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VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Yrvin, sterke offense en kan goed lezen. Beter dat je giant swing gebruikt, is toch lekkere damage. En moet toch eens een keer kijken naar welke kant zn sidekick, screwhook en al dat andere gaan, soms heb ik het door maar vergeet ik het weer. Lei is gewoon een bitch lol.

    Twan, jammer dat je jeff en blaze laat zitten maarja je moet wel plezier hebben en als je dat niet meer hebt met hun dan moet je switchen. GG, maar soms als ik zie dat je dingen aant proberen bent en minder serieus speelt haalt me dat soms een beetje uit m'n game (toen je constant reversals deed dacht ik echt wth ben je aant doen). Maarja nog steeds sterke basics.

    Krye, GG, deed het een stuk beter deze keer dacht ik. Minder oneven als vorige keer. Die manji had geen gouden tips gegeven hoor maar gewoon wat algemene dingen die hij had gemerkt en ik probeerde dat een beetje toe te passen.

    Chris, Niet tegen je gespeeld eigenlijk behalve tijdens die 'tourney.' Netjes dat cancels nu deel van je game zijn en niet alleen wanneer iemand zegt 'hey gebruik ze eens.' Maar ik zie je weinig throwen na een cancel, ik herinner me dat er 9 van de 10 keer een mid achterna kwam, dan is die cancel een stuk minder gevaarlijk. Maar ik heb lang niet al je matches gezien dus als je het wel deed negeer dit dan gewoon :). Oh en 270s! je hebt die dmg nodig.

    Over dat throw/loop ding, het is niet zo sterk. Best makkelijk uit te struggelen en een duwtje en daarna een gratis stplm combo is het betrouwbaarst in mijn ervaring.
  2. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Funny, I can understand most of it, because it is very close to German.
  3. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    @Jemun: Nice, come over some time, just to see how much you can understand when we're actually talking, haha :p.

    @Fulan: Leek te werken, je was een stuk rustiger, minder aanvallen op de verkeerde moment. Moest veel harder werken voor damage.

    @Spoon: Thanks for the compliment. FF vraagje over je lijstje/rankingsysteem, hoe je het ook wilt noemen :p. Zie je throws en offense als twee verschillende dingen? Voor mijn gevoel zijn die twee onlosmakelijk verbonden met elkaar.
    PS: /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  4. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Over dat throw/loop ding, het is niet zo sterk. Best makkelijk uit te struggelen en een duwtje en daarna een gratis stplm combo is het betrouwbaarst in mijn ervaring. </div></div> Okee, jij bent de Goh expert. Het leek me dat je nog best wat gekke shit daarmee kan uithalen

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">FF vraagje over je lijstje/rankingsysteem, hoe je het ook wilt noemen :p. Zie je throws en offense als twee verschillende dingen? Voor mijn gevoel zijn die twee onlosmakelijk verbonden met elkaar. </div></div> Ik noem het: "Spoon's magic chart™©®" :p
    Throws en offense zijn zeker onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden maar iemands throwgame kan aan de andere kant weer heel erg los staan van zijn andere offensive opties. Erhm, if that made any sense :p
    Verder zijn throws deel van het Rock-paper-scissors systeem.

    Guard = rock
    Throws = paper
    Strikes = scissors
    vind ik wel toepasselijk :p
  5. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Okay Krye, but you have to give me some time after each sentence or write it down /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yeah, been standing still, I said so myself. I played very differently on Friday than I did on Saturday though, so I did feel an advance during the meet. You have to know though that I have by far the most problems against you and Ake. I might lose to others too, but I usually feel I stand a chance. Against your Wolf and Ake's Shun I feel like a ball of fuzz or something. I prefer playing your Lei btw, much easier to fight against.

    Half the talk during a meet is in English already, even with no foreigners present... I see no big problems there.
  7. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I just realised (a bit late I know) I forgot to thank you for the props Krye.
    bij deze.
  8. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    yo ppl, this is ogi.

    i will be back from japan next month(29/8).

    so if u guys wants anything from japan, plz leave a message or a line...bla bla. not too big stuff(size and weight) though, stuff like 2nd hands game, manga, art book, small figure etc wont be problem.


  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Haven´t met you before, but if you could have a look for a Keiko Matsui album or poster or anything, that´d be sweet (dunno how famous she is in Japan, haha).

    Thanks in advance and I look forward to playing you some time when you're back, I heard you kick some serious ass, haha.
  10. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Ogi, I WILL take you up on that offer!
    The problem is that my wishlist would be too big for the VFDC server to handle.
    This leaves me to ask for stuff I can't find on my own at other places: Could you have a look for something, anything from Kaleido Star? Small figurines would be great.

    Many many thanks in advance. Even more thanks will be waiting for you if you succeed.
  11. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Yes! Short Notice, maar toch! Vrijdag mini-meet bij mij (niet op de boot), heb ruimte voor nog 3 mensen!

    Mensen die komen:

    - Ik (lol)
    - Twan
    - ?
    - ?
    - ?

    Ook SC casuals voor de geinteresseerden (ik ben trash, maar wil wel leren! :p)
  12. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ngkrush hier:

    thanks for the feedback. my sarah is nowhere where i would like her, but she's great to play with. i'd like to have some more specifics on your feedback though.
    what do you mean with the "one trick" offence? i've been building her game around the same basics as jeff and blaze, so i don't understand what you mean by it.
    could you give some situations or moves?
    about flamingo(also to kryes post): the hardest thing about sarah (next to launchers randomly failing because of distance and stance) is getting into flamingo.
    it's a lot like brads sways but it's much more visible for the opponant so they will try to mash out of it, that's the reason why i'm using it sparingly. if i get to know her distances and pressuretools better i'll probably find some situations that it's okay to use but i feel her neutral strikes are good enough to base 80 to 90% of my game around.

    i had a report written but left it at home, so i'll just say thanks for the meeting krye. it was really nice. there was a nice vibe there that day, casual but pretty serious fighing!
  13. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    One (or more) pre-painted figure/statue/mini/keyring of King (AoF, KoF, link, see avatar) would be greatly appreciated.

    And NOT the one where she's sitting on the floor all sad with a torn shirt and one arm covering her breasts. Which is the only one of her you can get your hands on in the West and I don't like it (horrid atrocity). In general something more stylish than what I just described.

    The bigger the better (1/6 scale would be great), but you said space is an issue, so don't bother with that too much. You can rack up the bill to 80€. Is that a good amount for stuff like that over there? 120€ if you've got something exceptional. I'd rather have a single quality one than two lesser.

    I hope its not too much to ask. In any case, thanks for the effort.
  14. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">thanks for the feedback. my sarah is nowhere where i would like her, but she's great to play with. i'd like to have some more specifics on your feedback though.
    what do you mean with the "one trick" offence? i've been building her game around the same basics as jeff and blaze, so i don't understand what you mean by it.
    could you give some situations or moves? </div></div>
    I'm afraid It's been a bit too long ago for me to exactly recall the situations&moves that made me think that at that time. Sorry, my memory about virtua fighter matches always becomes blurry really fast. I'll try to remember to write things like that out next time, so no extra explaination is needed.
  15. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    ngkrush says±

    hey fulan and pascal. just wanted to say ggs at your place. i´m really sucking a bit lately, hopefully i´ll get my game together next time. fulan, your focus on big damage is really paying off. it´s really forcing me to start learning those next level defences otherwise i´ll stay in the mixups. been putting some time in my goh knowledge since then, so hopefully i will play better vs you next time. i think it was semi 50-50 our games, you probably won more i think. hard matchup in that you can sabaki/crush away most of my options but that should only force me to play tighter

    pascal, also to fight better against you i need to get my lion info together better. you are still using 2p so much but it´s working out great atm i guess because of the large range his has. also the evasive moves are hard to play against, a lot of wtf moments for me, sarah is already so random at times, but vs lion even more so. very hard matchup too in a totally other way. we need to play more so i can gather new info.

    @krye, the meeting the day after: we had some nice games, i played worse in one way than the day before, but better in other things. also your high damage gives me the feeling i need to keep the pressure on because i want to have the same dmg output as you, that costs me so much rounds and momentum and everything. gotta learn to stay calm and on the defensive some more i think.

    @spoon: that's too bad, i was really wondering what it was that you were talking about. maybe you can show it to me when it arrises when we are playing next time.

    @vortigar: whats happening with you dude? is it semi-game-over or are you just taking a break? last time your brad was a lot tighter, maybe we can do a practise session or something if you feel like it.
  16. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Saw your message on msn but a couple of hours too late to reply. So i'll just make a post here just in case we don't see each other on msn or whatever.

    If you have the luggage space/time/etc and happen to run into the "Gundam FIX Figuration 0010 GP04G Gerbera" (http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN911822) please grab it. None of the online shops I usually order from have it. If you can't find it a "1/144 HGUC MS-18E Kaempfer" would be nice too. And hell, if you can't find that either "1/144 HG Saviour Gundam" or "1/144 HG Blitz Gundam" or "1/144 HGUC MS-07 Gouf (probably has the smallest box of em all)" will do too.
    Of course only if you have the space for it.

    If you happen to run into a nice Kaleido Star poster/wallscroll take it with you. (Masterpasje also requested stuff from that serie, might be impossible to find but w/e)

    Thanks in advance man. If for any reason you couldn't find any of it or can't take it with you (or if I was just too late with my request and such) no problem, in the very least I appreciate the offer. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Kleine meeting met Yrvin en Twan gehad (Sofiane kon op et laatste moment niet), daardoor lekker veel potjes kunnen spelen!

    Good games to both of you guys!

    Yrvin: Ik zag een boel nieuwe setups met Lei Fei, goeie shit! Wist daardoor niet altijd in wat voor situatie ik zat, dat was wel verwarrend af en toe, leuke games tegen hem! Wolf was weer bikkel, deed vrijwel geen throwescapes tegen hem om een of andere domme reden, daardoor wel een paar giant swings tegen gehad (ik verbaasde mezelf dat ik de timing voor de tech daarop wel doorhad :D), het struggelen van die fullcharge klap ging wel beter, ik kon er nu één keertje op tijd uit strugglen, haha. Verder niet echt wat op je game aan te merken, op de afstand leek je het nu beter te doen met die chargemove cancels en de schouder die je er af en toe heel netjes tussenplaatste. Good games!

    Twan: Mixed feelings bij je besluit om nu al met Sarah te stoppen, je speelde nu al zoveel beter dan woensdag, met name flamingo gebruikte je heel goed :). Aan de andere kant is een character waar je zo goed op moet letten op waar je staat om combo's te kunnen doen misschien niet helemaal worthwhile om te spelen. Jeffry schopte m'n aars op het laatst, goed om hem weer terug te zien (volgende keer spelen we als ik wat meer wakker ben, ik kon me nauwelijks aan je aanpassen, dus kreeg ik een hard pak slaag. Je zei dat je ook met Kage door wilde, die heeft nog wel wat werk nodig, ik had niet echt het idee dat je goed je game kon forceren. Het zag er meer uit als een losse verzameling truukjes, het was geen geheel zegmaar. Ook goeie games tegen jou :).

    Merk van mezelf steeds meer dat ik een aantal gewoontes heb waar ik vanaf wil. Met name 6pp... Ik spam die move echt als een gek op het moment, terwijl ik genoeg andere opties heb. Ik moet het meer mixen, dan wordt het resultaat ook beter, ik merkte heel erg gister dat jullie gewoon comfortabel werden met de situatie na 6pp, terwijl het niet echt een comfortabele situatie is, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel. Daarnaast moet ik wat meer frames van andere characters leren, heb nog heel vaak dat ik gewoon niet weet in wat voor situatie ik zit nadat een andere char iets bij mij doet.

    Good games guys, let's play again soon!
  18. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    nah, i'm not going to stop with sarah, it was just frustration speaking. was a nice meeting and had some nice games with yrvin on saturday too. i think you hit the nail on the head with the comments about yourself krye. it can be hard finding your own weak spots, so props to that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif but on the other hand, keep using that shit untill we duck it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    if you feel like meeting this week too, just give me a ring. got a pretty open week this week again.
  19. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Some french players yesterday knew how to deal with 6pp...ONLINE. Haha, reconfirmed my own thoughts about what I should do to get a more solid game going :), I also need to focus on my interrupts more. I often use the wrong moves (I actually feel I need to use 2p MORE in certain situations...LOL).

    Good to hear you're not dropping Sarah, it would be such a shame to drop her in.

    Zomaar heb ik et allemaal in et engels getypt.. Kareem belde net, we komen morgen langs :).
  20. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    was a nice meeting guys, thanks for coming.
    i didn't know i would sit behind the internet that quickly so i thought i'd give my comments directly on the day. i remember telling karim to work on his spacing. his flows and mixes are great but i think his range game is his weakest point at the moment but still very hard to play you everytime. too bad your eileen game wasn't up to par, looking forward to seeing what your choice in 2nd character will be.

    krye, i don't think you are playing worse than before, i just think we are (slowly) adapting to your game and you are needing to look for new ways to pressure. like i said at the meeting it's good to see you try to interrupt more, that was something i was missing from your game. don't overdo it though (not that you are, just a warning, haha).
    looking forward to playing again soon.

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