VF5 Final Showdown: Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. ShinjukuATM

    ShinjukuATM Well-Known Member

    They could integrate a Story in arcade mode (intros,rivalry,outros etc.)...They definitely need to pimp up the presentation of the quest mode.4 example with real pictures (vids) of that exciting cities Tokyo,Osaka...and the most famous arcades.Include real tournaments like SBO and so.Have bios,pictures,...of the real jp players that are already included so u really feel like u are playing amongst these guys.Could attract new players to get into the competetive fighting scene 4 real.Especially them with a predilection 4 japanese culture.A good dojo mode is a must.Most new dudes dont dig the internet 4 stuff like combos and advanced techniques first.Things like survival mode time attack dont hurt as well.More online modes 4 sure.
  2. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    More achievements would also help the replay value... And if any addons were released, more achievements should follow right behind it.
  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    With the differences in FS, I think it would be cool to include R as nice little bonus.
  4. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I'd like R in as well.

    After hearing the music in FS I want the option to use R's tunes and the rest of the VF series. I also really want a custom soundtrack it's something I've enjoyed using in Tekken 6, KOF 12 and SF4 on PS3. I like trying to match a tune perfectly to the stage. Dunno how that feature works on 360.

    I wanna use ephemeral dream from SC3 on Aoi's stage.
    and hubris from SC2 on Lei's stage
  5. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Well, i've heard the eileen's music in the FS from VF5 Vanilla, so the old's music option is still there. If they port the game on console i guess the option will be there, like sega did with vf4 evo on ps2.
  6. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Cannot co-exist. </div></div>
    yes, it can. spectators are completely separate from the connection interaction between the two players in any decent game. how do you think theres almost no lag on ggpo with 200 spectators on a match?
  7. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Spectators are an issue with decentralized netcode, which VF5 uses. Without a central server, which GGPO has, spectators must be kept in sync by having the input data from both competitors sent to them asynchronously from the competitors' connections, and then resynchronized when it is received. The process of sending that data to spectators can easily cause bottlenecks depending on how the system is implemented. Like for instance, any attempt to keep the spectators in sync with the match in real time would almost certainly add lag.

    One possible solution would be to allocate a buffer of the input for the whole match, and simply send it to spectators as quickly as the connection allowed, without attempting to keep them synchronized with the actual match. Memory-wise it should be feasible, but it would create issues such as the spectators would not see the end of the match if they were on too slow of a connection.

    Another possible solution would be to use a smaller ring buffer, which would save memory and prevent spectators from getting too out of sync, but would cause frequent loss of match synchronization on connections where there was too much lag, causing the spectators to see stuttering and characters randomly jumping around. Still, I'd prefer that solution to one where they would add lag.
  8. Minijote

    Minijote New Member

    As everyone said, the vf4 Evo's training mode would be perfect. I always enjoyed fighting games but never tried hard on them and found difficult to play those kind of games ; vf4 Evo was my messiah.
  9. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    One small thing i'd like is when watching a saved replay, have an option to show where the attacks are hitting i.e. High, Low, Mid.

    Not sure how possible that is. I know they have that currently (by default) while in the dojo, but during replays would be pretty sweet.
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It's in the R replays along with frame data and damage.
  11. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Yea, that's what made me think of that, from seeing it on the vids from arcade play.

    Frame data shmame data, just tell me where i'm getting hit lol. Nah, it'd be cool to have all those, i'd be happy with just the one, i'm not too much of a frame dude.

    But hey, why leave others out eh? Throw it all in there.
  12. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Due to recently rediscovering Team Fortress 2 I've had a tiny epiphany.

    I would want some properly thought out achievements for this game.

    TF2 can be played in two ways. The first is to play the game for what it is and figure out the best way to play a certain class and be as efficient as possible in dismanteling the opposition. the other way is to grind for achievements, doing things that half the time don't even seem to help your team to get a little celebratory pop-up.

    The thing is that these players who are playing in this grind-mode slowly get to appreciate the way the 'real' game works and after they get bored with the grind graduate to become clan-members and dive into honing their skills and tactics. Or at least they keep playing long enough to get to that point because they've unwittingly been learning new stuff all along.

    There's yet to be a fighting game to realize the potential of this approach. An achievement like 'reach X BP' or 'win X matches' is all fine and dandy but where's the achievement for 25 matches where you don't whiff a single attack? Or the block or evade 20 or 30 attacks in a row? Or reverse three attacks in one round? Things you can actually do with your character during a match instead of vague and grand milestones.

    That stuff was in VF4E's quest mode, they're ready made achievements for the game proper. And it gets people to try things in the gameplay and learn the controls instead of mashing away and complaining if it doesn't work.

    Maybe someone's said this before me and I typed a load of text for nought but hey, I really think this could expand the minds of a load of players that try to pick up this (or any other fighting-) game and bail out early because they get beaten due to cheap tactics, so its worth it to iterate this.
  13. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    So lets go over this again. I can fight other characters for their costume parts? For example if I where an Pai player and I defeated a Kage player. I get to have Kage's mask for Pai to wear? That is my understanding.

    I only play Virtua Fighter because I am a causal player.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Whats i would like to see in a console version.......
    VF5R as a option to play also.

    In Final showdown i would love the option to select the 3 versions of each stage plus the Dural transformed stages.
    Same goes for the music.

    Slow motion for watching replays.

    Everything else i mentioned before.
  15. shabulia

    shabulia Active Member

    I think it'd be nice to have a file transfer system so you could use your already saved chaeacter in VF5, with the same record, in VF5FS. That'd be easy to do and you'd still have all of your items plus the ability to add new ones.
  16. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    I don't mind starting over. I start over all the time.
  17. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    A quick save feature for the replays.

    I've had a grip of fights I wanted to save, even if it was only for one thing that happened during the fight but didn't cause of the time it takes.
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I hope they keep the instant rematch option. No need to go to the character select in VF. I really like that they encourage you to play with one character. People need to perfect one rather than be mediocre with everyone... Lemmy is the game anyone? [​IMG]
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    He didn't master every character?
  20. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Nobody seems to care for achievements/trophies as far as I`ve been reading.

    A combo training mode that shows you characters combo potential and being awarded for it to would be nice. Also if the combo training mode explained methods of doing the combos like evo did that would be great to! It may inspire people to learn more characters?

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