VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    what are reversals called that give dmg + frame adv? (for example pai has reversals that give big dmg+knockdown and next to that ones that give small dmg + advantage)

    haha, i'm having more and more trouble with the ai too... argh.. gotta get jeffs wild jumpy hair!!!!
  2. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    i dont think they name those kind of reversals. ya got the regular reversals (timed), inashi (stationary), and sabaki (counter).

    anyways about a possible meeting...the best i could come up with is this saturday. because this is right after my exam period. if anyone is interested we could do some rounds then in Harderwijk. let me know...

    p.s. oh and i see that many of you started with different characters. i started with vanessa and brad just a while ago.
  3. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Zaterdag 27ste kan ik niet, me opa en oma zo veel jaar getrouwd feest. Ik heb volgende week een extra weekje vakantie though :p (soort toets week waarin veel lessen uitvallen)
    Hoe bereikbaar is apeldoorn voor de mensen hier? (Vortigar hoeft het niet te vertellen :p )
  4. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    voor mij is dat ongeveer 1 uur en een kwartier reizen, dus nog wel te overzien. en de volgende week is ook nog wel een optie voor mij.
  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    De komende weekenden zit ik helemaal vrij van planning op een etentje ergens na, maar dat is 's avonds.

    Vane + Brad? Tjielp...? They rule.

    uhm, wat betreft de reversals/inashi's etc. Ik had het eigenlijk tegen NGK (als verlenging op jouw post ipv discussie), dat de reversal wel zou werken, stance niet. De rest is gewoon terminologie (aka useless tidbits). Nou ja, het is al opgelost...

    Apeldoorn is nog best een eindje hoor, met de fiets.

    And when the *beep* did we start talking Dutch?

    Aoi on a rampage...
  6. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Aaah sorry, figured you were trying to correct me. My bad, disregard my above post then /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    Also cool site, thx for sharing
  7. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, long time since I've been to this place, if you guys want to, I can arrange a meeting either this weekend or next weekend at my place.
  8. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    i'm up for any weekend, but, like everyone knows by now, i'll be there on saturday evening. give me a call before saturday if it goes through this weekend as i don't have internet at home. tnx!
  9. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I did some games online with Krye, it worked pretty much flawless.
  10. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    ah nice, you got the game? give us some impressions!!
    any big differences? quest mode e.d?
  11. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    quest mode = easy money
    360 controller = pain in the ass
    online = eventhough the lag is little, you'll still notice it when trying to side step etc. Still good stuff for "light workouts" :p

    I'd write more but im too busy playing :p
  12. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Meeting was a good one this weekend. Had a lot of fun and a lot of good games. I officially name this weekend the "hate weekend" because there was a lot of hate going through the room this weekend, but don't fear inbetween the hating words I felt a lot of love /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    mad props for ake, he won the tournament winning all the matches. his turtle/crushing/canceling/overly drunken(average of 22drinks a round or something!) shun owned all of us. also in the casual matches inbetween he was playing very well. i enjoyed your eileen too, maybe your second character? but don't start playing kage or i won't take you seriously anymore :p

    mike leroi, even though you said you feel that your slowly getting behind you still play so well. you use your cancels and spacing really well. i really think you should get a ps2. i mean, you play so many of fighters. i don't like seeing you lose motivation because you can't practise. even if you only use the ps2 for fighting game practise (tekken,3s,marvel,guiltygear,vf,cvs2,superturbo it's all on there) and just keep staying old-skool with your other games i think it would be a really good investment so you can stay enthusiastic and stay on track with all of us /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    vortigar, you played a lot better this weekend man! a lot less execution errors i feel. i think it's a great choice you made on focussing only on brad for the moment. you had some troubles keeping the pressure on at times, like i said in the weekend. you didn't use enough lows (full circlar low sweep from brad, his lows from swaystance or whatever, great moves!) and allthough you tried to mix throw in, i noticed when playing you that you mainly used it when also mixing to high, so it didn't work that well. it's all an opinion and stuff, but i really think you should maybe, how do i put it, play a bit more simple? it seems you're overcomplicating your game by using so much sway and interesting high/mid pressuregames. great progress though!!

    sofiane, still a badass akira, your combos and juggles are frighning and it's near impossible to crouch against akira, i had focussed on sidestepping vs akira better, but you use your half circulairs really well. still a very dangerous pressuregame. i'm really looking forward to playing your new vanessa, i hope you stick with her as i think you'll get a lot of interesting games out of her. don't forget about akira when you're learning V though!

    dit some quick shun exploration yesterday night when i got some: here are some findings:

    *his throws are influenced by the number of drinks he has, unlike ake said

    P+G - 50dmg +4drinks
    6P+G - 40dmg techable, no dmg reduction though
    6P+G2_8 20dmg +4 advantage
    46P+G 50dmg need 3drinks, costs 3drinks
    4P+G 50dmg shun is down
    270P+G 64dmg, 4P+G escape, need 10drinks +4drinks
    3P+G 0dmg, free combo after
    43P+G 10dmg, +13 advantage, free combo after? 6drinks needed
    4P+G (wall behind opponant) 60dmg +5drinks

    so in conclusion, i think the escape priority is pretty much:
    1.P+G -> 50dmg +4drinks
    2.3P+G -> guaranteed combo
    3.4P+G ->heaviest throw, +4drinks throw, wallthrow
    4.6P+G ->50dmg throw, advantage throw

    ake, could you maybe summarize the combos you get after 3P+G? is it different on various weightclasses?

    i was happy with my overall play, did too many low punches vs mike leroi imho, im just too scared of getting thrown by him. had quite a few throwescapes (over the whole weekend though, props to all for that!) and stayed away from unsafe moves a bit more, it's getting harder and harder to play jeff vs all you guys, out differences in skills aren't changing that much imho, so i think i am really starting to see and learn jeffs limits because of you.
  13. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Great meeting, I practically evened out against everybody in the casuals, give or take a few matches. The tournament on the second day was a really mixed bag for me (horribly losing two matches 2-0 and then easily winning two 2-0, that's how it felt anyhow). Just before the tournament I played Mike and I think I just continued playing in the same way I was playing against him into the tournament, with no regard to what the opponent was doing...

    Like I said, during the tourney against you I was largely on auto-pilot I think. The first match was rather close, but the second had you taking me apart. I was trying way too hard to stay close and keep attacking, resulting in eating a lot of counter hit low punches. Needed to use more 6p at small advantage and didn't pick up on it. You didn't freeze up or try anything random, I wish I could be that cold.

    Estimating the proper range to use 2k+g, 1p, 1k or phasing turn 2p is hard. I used them all quite a bit over the weekend. I definately forgot about 1k against you though (that's the fastest, which also has a follow up so is dangerous to try and counter).

    Well, what to say? I had a real 'flip-a-coin' feeling against you, no idea how to mount a solid offensive against that sabaki-evasion-hopper. Love the cancel chain stuff. Absolutely hate that inverted double leg kick, you really read into when to use that thing against me.

    You played too much Tekken man! I think you need to throw more against me. Still, after dodging the wrong way you got me to freeze up a number of times. Also: low wall ringouts are really harrowing.

    You're really good with the RAW stance (eat move for 10 damage and counter), I feared attacking you a lot of the time because of that. As Sof said, more throws required, as good as the punch cancel can be I think you simply used it too much, sometimes you just need fastest timing instead.

    I still got a ways to go, here's the shortlist:
    - My wake-up game is still crap. Brad can use phasing turn against a techroller and nail them from the powerful options there. Against people who just lie there Brad can go into long ducking and practically murder the opponent.
    - Got to hit-check before swaying consistently, I managed to do it here and there but need to do it all the time. I think this is what really cost me my head against NGKrush. Hhmmm, ducking p+k? Gotta try that next time.
    - And lastly I failed to get max-damage from every single launcher, 66p+kp and p6pk are his main juggle moves, didn't use them at all in juggles.

    That stuff can be trained through the practice and quest mode though, I finally feel like I got a real handle on the game and a feel for how my character works that I never had with Vane or Goh.

    hhhhhmmm, 4 edits already...
  14. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    it was a fun weekend. there was improvement in throw escapes, but i also had the feeling there was a bit of inconsistency. (like Vortigar said sometimes winning easily and sometimes losing easily)

    last time i played you, you were using Goh and Vane. it was cool to see that you got the hang of a new (complex) character such as Brad. again we too had some nice mixed matches, first you showing me the dirt and visa versa. by the way i still think your Goh is very good!

    i remember in our practise round i took the first 5 or 6 matches which ultimately lead to a defeat of 7 against 6 (again inconsistency!) of all the matches this weekend i had the most difficult time against your Akira. i should come up with a new strategy for him! also your Stun Palm of Doom finisher in the tournament...whicked! i take it you're gonna post that match-up?

    Mike Leroi
    we had some cool matches switching through characters. but the wolf didn't bring his throwing game this time, still your striking game is solid. your evade attack throw connected a lot this weekend. and the haevyweight matches were fun to watch.

    i have seen a bit more of your Pai and Eileen this weekend. both are already very good. Pai was a very difficult opponent because she is very fast, faster than Shun anyways. anyway i think i'm going to stick with Eileen as a second, but i really think your Eileen is better. also your triple kick is coming along nicely.

    after 3p+g
    for heavyweights, either p,p,2k,k or 3p,p,k,k+g(hold)
    lightweight, k,k,2p,k
    other, if k,k,2p,k doesn't connect -> 3p,p,k,k+g(hold)

    well for now i'm gonna practise with Eileen some more because all your second characters owned me a little too much /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    dutch players, awesome.

    not so awesome that I wont stand a stance against any of you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  16. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    whats the damage on those on a minimum drink amount?

    fulaani, welcome. are you new to the vf series? tell us a bit about yourself /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif what character do you play/like?

    i'm still in doubt, i like eileen, but in a way i don't feel she fits my style of playing, but on the other side i should be strong and adapt my style.
    & on one side it'd be interesting to see two players use the same character, but on the otherside, maybe we should spread out a bit more.
    i'm gonna give elblaze a more indepth look this week and decide between the 2, just keep playing eileen anyways /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Yup I'm new to the series. Was anticipating this title for the 360 for a long time though. Ive played it for a couple days now and I'm loving it. Though some of the posts here are somewhat discouraging seeing the amount of studying people put into it. But I can learn right /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I started playing with Eileen after watching loads of youtube vids, love her style. She reminds me of Elliot from doa4 wich was my main character for that game. For a lot of the other characters a lot of the moves are hard to pull off with the 360 controller though. Had a lot of trouble with akira.

    But my stick is arriving soon. I ordered the hori ex2 stick. Saw some people badmouthing it but as I'm just a beginner who never even had a stick I don't think it's a bad investment. I wont really be that demanding.

    You live in Utrecht right? I live in Maarssen, wich is really close to Utrecht.
  18. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    after 3p+g 236p,p
    on 6 drinks k,k,2p is the best bet and does 60 dmg.
    on 8 drinks k,k,2p does 62 dmg and 3p,p,k,k+g 67 dmg.
    on 16 drinks k,k,2p,k does a whopping 76 dmg.

    hey another dutch player! and hey! another Eileen player! about the amount of studying, most comes from playing the game. so dont feel discouraged.
  19. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    As far as I know I'm the only study-freak, sane people don't go the over-analytical way. It went in phases though, play a bit, getting stuck, figure out the specifics, go into the game fresh, rinse and repeat. I built the stuff up over time, with many moments of 'revelation' along the way that kept firing me on. That was my solo-VF4E experience anyway, VF5 feels much more free form, but then, since I already had the bagage it doesn't really compare.

    Well, its out, have to start worrying about the PS3/360 matter... Gotta look into getting a 360 stick perhaps, if its not too expensive I could just get one of those and keep training on the PS3. Or wait for a vshg/360 convertor people are working on.

    Maybe I'll bug sp00n and check it out this weekend.
  20. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    Last weekend was fun, bit of a late reply, but I'm lazy as always :p.

    Ake: Huge difference since last time, your Shun has grown a lot and I had lots of problems at first until I learned how to approach Shun and then it was kinda equal most of the time. Good stuff and congratz on winning the small tourney we had. Also that SPOD I busted out when I was about to lose, was my most memorable action of the whole weekend. Will upload it soon!

    Vortigar: Nice Brad, this character is way more suited for you than Vanessa, but I already told you that last time we meeted. As for I needed to throw more, actually most of the time I tried that you were low punching me and stopping me effectively, also it seems like you guessed how to dodge the right way a lot of times too, which made it look like I wasn't doing the right things. Like NGKrush said, you need to play a little more basic first. Later on evolve to advanced stuff, otherwise you will try to do too much which doesn't work because we don't know how to react to Brad's basic stuff. Like for instance NGKrush who was constantly 2p'ing the shit out of you because you tried to do too much fancy stuff. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to tell here.

    Mike le roi: We had the best match overall in the small tourney imo. Lots of escapes and solid stuff overall. You really should start to incorporate the nastier throws of Wolf, this was probably your biggest flaw over the whole weekend, cause your striking game was top notch. Hopefully you will also pick up Lau as your 2nd cause that guy is a beast.

    NGKrush: Solid Jeff as always, improved some more I could see. Hopefully you and I can both find a solid 2nd character which we will play as much with as our main characters.

    As for myself, I really need to work on my throw escapes, it's so horrible right now and it looks like I can't try to escape them on reaction as I can in Tekken. I really need to adjust to the fact that I have to constantly buffer throw escapes after certain movements/inputs. Combos ending in Byakko needs some proper adjusting too but at least I was able to end wall juggles with Knee consistently and was even punishing sometimes with Knee which is a plus too.

    Ok, enough talk right now, see you guys at the next meeting!

    Where are my manners? welcome to VFDC Fuulani, hopefully you will try to come to meetings also, as that's the fastest way to get better at the game.

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