up close btw because of the K+G sweep or the K mid attack come out at the same exe speed so it's a true guessing game.The low does more damage if you're good at the just frame so it's the favored option. I'm getting great success with thoughtful and more patient opponents when using that move after PP or 6p+k,P. It's really forces them to react quickly.

    4P+K+G is also nice for spacing as it's kind of fast and since you can't G cancel back crouch dash, it's really the only way to cover that distance backwards without slowly walking back. It seems to work well on oki to bait mid kicks.

    That said I feel like eileen is a whole lot less safe now. She is amazing when played well and all the right decisions are made, but if you're off by a hair you're going to lose the round. I'm struggling with the safe eileen for opponents that you haven't quite figured out yet. You end up having to make a lot of small correct reads while trying to not open yourself up to any huge punishment, and it's just very difficult at the moment if your opponent flails and throws launchers with reckless abandon. All you really get at -15 is P+K,PK. The +4 is nice though don't get me wrong.

    The essence of eileen has changed and I'm still not sure how I feel about it.
  3. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Hey Tricky that was a good read. Thank you for taking the time. I didn't mean 6P+K+G, I meant 66P+K+G. You know the one move where she jumps forward and rolls. I never understood the use of that to be honest. I think it might be confusing for the opponent during oki because you can roll around them when they are on the ground, but seriously that can't be it.

    I've also been using 43P+K in some combos. Like the best 46P combo on lighter chars I have is 46P, P (or2P), 43P+K bound, 3P, 214K+G or something like that. It's probably also useful against walls.

    I agree with your last paragraph. I recognize myself having the same thoughts and problems. I find myself often baiting with moves that make me backturned, because a lot of reckless people just go apeshit with button presses when they think you are vulnerable. It's very risky though, I know that and it's probably not a good habit. You gotta stay unpredictable though.

    Also, i know this is quite a general question but I can't be more specific unfortunately. What are Eileens main tools for closing in distance? Like in general, how do you approach from long range? I obviously depends on what you think your opponent will do, but I thought I could use some tips. I like to bait whatever they're trying to pull and counter or I just get frustrated and 6K after them like an idiot. I feel so predictable when chasing people down.

    btwI believe her 214P+K (back jump) have gotten a range nerf. You feel that too or just me?
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Approaching from range is kinda hard. the 6P+K+G into K+G or K can be nice mixup but it's risky. I just use 3K along with stepping and fuzzy to slowly move in.
  5. 0Renzokuken0

    0Renzokuken0 New Member

    Just wondering, whats the difference between 9k+g and 9k? Or is 9k+g actaully her while rising k?
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    9K+G executes 1 frame faster than 9K
  7. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    posted this in another thread but, there is no [9] [K]+[G] inputting that simply executes [9]+[K] any frame difference is from distance to opponent

    This is currently being investigated, It MAY input a frame faster
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Nvm you're right. That's been changed since vanilla. I'm still using 9K+G out of habit since no difference.
  9. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Tricky, with that option select fuzzy you mention in that other thread in Dojo section. That late [P] for blue CH for example. I was trying to master that and it have been working well for me so far. As you mentioned [P] is not the only option. Nevertheless, while I was practicing I found a cool setup.

    After say a blocked 46K+G Eileen is at a -5 disadvantage. So it's a good idea to fuzzy. So you implement that option select fuzzy wich is 33G5 with a delayed [K] that will come out if the opponent goes for throw. I think it looks temptimg to go for throw after blocked 46K+G too so that's why I use that in this example. When K counter hits it knocks them back, so you can use 46P+K directly to catch tech. Also, for tech heavy players I think this looks like a good situation use it.

    I dunno, I thought it was a fun thing to use the option select for 46P+K setup. Any thoughts on it's use?
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm not by my xbox but I am curious how useful using a KG cancel into launch would be in such a situation, and maybe a way to protect yourself in case your opponent does a slow execution attack aiming to hit you out of your option select attack or if they just ducked.

    (terrible sentence structure there)
  11. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Edit: Nvm, my previous info in this post might be wrong. Only conclusion I'm certain about is that I don't find a good use for KG --> launch. It should be noted that the K input is done after a regular cd fuzzy. So it might be a good idea to just skip it since it might be hard to cancel it on reaction.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Hmmm. 3P,9PKG P is a natural combo on CH. trying to decide whether this is redundant or not.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I swear 3P on CH opens the world. Everything can get canceled into after that move on CH. If only it wasn't negative on hit.
  14. PKGJimmy

    PKGJimmy Active Member

    Some Eileen vs Eileen tricks:

    on 0:50 or 1:06, you can see on OPEN STANCE, 33 can go through 9[P][+] [K][+] [G][K]

    can go through 23 6[P][+][K]5 [P][+][G] and [P] too.

    I have tried tall character Jean which is not working
    So I think this is a special ability of Eileen(didn't test on El blaze)
    Maybe can beat other jumping attack?
    Tricky likes this.
  15. ShadowZiggy

    ShadowZiggy Member

    I'm still trying to get better with Eileen.
    Working with mix ups in dojo.
  16. PKGJimmy

    PKGJimmy Active Member

    I have no idea why I can dodge 4K+G, strange...

  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    yeah I've had these things happen in match before too. If we can learn to create those situations that'd be a huge boost to her power level. They're all very character, move and stance specific atm.
  18. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Dafuq? Weird stuff... I wish the evading props of monkey split and 33P+K were more explicit at the moment. I have no idea how to effectively dodge-punish with 2P+K+G. When I use it I just hope I'm able to catch the opponent off guard.
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    after your jacky blocks your 2P if I recall correctly you can monkey split under his 4K+G. The hitboxes in this game are all kinds of strange, especially when you're hoping around with eileen.

    Her 7P+K+G has some evasive properties too but they're very move specific too. I'm not really sure of a quick way to go about testing the frames and ranges it'll work from though. It sucks point blank but from mid distance it's gdlk. Especially since you can cancel into her monkey walk or monkey twist for some sick mixups that'll catch your opponent off guard.
  20. PKGJimmy

    PKGJimmy Active Member

    i want to share some ideas to sideturn wakeup opponent.

    Tricky likes this.

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