VF5 Final Showdown: Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

  2. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I made a document which I sent to Sega sometime ago. I can't find the final version but if someone wants to clean it up.

    Here it is

    VF5 Wish List
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well yes, that too, the ability to carry your profile and custom characters on a memory stick in VF5 was one of the unique aspects of console version fighting games. Its very cool.
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I would wet myself if it had this, it would seriously get me excited.
  5. Berzerk

    Berzerk Well-Known Member

    Some good features posted here, particularly replay and training, and definitely multi person lobbies (better yet control the size of the lobbies yourself - if you want fast 2 player only, great!)

    However most important for VF, is a REAL STORY MODE

    The appeal of Virtua Fighter to casual fans truly suffers due to the lack of connection to the characters. Sega, fix this and there will be more fans of the game.
  6. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I think it's pretty important...
    Newbies see Akira, the "generic guy" or the "main character", try him out, and think that VF5's moves are impossible to perform.
    "virtua fiter 5 is to hard it sux"

    ...Aw crap, threads die and decompose before they even reach page 2...
  7. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    The Ability to train AI's by showing them techniques of your opponents.
  8. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You shouldn't be surprised how important this unimportant feature is to this game. Some people on here scoff at a story mode yet jizz on their custom characters. It's all about identification no matter how stupid.

    I'm not even a big story guy and I followed the dumbass Mishima storyine for the most part. Or at least READ about it since I played jack shit Tekken. (Even though I bought it; hilarity)
  9. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Ah man that would be sweet. And to build on that, the ability to have the cpu do a certain move/sequence after you do a certain move.
  10. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    If the training mode was even more indepth than VF4Evo (sample combos, setups, easy to understand info), I'd be a happy camper. There are alot of people who turned down the vf series because of how "complex" the game seems. It's really not that complex if one were to just sit and practice the basics.

    I'd also prefer a replay mode that saved the persons gt, rather than trying to remember which Jeffry or which Akira I fought... Granted I label my replays, but when I watch my BB replays I know that I used my Noel and fought this person's Tager... I would also like it if a playlist option were available. I don't want to have to sift through menus to play 1 replay and do it all over again for another, when the exhibitions can just be played continuously and seemlessly...

    More items would be a plus... It sucks that not all of the items in VF5 ver C were put on the console, and then the DLC that was available was merely items that you could earn by playing the game...

    Special stages would be good, too. Like Dural's stage from VF2... I'd also like if all the soundtracks from all the VFs were available from jump, as long as there's an option to have the songs play at random, or the player could determine which songs from which vf they would want playing while they fought... Speaking of changing songs, and option to change the training stage song would be good as well, and the online lobby song... Seriously its bad enough to stare at green pentagons while waiting for someone to fight you, but to hear that song is almost as bad as the mvc2 character select song...
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">the DLC that was available was merely items that you could earn by playing the game... </div></div>

    That's funny 'cause I had 100% items with Wolf and Akira then when I got the item packs they were brand new items.
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    You couldn't earn them by playing the game. The DLC, if you want to call it that, merely unlocked items that were already on the disc.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Good lookin' out Libertine... I stand corrected... [​IMG]
  14. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    A thousand times this: Continuous play of saved replays.

    The exhibition matches are fine and all but they get old fast. On the other hand, saved replays don't: watching them is actually useful in order to improve one's gameplay.

    PS: I wouldn't mind having that feature in VF5 vanilla either, if only SEGA took 5 minutes to patch it in...
  15. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    1. It may not be common knowledge, but VF 4 EVO had combo starter list on free training options. You could even see top combos for different positions and hit types. Sega should get this for console FS too in some form.

    2. Do THE training mode. People who don't get VF simply think it's too complex, while it's not. Without a good training mode with all the goodies like recordingng inputs and complete combo training tool less people care. Do it ála EVo and beef it up.

    3. Do the bloody conversion for heavens sake !
  16. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Ping with ms (not kolored strips/dot because that solution is useless on online gaming/searching good I/C).
    Online dojo for trening & fun (when ping is poor) = neverending trening for fun without time/energy.
    BAN's & Kick's from room.
    CF - Country Flags (IP detect [can be masked or hide if player want that]).
    Similiar ranking/skills detection [on or off].
    Import player customize profile from old VF versions (Quest Mode).
    Headset conversation is needless. Talks can be in progress beyond online match. Then net band has lower ballast/load [?].
    Host choices/decides number of fights & % of energy + time (random or selected stages).
    Styles of playng dtyles (defending, attacking, avoiding, counterman's percentage calculated statistics from playing kind styles & techniques, throwers addict, tear maniacs, patience brains, position keepers, short/mid/long combo kings or 'other' names of other fighting attitude).

  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Ill do some recapping:

    + To allow us get the game

    + game: Make the game possible to update with patches via online connection

    + game system: ability to copy/transfer your player profile to a USB-stick or at least memory card (current VF5 xbox-version functionality)

    + game system: ability to play versus with two different profiles at the same time (current functionality)

    + all modes: allow saving of match replays (current functionality)

    + game system: Make it possible to share replay files via memorycard/USB-stick (very difficult in current console versions; on Ps3 this feature has not been designed well, in xbox version the replays are locked and gamer profile-specific and thus cannot be shared). There is no need for a server sharing the files like in SF4, just make it possible for players to copy these files and read somebody elses replayfiles.

    + game system: when setting buttons, please copy the blazblue method of pressing a button down and then using left/right direction to choose the function of the button. This is immensely useful for people with arcade joysticks and custom joysticks.
    (Blazblue functionality)

    game modes:
    + training mode: you can record for 10 seconds what the opponent does and make opponent perform this recording repeatedly (aka. record mode, VF4Evo functionality)

    + training mode: setting to show advantage/disadvantage when moves hit/are blocked. (VF5R replay functionality)

    + All modes: in the character movelist: show basic combos related to a move after clicking a move in the movelist (VF4Evo functionality)

    + Tutorialmode: a mode that shows some basic things about a character. (VF4Evo functionality, missing completely from VF5 consoleversions)

    + Tutorialmode: a mode that has practises for defensetechniques like fuzzy guard and throwescapes, evade-throw escape-guard. (VF4evo functionality to a certain extent)

    + Training mode: make sure it retains the opponent settings regarding fall recovery/exact recovery/stagger recovery/turning around and so on. (current functionality)

    + Online mode: make it possible to turn down an online match after you see the latency (missing from all console versions). You can make it like in Tekken 6 where you see latency before seeing who you are playing against if this is absolutely necessary. (functionality in basically every other online fighting game except VF5)

    + Online mode: Make sure that latency is visible in the first place (current functionality but not working very well)

    + online mode: Allow creation of player lobbies of 4-5 people. These are great for social play and practise at the same time. Tekken 6 console version has nice lobbies for the most part.
    (tekken 6 functionality)

    + online mode: allow online match search to filter by geographical location. Other kind of filters wouldnt be bad. (Tekken 6 functionality)

    I mentioned some existing things just to ensure that they are not taken out of the game.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  19. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    What? Only that? You'r master po... you should write a poem for every post [​IMG]
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


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