VF5 Final Showdown Console FAQ

Discussion in 'Console' started by akai, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    don't get me wrong i'm gald their doing it this way, but you know it kinda kills one of the reasons you play the game to get better and to be rewarded with some of those items. XD i could see them adding one or two things in the future that gives you a secret item after you beat all the modes or something like that to be like a throwback to the older item systems. XD idk
  2. Katsuro

    Katsuro Well-Known Member

    I kind of agree, BUT at the same time after looking through all the items part of me is glad that I won't have to wait for ages to get some of the really, really cool stuff. In vanilla I only got 100% of the items for Akira, everyone else is stuck at needing just one more item and no matter how many times I do the balloon trick I just can't get them, and it's really bloody annoying.

    So I've come to terms with the reawrd aspect of it being gone. If I got stuck one needing one item for Kage and it was his skull mask I think I'd cry constantly until I finally got it lol.
  3. Gelf

    Gelf Member

    I will miss earning items too, its nice to be rewarded. Something that sadly seemed to go missing from games this gen, now your only reward for good play is a little jingle and achievement pop up.

    The worst part about earning them in quest mode though was the random nature of most of it. If instead they could have it so your earning them through well defined conditions like winning tournaments completing quest orders and so on I think it would be better.

    I think it would be good if they held back a small number of items for reward purposes. Not too many of course because people are paying for them.
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The baloon trick done away with a lot of the randomness, thankfully.

    I'll miss item battles.
  5. Katsuro

    Katsuro Well-Known Member

    We must be playing different games, because the vast majority of games I play these days still have unlockable rewards.

    What is becoming more common though is the option to not have to unlock stuff...for a price. Like Forza 4 you can "buy" the cars with in-game credits that you earn from racing, selling cars etc or you you can pay real money for "tokens". Or Battlefield 3 you can unlock everything normally by playing the game or you can pay for DLC that will unlock it all (that DLC wasn't released until several months after the game came out btw).

    I understand the rewards thing, part of me even likes it and I have to admit that many times after I've unlocked everything in a game I don't feel so enthusiastic about playing it, but I'm not all that bothered by it. If the game is good and it's fun shouldn't the enjoyment that comes from playing it be reward enough? Nobody complains that most board games don't have rewards or unlocks. Nobody complains that you don't unlock anything or get any rewards when you play football (as in soccer) in the park with your mates on a Sunday afternoon.

    You could even argue that unlocks are kind of bullshit; you already paid £40 for the game why can't you just have everything in it already. If you're not very good at the game then you might never get to see or use half the stuff you paid real money for. Not saying that's my opinion btw, just saying it's a valid point that someone could make.
  6. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    When you buy a game the unlocks are a form of reward for doing things in that game.

    When you buy dlc you are paying real money for extra things. It would really suck if you have to pay extra real money to complete the game and then still unlock them in the game.
  7. Someone

    Someone Active Member

    No one knows the size of the game yet?
  8. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The game is 2gigs, at least on the 360.
  9. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    someone told me a rumor i'm not sure if's it's true. but appearently microsoft has already allowed larger files/games bigger then 2 gigs for the arcade part of live. it's up to about 4gigs or so. someone told me a few nights back but i'm not too sure if i believe it yet. cause we would've got the remake of strangers wrath and that was only 2.2 gigs and it was denied release for the 360 at time of lanuch. XD
  10. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    i want to learn more about special sparring mode..maybe is like kumite mode.
  11. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    I need this game!
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Cap is 2.2gb, there's not any games on xbla bigger than that. I read that they struggled to fit Strangers Wrath in that limit.
  13. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    ahhh cool cool thanks for confirming that for me. ^_^
  14. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    You dare quote me? hahah.

    Ranked? What for? Online VF isn't "real" VF, and the bragging rights would only be for "online warriors" since most all the stuff one does and gets away with online, doesn't work offline, with safe resets, winning exchanges out of disadvantage and so on. So what's the point on getting to a high rank online?

    /end sarcasm.

    I like lobbies. Though I have this strange feeling I (among with others) will be kicked out of a lot of em for not playing VF right lol, or not being good enough. It's serious buisness out there! Kidding on the last part.

    I'll try to rank up if there's a feature where you have to be at a certain rank to enter a room. Other than that, meh.. Maybe a few here n there.
  15. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    i was kinda hoping it wouldn't go the tekken 6 route where the only way to progress is going online only to find infintly better players to kick down any new comers, lord knows i've had that happened to me alot. that online match up system is ass in that game. X_X but that's tekken 6, i know the guys at sega am-2 will do a kick-ass job but still.... i prefer those ranks to be more of a offline nature. XD

    XD i prefer the older layout of the ranking. that's something you've earned going through single player, with the ai keeping you entertained when you find new throws, combos rather then playing against someone who's basicly god-teir with no hope of winning.

    XD i think of myself of as a above avarage player i'm slowly dibbling in frame reading thanks to vf4:evo but i'm sure so while i play this for fun i don't want that fun to be well ruinned because i'm not up turnament level. XD i hope that explains it but it's werid. but yeah, thanks for reading XD
  16. Aion

    Aion Well-Known Member

    Anyone know how the Star Player system works in the Arcade version? Like, how do they issue it? Because depending on how they do it maybe they can do something similar for the console version.
  17. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    A special tournament is given and the winner of that tourney becomes a star player, if I'm not mistaken.
  18. Aion

    Aion Well-Known Member

    But how does the arcade machine/game recognise that the special tournament is happening? Because depending on how it's done, maybe Sega or a tourney organizer (via Sega's permission) can allow the same thing for console tourney's...
  19. xTank_Girl

    xTank_Girl Active Member

    Any one up for VF5 i need to get back in shape alittle rusty plz add me on 360 if u do plz say VFDC
  20. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I believe it's done manually. Star players only come through official sega tournaments as far as i can tell.

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