VF players

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by adamYUKI, Oct 3, 2001.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    2 weeks..perfect.right when I get back from break! I definatly gotta make another trip...
    I would be down for another gathering.
    Hmm..angry people - didn't we have this discussion? lol

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Well, i've been receiving emails from Ryan over the past couple of months about definitely coming to play VF3tb - yes vf3tb.

    yes, i heard about that. it never happened. it was also *recently* posted pretty clearly by hatim that it's likely not going to happen now, that no one wants to come over here, for numerous, obvious reasons.

    > Also, it is not expensive now to get round trip ticket from London to NY. Andy just checked and it is about $240.

    so why not go over there and play them at vf4?

    > (God knows why you showed up this past May, when you made it quite clear the year before that you had a terrible time)

    i wanted to meet and play mike again.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    so why not go over there and play them at vf4?

    I would love to, but many VFers from around U.S want to get together and play VF3tb and VF4. I for one would love to see Ice, Chanchai, GhostDOG, Yamcha, etc...again, and it is highly unlikely that they would be down to go to U.K with me to play the Brits. Most of us in the U.S would like to play just Hatim and Ryan as they are obviously the best the U.K have to offer. So it makes more sense for them to come here. Nobody has to pay for hotel rooms here in Long Island, so housing and transportation costs are nil. This will probably not the case if many players from U.S go to U.K.

  4. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    Housing and transportation are free?

    Are you talking about Transatlantic transportation or local transportation?

    <font color=red>The bigger I am....The harder they fall.</font color=red>

  5. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    Nobody actually answered my question, about transportation.

    Please tell us what measures you would be prepared to take in order to get your butts kicked :)

    Sorry man, I can't help it sometimes.

    Your response could heavily speed up or slow down the process.

    <font color=red>The bigger I am....The harder they fall.</font color=red>

  6. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    im a journeyman

    is that better than enthusiast?


    LOL... I hear ya. I've been labeled a journeyman for a couple of months now. I suppose it's better than being called a stranger, a title I had for almost 2 years after registering. :)

  7. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member


    Thats where we posted our challenge to you guys. We'll make it fair by paying for your airfare if you beat us just by 1% more than us. If not the cost for flying is pretty low and we can get abunch of people together for you to meet and compete with.

    Consider coming over here next month dude! :)


  8. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    OK quite seriously then, it's not about the money (for me anyway, I can't speak for the rest) I will *consider* coming over to play you guys next month. I will talk seriously now with Ryan. I said the maximum for me is 5 days. Where I'd normally like to stay for longer when I'm travelling long distances, I have to make an exception in this case and come back earlier than I normally would, it seems like something which needed to be done a long time ago.

    You sent over players from the US, but were unsuccessful, and you guys aren't satisfied, so we will come to you. We will do our very best to come over and give you guys a good challenge. I have always maintained that if Ryan is playing at his very best, you would never defeat him. I just hope that after such a long time and with VF4 here in our midst that we can still provide you you with the beating you deserve on VF3tb.

    Speak to you later.


    <font color=red>The bigger I am....The harder they fall.</font color=red>

  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > You sent over players from the US, but were unsuccessful, and you guys aren't satisfied, so we will come to you.

    *One* player came over, four years ago no less, and only because his trip was paid for by Derrick. And knowing Doug, it was never about bragging rights or percentages, or being "successful" over you in any way. To him and others of his kind, it was just about having fun, something which you twits from the UK seem to be your best to to eliminate from the scene, and instead seeing who has the biggest cock.

    That aside, I honestly, really do hope you and the rest beat the shit out of Andy and shut him the fuck up. I suggest bringing over your own joysticks so that you may avoid the possibility of going through the hell myself and others did with their own sticks.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Cause you never post :p LOL...stop lurking around in HG also :p

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    First, what can I say that Bungle has not? ROFLOL..seriously, talk shit but have pampers to carry yours.

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  12. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    Look man, I'll give you the facts, those who think it's just about fun, are crap at the game! You don't travel 10s or even 100s of thousands of miles to get your ass kicked. Of course there's fun, but if that's your primary aim then you're gonna gonna get battered, much in the same way you probably got battered when you played Andy.

    That aside, thanks for the support for if we come down and play them. I'll probably bring two joysticks if I do come.

    <font color=red>The bigger I am....The harder they fall.</font color=red>

  13. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Hmm...it sounds like you don't know Doug very well. To be perfectly honest, it was an opportunity to play new people and have a blast. Doesn't sound like you're to familiar with the scene here, either. Yupa, Rich, Doug and other have travelled many times to Toronto from the states (distances that would compare to driving around the UK 5 times) to play VF. Sometimes for tournaments, but also for fun.

    Hatim, you sound like an ok guy, but don't let Derrick's trash talk influence you. You know damn well that Doug did not get his 'ass kicked'. He may have lost matches, to you, to Ryan, to others. But to say he got his ass kicked is just stupid. I'm not going to go dig up the old RGVA posts about his stay in the UK but it describes the situation well, and you're being terribly inaccurate here.


    <font color=white>Llanfair</font color=white>
    <font color=orange>Booyah daddy mac! I'm stylin!</font color=orange>
  14. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree with Llanfair.
    Some of us just go to have a good time playing other enthusiast and loving it.
    yes there are wierdo's like me that get a kick out of traveling to other places and sleeping with young tight men. (Well emil and myself aren't that tight, but we're comfy).
    This would be first time to go to NY for VF purposes, but I would not only to see how much I suck but to meet some hang with some really cool people.
    I mean people wonder why I had pit-bull puppies perform on me in my teens, or why I wore the same underwear for 5 months straight , and so you wonder why someone would travel miles just to get their but kicked.
    Like with the puppies, i go to have a good time and annoy people with my sweepmaster aoi.
    But maybe that's just me.


  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Actually, I very much agree with u.
    I have taken flights to other states of Australia where my intention was not to prove ' I kick ass'.

    I went there to hook up with cool peeps to have fun ( as very recently demonstrated by reports from myself n the sydney VFers)

    I'm already making plans to go to NY next yr to play VF with the few fools there/versus/images/icons/laugh.gif.

    Again the intention is to have fun..but more importantly, finally hooking up with the ppl I have been talking to online for almost a yr now.

    <font color=red>~~~ 'Flock off feather brain, or u can stick around and find out the hard way!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  16. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...wonder why I went to BOTH NYG1&2....I got pretty beat around the first one and faired just a bit better at the second..but I had a blast.

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  17. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    There are somethings you guys need to know about the UK VF scene first of all, NONE of the top players like loosing fun comes after winning, there is no fun in loosing. So why is Hatim going to go X amount of miles just to loose and say i had fun. If Hatim went to country X and got battered and came back to me and said "I had fun loosing" i'll comit him to a mental asylm because that's not him. He's a champ (man that hurt to say) and champs don't finish in second place.

  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Think about it what you said...

    So, you go to a tournament, finish second and then storm off all miffed because you didn't win?! No offense or anything but that's, imo, childish and immature. When we bash heads here (being Toronto at least), make no mistake we want to win at all costs as well, but certainly not at the cost of having a bad time. According to your logic, if I were to do that, I wouldn't play VF - I would choose to participate only in games/sports in which I only win because otherwise I wouldn't be having a good time. Think about what you said - I can guarantee that you play VF because you enjoy it, winning *and* losing (loosing, btw, is not a word).

    Using your logic further, why would anyone play against Ryan? Hatim has said it before that when he's at the best of his game, he will not be defeated. So, you're going to lose. Why play him then? It's no fun at all! You might say that it's because it's challenging to play him, to learn from him, to try and attain his level by experiencing his gameplay. But that would destroy your argument completely - because you're not winning in the process. I guess you could say that you play because of the *chance* of winning against him, a joy that would prove to be most wonderful - but is that one win going to provide you with enough 'fun' to counter all of the 'no fun' that you acquired while trying to win?! Sure as hell hope so, or you're likely to be a very bitter person for a long while.

    Y'know what, if I had the money and the time, I'd love to come over and play people in the UK and people in Korea and Hong Kong and Japan. I may not win all my matches, may even lose most of them, but I bet you all that you own that my trip would have been a complete blast.


    <font color=white>Llanfair</font color=white>
    <font color=orange>Booyah daddy mac! I'm stylin!</font color=orange>
  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Think about it what you said...

    Llanfair does have a point there...hell, I pay money to go to Japan to get my butt kicked. Not saying I wasn't try to win of course (hell yeah I was trying to win), but I did have fun. More fun than beating scrubs, that's for sure.
  20. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    You touched my heart Marc, that was so nice to hear.....OK OK I know I'm not receiving an oscar.

    But it seems that you guys consistently make BULLSHIT assumptions. As you said to me Llanfair I thought you were a good guy and you properly are a good guy, but don't let the bullshit that flows off the fingers of some of the other people on this board (including my own sometimes) affect you, BUT at least I can handle the smell.

    Anyway it's pretty DAMN obvious that you guys don't know the difference between hype, friendly tension building trash talk, and a SERIOUS post. Why not just play along with it? Don't you have a sense of humour?

    We're talking like this to make it a bit more interesting.

    How about if my original reply to AdamYuki's post was:

    "ok we'll come hopefully next month may the best man win"

    Not only would it be a boring reply it would also be grammatically incorrect.

    Lighten up, that's an American saying (I think).


    <font color=red>The bigger I am....The harder they fall.</font color=red>


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