VF5 Final Showdown: Console Features

Discussion in 'Console' started by Brisal73, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    u know for those instants where u need a witness to a FT5 for an online tourney or otherwise...
    or if u just like to watch top lvl play live!
  2. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    items can only be unlock by getting orbs and cash only available in oline fights,no quest mode BS. Also link to VF.Net so Sega can update for new items and such,and put in a story with ending's for single player...get with the times Am2(even if story is bad so what just put it there)
  3. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Here are my suggestions:

    - Training like Virtua Figher 4 Evolution (everyone agree about that)

    - A better way to use your own data in another console.

    These 2 are a must. You cannot port this game without it, because you will face the same problems with vf5 vanilla.


    - A VF.TV which can upload your replay on a net, like in halo, and where you don't need your profile to share the replay to a friend (with your memory unit/card).

    - All the feature used in the arcade showed in the replay (frame data advatage/disadvantage, input showed, etc). THIS ONE IS HIGHLY RECCOMENDED.

    - Much more items, and maybe put something as dlc.

    - A limited edition with a stick (possibly like the street fighter series) included as soul calibur 4 did (but the crappy hory ex 2).

    I will buy the limited edition if there will be a good stick like the arcade fight stick or the tournament edition.
  4. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    IMO BB has the best netcode for a fighter even with all 8 players in the room. I feel that a lobby system is a must if players don't like it simply don't use the option but make it optional at least
  5. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    For me I want the online system just like BlazBlue's right down to their new updated lobby system. Even when a match is started in the room your put on standby until a spot opens up and then it enters you in automatically. So you don't have to play the refresh game. Also have it so you can change the music of the lobby like in Virtual On: OT so you don't hear that awful overused track... dun dun duun.. dun dun dun duuun... etc.

    For offline I want everything VF4 Evo had and it'll be perfect.
  6. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    - More possibilities with dojo mode, including setting the CPU to do a series of moves from that characters command list. (In order to practice techniques such as stagger recover -> ETEG)

    - Ability to upload replays to VF.TV as already suggested.

    - Show relative advantage/disadvantage like in VF5R. Possibly take this a step further so you know your advantage/disadvantage in general not just the frames on block/hit/counterhit but also the disadvantage/advantage on whiff/evade (both successful and unsuccessful) when rising from the ground and also after having escaped a stagger.

    - Ability to pick specific stages online and not just the type of stage.

    - Make the random stage option actually cycle between random stages online and not just pick one stage randomly then stick with it.

    - Ignore everyone's claims which have no effect whatsoever on gameplay (such as items/costumes/how your character looks different when wet...who the fuck cares?) and instead focus on important changes which affect GAMEPLAY.
  7. laidlocks

    laidlocks Active Member

    i will be happy if they just added the training mode they had in PS2 VF4 Evo. That's what made me fall in love with the game.
  8. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    umm....the people who requested this care. If you are playing pretend to begin with...no reason to shit on somebody else's request.
    It's not like they can only do items OR gameplay. They can do both.
  9. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    More customization's for Jeffry including fish biting on Jeffy's ass, fish on his back, fishing rod, perhaps his boat on his back, better armor etc etc, don't skimp out on the customizations is basically all I'm asking for, everyone else have already mentioned some things I want.
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    1. record mode for dojo (Record and playback inputs for opponent in dojo )

    2. record mode

    3. record mode

    4. Better tutorials for VF basics

    5. Online player match lobby system like in Tekken 6 or blazblue with ranked remaining same as in VF5

    6. record mode

    7. More customization options, although this is secondary

    8. record mode

    9. Ability to filter match search online by regions like in Tekken 6

    10. Ability to deny a challenge after you see the latency. It could be made same as in tekken 6 where you can cancel the match when you see the latency but you dont see who you are playing against yet.

    11. record mode

    Two most important features is improving dojo and improving online matchmaking (lobby)
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    1. For it to even come to console.
    2. Get updates via download (i.e. ver b. to c.)
    3. Record Function
    4. Comprehensive, User/Nooby Friendly Tutorial
    5. Ability to display frames in Replay/Dojo mode

    Anything else is trivial.
  12. NFlamezV

    NFlamezV Member

    1 It can be difficult for beginners to play and appreciate the deep gameplay of Virtua Fighter. An extensive training mode in required. VF5’s Dojo is not enough. A step-by-step guide would better. Including beginner tactics, intermediate tactics and expert tactics such as Juggling, High, Mid and Low hits, etc.

    2. Firstly, the console versions never received those pre-pre-fight animations that are seen in all Arcade versions of Virtua Fighter 5. I would like them to also be featured in the console version. They should only be seen during Online VS mode to avoid being repetitive.

    3. I notice that in VF5R not all stages are square-shaped. Some are rectangle and even hexagon. A new feature could be customized stages. After choosing from a set default backgrounds, player could should choose the type of flooring, shape of flooring and whether the stage has no fence, low fence, high fence, and a BGM (from retro VF BGMs). This would be the "Customizable Stage" feature not found in any 3D Fighting game.

    4. I know the VF series doesn't focus upon the games story and I'm not expecting a "Story Mode" but you could include a "Gallery Mode" displaying artwork of the characters and "Character Bios" given their stories.

    5. Bring back the Team Battle mode from Virtua Fighter 3TB.

    6.To be available to have the option of selecting anyone of the costumes from the select screen. Holding Start to be the sub-costume is just unecessasary.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'd like every input display that was included with VF4:Evo too.
  14. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

  15. Mcwild

    Mcwild New Member

    1 trainning mode as comprehensive as Evo's
    2 A story mode with character intro and ending
    3 Ability to view replay's frame by frame
    4 Return of hyper fighting mode from Evo

    These are the main things i'd like to see.
  16. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Here's what I want:

    HDR/Blazblue-style button config. You hit start, go to button config, it says P, you hit the button and that's your punch button.

    Every item in the game purchaseable via fight money. (other methods of getting fine)

    Be able to get money/items via online play.

    You do those things, I'll be happy for years. I'll be happy if it just comes out, but those three things would help. #1 is only important for tournies.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    YES! I forgot setting buttons. Please give us the blazblue controller settings scheme.
  18. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    I'd love this too. Everytime I have friends over to play FGs other than HDR or BlazBlue it's a pain everytime we have to pass the controller (most of the time I'm the only one playing on stick)
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    It would just be nice if they played off the memory card feature found in vf4 version C on ps2, but this time button config settings is also saved to the memory card. Once a person pops in there memory card the button settings are also read from the card and adjusted automatically.
  20. mahmood1982

    mahmood1982 Well-Known Member

    good idea.. but still not good time talking about this now. i cant trust SEGA. [​IMG]

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