VF4 Evo TACTICS ADVICE for all characters

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by LM_Akira, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    archangel said:

    Only problem i have with the pai bit is the [2_][4] [P] being good against [2][P]. As far as i'm concerned the move sucks against low punches. I've tried the move to avoid low punches on most characters, but time after time been hit by the low punch.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know what the problem is. The [2_][4][P] will avoid a low punch if you're in open stance. The tactic given starts you off with [1][K]+[G] which changes stance, so if you start closed you'll end up open. On [1][K]+[G] normal hit you're left with a disadvantage (csnape's post says advantage which I think was a typo) so players will be tempted to counter attack you, and if they go with a [2][P] then this tactic will be effective.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Urmmm yes with regards to Pai I think I meant to say that the opponent will have a slight advantage as opposed to Pai.



    1.[4][K]+[G](press and hold goes to Choukarou)>[6][P]+[K]+[G][P] (from Choukarou)
    2.[2][3][6][P]>[4][6][P]>high throw
    3.[6][K](to Choukarou)>[P](fromChoukarou)>[8][K]+[G]
    6.[2][P]>[2_][3][P]...counter>combo...guard>Throw Escape with [P]+[G]


    1.[4][K]+[G] is useful to attack rising opponents.After putting yourself at a good distance away the follow up move can be used as a suprise attack.Upon hit of this finish with a combo.

    2.[2][3][6][P] is a useful float move as its only slightly vunerable on block.[4][6][P] is faster than Shuns [2][P] so use it to interupt many mid level attacks.Follow into forced choice tactics.

    3.[6][K][P] hits consecutively when an opponent is staggered and can't be interupted when first move is blocked.It is a very useful option.After [P] is blocked you'll have a slight advantage.Vs those who 'll counter with [2][P] use [8][K]+[G].Mix up with a throw folow up to create forced choice situation.

    4.[2][K] lets you avoid attacks by coming in low.However even on hit you'll be a a disadvantage /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.Vs opponents who'll counter attack [1]/[7][P]+[K]+[G][P] will shift positions.Against those who don't try to counter take advantage of their pause to attack.

    5.[3][P] gives big advantage on counter.Follow with forced choice tactics.The [1][K][K] is half spinning and so very useful and will beat [2][P] ( I think ).Mixing with various mids is a basic and useful strategy.Also on counter try for a throw.For opponents who dodge to your back use [K]+[G] to hit them.

    6.On counter [2_][3][P] will lead to big damage because of its float.However it is a guaranteed throw move /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif.Five times in a row either combo if the hit counters or TE if it doesn't.Ideally use Evading TEs to greatly to down risk.


    3.[2][3][6][P]>[K](very short delay)[K][2][P]
    4.[2][3][6][P]>[6_][P]>[2][3][6][P][P] ( 6 drinks or more )
    5.[8][K]+[G]>[3][P][P][K] ( 8 drinks or more )
    7.[6][K]( to Choukarou )>[P]+[K][K](from Choukarou)
    8.[6][P]+[K]+[G][P](from Choukarou)>[K][K][2][P]


    1.On counter [2_][3][P] causes gut collapse /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.The follow up can be used after the various move that will also result in gut collapse eg [4][K][P] or [4][P]+[K] ( 10 drinks or more ).After [4][K][P] , input the [2][P] a little slowly.

    2.[2][3][6][P] is a special mid that is quick with short recovery /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif.A good float move for many different combos.

    3.Closed.Vs LWs and MWs slightly delay the second kick.Works Vs all.

    4.Open Vs all characters.Be sure to have at least 6 drinks for the end to work.

    5.[8][K]+[G] can be used to avoid low level attacks and attack at the same time.On hit produces a special float.Use [3_][P][P][K] to finish the series so's not to get Shuns light down attack.When less than 8 drinks use a heavy down attack instead ( try to get drink points up ! )

    6.With the proper timing Vs Lion,Lei FEi and Goh.Strange one this...to get the combo you must actually do ... [8][K]+[G]>[6_][P]>[K][K][2][P].The [6_][P] will give you the right amount of delay on the follow up and will actually miss.Be sure to enter the end series as fast as possible.

    7.[6][K] has advantage on block and floats on counter /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif.It also shifts to Choukarou stance to follow with a combo.

    8.The opening move is useful as it can't be countereed when blocked and will float opponent.Vs all in closed except Jefffry.To get into Choukarou [4][K]+[G] and [6][K] are just some of the commands.

    For more evo Shun advice check out Namflows recent Evo Shun guide to drinking:


    and there is also Drunken cats FAQ on Shun here:


    btw I may confuse people with what I have written.The Choukarou stance is also called the Drunken Stance.To move into it you press and hold the commands I listed.
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    With regards to her stances I've reffered to them in brackets as either OFF ( Offensive ) or DEF ( Defensive ) and they mean that this is the stance the move is performed from.To switch between the two the command is [P]+[K]+[G] .


    1.[P](DEF,whilst rising from a crouch)>[3][K](DEF)
    3.[6][6][K](OFF)(blocked)>[3][P](OFF)>high throw
    6.[2][P]>[6_][K]...on counter follow with [6][P][P][K]...on guard follow with[3][P]


    1.The punch is her fastest mid move from DEF. If the move counters it will result in a stagger.Against opponents who quickly recover run in and throw them.

    2.Opening move is a useful one since it is full spinning.It is good from attacking opponents from recovering after a knockdown.For opponents who guard the attack when standing the follow up will sabaki-attack any high punches and kicks as well as elbows.

    3.[3][P] is a very quick move and can be used to interupt counter attacks when in a slight disadvantage for example when the [6][6][K] is guarded.When [6][6][K] counters can follow up [6][6][K](OFF)>[6][P]+[K] to tackle an opponent.

    4.The series has advantage on guard and the [6][P] follow can beat [2][P] retaliation.Can also use [4][P][6][P]+[K](OFF) off shoot or try for throw.Opponents who crouch on third hit can be hit with [4][6][P][P][P][K](OFF).

    5.[4][P] has big advantage on guard.[6_][K] is a special high attack which you should aim to get an MC on ( from a [2][P] counter attack by your opponent ).To mix up dash and throw.

    6.When kick counters follow with [6][P][P][K] when it is guarded follow with [3][P].On guard there are a variety of other options.


    4.[G](press and hold)[8]/[2][P](DEF)>[2][P]>[3][K](DEF)
    5.[P]+[G](left hand hold)>dash>[3][P]+[K]
    8.[K](OFF, whilst rising from a crouch)>[3][K][K](OFF)


    1.Will hit consecutively if first hit is counter.Second hit is a beatdown /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif follow with a combo.open.Vs all except Akira,Jacky,Brad and HWs.Vs these use [6][P]>[3][K] for better connection.

    2.Sabaki-attack Vs high punch and kick as well as elbows.If first counters , float for combo.Closed.In open use [P][P][K](DEF). Vs HWs use [2][P]>[6][K](DEF) to finish.

    3.[3][P]+[K] causes head collapse /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif...follow with combo for nice damage.

    4.Mid starts with evading motion.On mC and MC causes gut collapse.Make sure [2][P] is timed to refloat and use [3_][K] for the kick so as not to get her light down attack out.The change from [2][P] to [3_] must be done smoothly and quickly to allow the kick to connect properly.

    5.Leaves Vanessa with a big advantage and can be followed with many combos as the opponent recovers ( big-ish window ).Can follow the [3][P]+[K] with 3.

    6.[6][P]+[K] is fast and useful for counter attacking.Last hit is beatdown...follow with light down attack if opponent doesn't recover properly.

    7.On counter results in head collapse /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    8.On counter results in jaw collapse /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif which gives a big window of opportunity for follow ups.
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Lastly ( but not leastly )...



    2.[6][K]>[2][P]>high throw
    5.[2][P]>[6][K]...counter>[4][K]+[G][K]...guard TE with [P]+[G]


    1.The HCB(half circle back)[P] is one of Wolfs fastest mids and is good for interupting opponents counter attacks on small disadvantage ( for example after a blocked [2][P] ).On counter ht with QCB[P] follow with combo.

    2.On slight disadvantage, [2][P] can interupt many mid attacks.The [2][P] produces forced choice tactics.If your opponent likes to retaliate with [2][P] use a reversal [2][P]+[K].

    3.When at a disadvantage [P]+[K]+[G] is useful.On counter with [P] you can follow with a guaranteed throw.However [P]+[K]+[G] is vunerable to throws /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.Against an opponent with few attack series you can buffer in TEs to defend against throws.The series [P]+[K]+[G][P]+[G] can be used to deflect counterattacks , escape throws and grab opponent all at the same time /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif.

    4.After first move opponent will fall face down.Follow with powerful move.Attacking a recovering player with [4][6][P] will knock them out of in place recovery.Due to the face down position they fall in opponent can't evade the move.If the move is blocked the opponent will have a guaranteed throw attempt and it will be a side throw so buffer the appropriet TE.btw I don't know if this holds 100% depending on what the opponent does to recover.It does in the excercise Vs Lau but I don't know the conditions of how the COM makes Lau get up.

    5.On counter [6][K] is useful as it can be followed by big damage.When blocked it is throw counterable.If it counters follow with the series if it is blocked use a TE escape ( ideally E-TEs ) five times in a row.

    6.[2_][3][P] is a move that staggers on counter.Whilst going for counter , if opponent guards follow with a good option select...in this case namely evade.If it counters end the combo. Five times in a row.Also useful after the counter hit is [6][P] or a dash then a throw.On normal hit follow with different tactics.


    9.[6][P]+[G](from change)>[4][6][P]+[K]>[2][P]>[4][K]+[G][K]


    1.[4][P] puts opponent in beatdown position.HCB[P][P] will miss Jeffry in open so [3][P]+[K] ( Opponent down ) is useful way to end.

    2.On counter will result in a vital point collapse.Follow up must be swift.Second hit of end is beatdown but will not be useful against good recovering opponents as the end move has a slow recovery.

    3.Again be quick with the follow up.[6][P][P] is more damaging but this combo allows pressuring if downed opponent.

    4.The [4][6][P]+[K] is slow but it has a big pay off...large float for damage.This is a basic [4][6][P]+[K] type combo.

    5.Vs HWs ( low float ).In closed can use [6_][P]>[2][P]>[2_][3][6][P] to finish.

    6.Slightly trickier but good Vs LWs on counter.Buffer the [2_][3][6][P] with a smooth crouch dash.

    7.Many of the [4][6][P]+[K] combos will depend on foot.This combo results in a chance to attack a recovering opponent.Vs all on counter except Akira or HWs.

    8.When hitting staggering opponents , [4][P] changes its hit properties slightly leaving a window for a guarnteed throw.A quick precise roll is required to execute the 270 throw.

    9.What I used to start the combo was [6][P]+[G]>[6][P]+[G] then [4][P]+[G] from the p2 side and all other directions ( other than up or down /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ) will be reversed in what is written.Won't work Vs HWs so use [4][K]+[G][K] after shouder ram.

    For anyone interested you recieve an item for each character you do tactics advice with, particular to that character.The ones I can remember from the top of my head are:

    Wolf:LONG HAIR
    Goh:LONG HAIR ( I'm not too sure maybe GOLD GLASSES can't recall)
    Vanessa:pONY TAIL
    Lei Fei:QUEUE( pony tail)
    Brad:SHINGUARDS ( I think )

    ...the other items I can't remember at the moment.For anyone else who ever gets a lot of free time to themself and is serious about VF I could reccomend doing what I did and to have a go at everyones tactics and advice.It will give you a better understanding of other players ideas and how to counter them, the game in general and may also give you a better appreciation for a character ( for example I think I'll try to start using Vanessa too now ).Hope this will be of some use to players looking for quick info from their PS2 /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif,

  5. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Wow... I was just waiting for your vanessa one...

    Ok. .. so let me get this straight. Vanessas' #4 combo, the [G]+[2][P], to the [2][P] and[3][K], you should do [3_][K] instead of [3][K]? I KEEP doing the down attack and it's SO annoying. Also, I'm still trying to get the float timing down. I also noticed on certain characters that if I do a while rising [K] that it hits them, but it probably does less damage....
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yep this frustrated me too...at one stage it was the only one on her list I couldn't do.You do the Hold[G] [2]/[8][P] then wait just a second on the [2][P] to bounce your opponent back up ( same as for many other characters combos ) then you hold [3_] as quick as possible to then get the kick out and not, as you say her light down attack.Its the same as a Shun one too.After you get the "feel" for it hopefully it should come okay.
  7. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the Vanessa bit...alot of that is great stuff I already have in my game, but you had a few pointers on execution that will surely help me once I really start mastering her /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Good stuff. I'll really benefit from the information you gave about offensive-stance moves, because that is the area I'm weakest in on her. Thanks again for teh info /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback btw its always nice to hear I'm helping someone with their game. I myself am still learning lots every day I play, simply due to the nature of how "deep" VF is. I've only messed about a bit with her but Vanessa is a cool character IMHO.
  9. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Nice one Chris. You obviously invested quite a bit of time into this thread.

    The Hori stick is still going strong!

    Should be back in Britain next summer. Hopefully we'll find time for a session.

    All the best.

  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Glad you liked it. Check out the threads I did on the very beginnings of this rambling thread.

    My horis still holding in there strong after 9 good months just a shame some of my skills aren't worthy of its power!!!(over logic 3 sticks that is /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif).

    Catch you later,
  11. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    I'm having a real hard time doing [4][2][P]+[G] --> [2_][4][P] ---> [2_][6][4][P] (note direction change) in Akira's tactice advice section. Usually if I keep trying i do it, but there is definitely something I am missing here. I know you must buffer the second part and crouching dash to pull off the double palm but I still cant seem to get it. Is there some wierd timing on it?
  12. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    the timing for that is weird.. try waiting until they start to stagger, then quickly enter d f+p, then once that palm animation starts, go for the doublepalm.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    No the timing is NOT weird its the same ending you should use for all combos that end with an m-dbpm. The sgpm is easy to get out as its "canned" and can be done with either [2][4][P] or [2][1][4][P] motion. Basically as soon as you have done [4][2][P]+[G] (the ST) do a smooth [2][1][4][P] and the sgpm will come out. The m-dbpm is always a guaranteed follow up after the canned sgpm hits but the timing is strict and you should aim to enter [3][3][6][4][P] or [1][1][6][4][P] (or even [3][2][3][6][4][P]) depending on how you modify dbpms. You can only start to modify the move AFTER the sgpm has hit (this is what will make the timing awkward at first) and any directions you push before the sgpm hits will not register as anything. So...from p1 side do:

    [4][2][P]+[G]>[2][1][4][P]>sgpm hits>[3][3][6][4][P] or however you modify dbpms and you should be able to get it out. Can't recall the exact frame data but for the guaranteed dbpm, timing is tight until you get use to it. Hope this helps.

    siYko: You do not wait until you see the opponent struggle. You enter the modified sgpm command as soon as you have thrown them and it will come out. "Waiting" to see them struggle will mess up your timing as the sgpm motion does not need to be rushed when performed correctly.
  14. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for the help, I'm gonna go give this a whirl right now /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  15. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    omg. I found the [3][2][3][6][4][P] to be much better but after a nice bit of playing i got it once... Now every time I do it (semi correctly) the cpu blocks the last part and i dont get the point for it (of course) Am I just doing it too slow? /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes I'm afraid to say that you're timing is too slow on the m-dbpm command and thats why the cpu is blocking your move. Like I mentioned the window is small and tight (until you're used to it) so you must get commands in smoothly and quickly after the sgpm has hit. Keep practising and hopefully you'll get it. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  17. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    It may be common knowledge by now to any experienced akira player, but ending with a [4][6][6][P]+[K] near a wall does A LOT more damage than [K]+[G](release after one frame) /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif, how ever the recovery time is slightly lower than [K]+[G](release after one frame)
  18. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    No the actual command is [4][6][6_][P]+[K] for higher damage near a wall ie DBC. I wouldn't necessarily call it a LOT higher either. If you know you can't finish off someones life bar with the combo its safer to use Akiras knee.
  19. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    This may seem irrelevent, but akira's stumble throw [4][2][P]+[G], shoud be recoverable because it is a stagger throw after all. Even if i try as fast as i can to recover, nothing happens, and i eat up a lot of damage from [2][4][P]+[G], [2_][4][P], [2_][6][4][P]. advice ne1 plz
  20. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    It depends on the charater you use. Some are easy to struggle out of it and some are almost impossible to do so. Jeffry, Sarah, Pai, Goh are examples of easy ones.

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