VF5:FS Defensive Technique Compendium

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Strider786, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I will comment on this thread just to say that it's refreshing to see some actual content here once in a while instead of just online stuff. Well done.

    I'll also take a free like, if you'd please. Oh I need to post some tech? Uhh, evade canceling is good, use it, 2_8~66~P+G. Yeah.
    Ytpme_Secaps and Strider786 like this.
  2. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    I think, as you said, not including the throw escape techniques, only the (actual) defensive techniques in the new def tech section would work best as you're not making already existing sections of the wiki redundant.

    You can make the new def tech section just like this guide with its new info and include all the techs that are already on the wiki with links. Also include a link to the "throw escape techniques" section. For example (using my format as a placeholder for stuff):

    Defensive techniques
    intro - blah blah blah...
    also see:
    Throw escape techniques (smaller title hyperlinking to the throw escape section already on the wiki)

    fuzzy guard...blah
    crouch dash fuzzy guard..blah
    struggling out of staggers - link to section where it is explained..

    And the existing sections can just be added to with new info this guide has.

    Alternatively, you can link the existing tech sections, leave them as they are, and i add the supplementary info under the same place in the guide as the linked existing section:

    Struggling after knockdown - link

    (supplementary info)

    But that will mean having to look at 2 different pages to get the full info.

    I reckon what you said would be the best course of action.

    BTW I really like the idea of using pictures to illustrate the techniques and information regarding them as done in the throw escape page. I do have an elgato capture card (though i don't know how to work it, its my brother's and he doesn't even use it) and I may be able to make pictures (and even videos like yours for the side fuzzy section) to add to this guide and make it similar to that page only ofc for defensive techs. I shall get on to that soon.

    Sorry I'm so late to replying, I was at college earlier and had about 10mins to reply so I just left a like.

    Im sooo sorry I forgot to like this! Fixed. I really appreciate your kind words :)

    I missed this too! Fixed

    We run on a free like policy in this thread y'see (at least I do :ninja:)
    Actually its just because I really appreciate everyone's contributions and comments. :)
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Since I just linked this thread for someone I read it a bit again myself and noticed an error in ECD. You don't crouch throws on frame 11.
    Both 2G and CD duck under high attacks immediately but not throws, hence why you can't fuzzy after -5. These same rules apply to CD out of evade cancel.
    Strider786 likes this.
  4. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Wouahou,great work! Congratulations...i m very newbie on fighting games....just childly questions sorry: on match against cpu: on défense( guard or hit) how to know if we are on -2 on-6 or -8 etc or positive without learn all frame attacks of all characters...possible? when i attack and it's hit or guard i know frames davantage and désavantage...but on défense? Sorry
  5. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    You'll need to learn those things. It might seem daunting at first but you'll pick it up if you play enough and study the frames from here you can get a decent hold of how the frames work.

    To make it easier, break it down by character, especially the ones that give you the most trouble and your own. Also break it down by how much + or - on block. Go to the provided link and pick a character, and you can arrange the categories by clicking on the wanted bit of info. So if you want to learn guard frames, click "GRD" and the page will reformat (refer to attached picture).

    Attached Files:

    Myke and segasaturn96 like this.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    One player's advantage is the other player's disadvantage, and vice versa. So if you already understand:
    • When you attack and it hits = advantage
    • When you attack and its guarded = disadvantage
    Then the answer to your question is just the opposite:
    • When you're attacked and it hits you = disadvantage
    • When you're attacked and you guard = advantage
    Of course, this is just the general rule to go by if you don't want to memorise frames. However, you should eventually learn basic frame data for common moves like [P], [P][K], [2][P], [6][P] which are almost universal for all characters.

    Otherwise, as @Sebo pointed out, you can consult the Command List here on VFDC for specific frame data on any move.
    segasaturn96 likes this.
  7. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Hey Myke. It's a little off the subject but where is the forum for attacks that can crush mids?
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    To my recollection there is no such thread that compiles all of these attacks, but there are random posts in the individual dojo sections and some info in the character wikis (i.e. Jeffrey section, match-ups page).

    Would be a cool list to make but very character/ mid dependent.
    Tricky likes this.
  9. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    I've watched the vid on attack levels. But its all in Japanese. There was a part at the end where Akira was demonstrating using his shoulder to crush a mid but i couldnt read the words on the screen.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    There was a translation of it at some point but I forget where. It's buried somewhere in the dojo threads. The mid crushing moves are generally rare, stance, specific mid, and space-dependent. Like 2k for lion, shun, and Eileen goes under mids under specific circumstances.
  11. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Not those. I was talking about mids that can crush other mids like Aoi's 2_3 P and Akira and Goh's shoulder.
  12. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    For fuzzy, crouch fuzzy, hard to use on match...and often i miss...middle attack and i lose lot of life...
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Mid "crushing" moves are very stance (open or closed) and frame (disadvantage) dependent.

    Ideally, these should be documented in the wiki under each Character's Move Analysis page. I just checked Aoi's Move Analysis page and it talks about the [2_][3][P] having mid (and high) crushing ability. If you discover some for a character that isn't in their wiki page, feel free to share it in that character's sub-forum in the Dojo. For completeness, try to test across a range of disadvantages in both stances.

    Also, as Tricky mentioned, some low attacks can crush mids too.
    Tricky and segasaturn96 like this.
  14. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Thanks. On match up i have problèms against Eileen she is very quick...problems against jean and lei fei to stop their strings...advices please?
  15. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Pratice, training, and learn the matchups.

    Maybe you can also ask some advices for your character.

    And of course there is everything you need to know about the game on VFDC or YouTube.

    Lei-Fei is not a character that you can 2P much, you have to know the matchup. Fast long range mediums and lows are good moves against him.

    Jean is more like VF basic, nothing crazy when you will know this character more.

    Same for Eileen, she has good strings, but she's not too hard to dojo. Learn her stance moves and you'll be fine.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
  16. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, i play van. Concretly How to learn match up?how do i do concretly on dojo??
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  17. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    You can watch replays, you can change a lot of settings in the dojo, learn the frame data, learn the punishes, watch videos, ...
    segasaturn96 likes this.
  18. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Sonic gave some good advice on Eileen generally. I could give you more specific advice about her but I'd need to know more about what it is in the matchup that is giving you trouble.
  19. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    If we're gonna talk about character specific match-ups, I think that would be best posted in a Vanessa vs. thread, so that any information posted there can be easily accessed by people looking for that specific information.

    Post it here!
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
  20. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Sorry i havent seen this thread...

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