VF5 Final Showdown: Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    His "brother" said he did... Ha ha. [​IMG]
  2. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    They should do it Tekken 4 style (press back or select during the replay to save the file). There should really be no need to change the file name, just keep it as Person A vs Person B (at this date/time) with Person A being the winner of the match.

    All of the replay options that are available in arcade mode, and in VF4Evo should be put in the replay. You shouldn't have to go through a million menus over and over again just to get back to the replay list also. That was quite bothersome imo. The list of saved replays should show up instantly after the replay has completed, or if the person decides to change what replay they want to watch at an earlier time.

    On a side note, I definitely liked unlocking wallpapers in VF4Evo. If they threw that in there again, I wouldn't mind, especially if I had to complete a specific challenge to unlock it.

    Speaking of challenges, add more different types of challenges for the game. I enjoyed doing the tutorial challenges, and the challenges during quest mode. I also liked how there were different modes of fighting (probably geared towards the casual, but fun for all nonetheless) which in itself seemed like a challenge, especially if you could only do damage with throws and nothing else. I think its those challenges that help you fine tune your skills sometimes, especially if you're focusing on say throw breaks, or working on wall combos, or even setups for ring outs. It overall makes people play better.

    As far as a tutorial goes, aside from going in detail with the game's system, the individual character tutorial should go so far in-depth as far as how a character should and can be played, best punishers, best pokes, etc... 4Evo was a good example of how it should be done, but I think it can go even further. Given the fact that there are more options in FS (jump attacks can be comboed into, combo enders can vary without the loss of damage per sé, etc) the tutorial could definitely show the casual gamer, and the entry-level gamer how easy it can be to get into VF without feeling like its too hard. Just my thoughts though...
  3. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    With Fiend on all counts.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Posted somewhere in here but current wants would include:

    -Button configuration at character select screen.

    -The option to go back to character select from a versus match.

    -Somehow allow people to easily upload profiles like in PS2 days. I know the profile system of this current gen is the culprit but maybe a workaround?

    -Allow saved replays for both offline and online versus. (Wtf was Capcom thinking with online only replays for SSF4?)

    -Ideally I'd love to see EVO's training mode return. With a record function.

    -^Ultralewis' recommendation about teaching the player proper combos and give tips how to do it (i.e. Hold forward during these jabs to make this possible).

    -This is a bit of a frilly personal request but I'd like to see the return of 'team battle'.

    -Allow the home version to closely mimic the arcade version's items. Even if it's not always current, allow DLC later on to catch up.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Team battle is a good shout. Online party team battle would be amazing. They basically need to take all the good arguments from other online games and implement them for VF.
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Halo like file share

    EVO practice mode

    Getting items online

    Being able to select specific stages online

    More stats like in EVO quest mode.

    Character data carrying over.

    Certain items from Vanilla VF5 not being in the new one. (Wolf's championship belt for example)

    Make it possible to create lobbies for up to say 4 people.

    Punishment items. You have a disconnect ratio of over 10% you have to wear something stupid.

    Show disconnect ratio online.

    Server list showing ping, not bars. Able to sort by location.

    Showing frame data on replays.

    PR statements.

    Continued support from Sega via patches for arcade revisions and item packs.
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    To be honest all replays should be automatically saved if you want it. How much space does a replay file take up? An option to automatically save and name all matches as replays would be much better. Should you want to turn it off you always could of course. But for console tournaments having every single match automatically saved as a replay would be quite good.
  8. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    The ability to change your control layout in the middle of a multiplayer match instead of backing out through several different menus.
  9. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    More or less the same idea (i think).

    In payer matches, after a long set, click the save replay option and it could give you this option:

    Save all matches
    Save last match only

    That way, if you want to save one replay of a really novel match you can. If you want to save the entire set as a whole (for analysis) you can.

    Advanced replay controls. I should be able to restart replays at any round (rather than just the entire fight), as well as pause, rewind and fast fowrard. (and of course the frames counter, lol.)

    Also, i could allow you to take your saved set (from above) and save each match individually. In case match 15 of 30 was really great and you want to share it on youtube.

    however, repay options would be lower on my list of things i'd like to see. [​IMG]
  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    They absolutely HAVE TO give us the new replay format with the advantage/disadvantage frames displayed on the bottom.

    That frame counter, if included in the port, will be one of the most useful learning tools in the whole game. Watching replays to see what mistakes you made is one thing, but being able to clearly see where you might have made some poor decisions frame-wise will be extremely valuable...

    If they give us that particular feature, it will really help all players improve at the game. It will make your punishment options a lot more obvious and will help players make less, stupid mistakes.
  11. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    I would like that tool in the dojo mode :p
  12. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I know I said this before but, I still hope they put in the "high-mid-low-" indicator thing when you get hit while watching replays.

    There's a grip of moves that I don't know where i'm gettin hit at and the only time I can test is to use the character and move in dojo (I aint tryin to do all that), or during the fight, which is tuff cause I got no idea when x move will come out.

    I dunno how to explain it but it would be mad easier for me to remember where x move hits and goes into with the hit indicator thing. Thus raising my D to a whole.. nutha.. level.

    As long as i've been playing this I still can't remember where 90% of strings/moves hit. i.e. Jacky: that 2 piece he has that ends with an uppercut, I still don't know where those hit. And that's some simple shit.

    Or better yet, when you go in Dojo, whatever character you decide to spar with, you can choose to have the cpu go through the movelist of x character and make you block and/or evade the whole list of moves 2-3 times each as you go through em. I'd really dig some stuff like that cause then I could try and counter or sabaki certain moves in the string. Whoooooo. It'll be ugly if they throw that in there.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Mid, Mid Bro. There i just rasied your D to a whole nutha level lol!!! Whats Good Kid? Hit me when you get online.
  14. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Locked. Don't do that move no more, it's getting sabaki'd or countered. [​IMG]

    No doubt. You'll be the first person i'll look for lol. I still gotta hook you up in some HD Remix too.
  15. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    1. Online play
    2. A LOBBY with at least 3 people.
    3. A good training Dojo.
    4. Street fighter online challenge (HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER) when your playing arcade mode.
    5. Send, receive and save replay matches.
    6. Stage selection on online play.
    7. Live Spectator mode.
    8. Replay matches saves automatically.
    9. Quest mode = Online mode. - Quest mode is online mode.
    10. A faster Character selectoin
  16. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    kidvid FTW!
  17. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Online item/money matches. It would also be kinda nice if you could wager money as a spectator and/or trade items you have with ones you want.

    All those modes they have in the arcade like Knockout Trials should be in the console also, especially in arcade mode at least...

    Youtube/Twitter interaction would be dope too... I personally would like the YouTube portion, as I would like constructive criticism from fellow VFers, or potential VFers who have questions about a certain move/character/etc...
  18. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Heres a good console feature.

    "Playable outside japan"
  19. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    SEGA can't seem to figure out how to program that one though.
  20. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Hell....that would even be nice if that was feature for the arcade edition of VFR and FS.

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