VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. kabukicho

    kabukicho Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    It was indeed a nice meeting and good to meet the players as well. I enjoyed myself as I found the skillevel quite high ^_^

    I had some fun conversions with Spoon and on top of that he has good Aoi as well. Autobots forever!!

    I found it unfortunately I couldnt played Akebuono for some casual matches. We only played against each other during tourney time. So hopefully we meet each other again next time and I will keep you on this one!

    Reaver man...You were monoplizing the sticks and the sofa dude!! Try to be fair with other stick players.. But I guess thats ok as you dont own a ps3 (I dont own one as well) and have a shitty stick :p

    MikeleRoi...nice to see u playing VF too. Just drop those 2d shitty games :p and concentrate more on VF!! Just joking...of course but your wolf was a beast. Just buffering Gians swings like that. Impressive.

    NGKrush, you got a bad-ass jeffrey over there. Although you should work on your customization...hahaa. You got the right skills to make your opponent freeze and punish them. Your Jeffrey was really nice and completely off the hook.

    And last Sofiane...I guess every game,charachter you pick is just like looking at art. You make it like the character is so easy to play or to learn on short time. Mad propz for your fighing skills and your coolness during tourney play.

    I guess lots of thing are already been covered by NGKrush,Sofiane and OGI. One extra thing I want to stress out is the hospitatliy of Sofiane!! Thumbs up for that Sof!
  2. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    The weekend really rocked, I had loads of fun and I learned a lot as well! It was great meeting new people like Darwin & Ogi, hope to see and play you guys again some time in the future =)
    Also: Lots of lolz at the photo's haha

    You guys really give me too much credit (Or is it just to comfort me for playing low tier Aoi? =P ) but thanks all, for the kind words!
    It's just so much easier to do reversals on a character that mostly relies on mids like Akira. Also, To abuse is too win (just quoting the mighty and wise NGKrush here haha)

    Akebueno: Crazy Shun, fun to see you found a main. Your triple kick Eileen is something to be feared as well =P We had some real fun sudden death matches. Also, thanks again for driving.

    Sofiane: Many thanks for being our host again. You are really way out of my league skill wise. Akira was just a match up in my favor, you would leave nothing of me standing if you were to play your Lau or Brad.

    Ogi: Like wise, Your Kage is pure own. We had some pretty even matches in our Goh vs Aoi match up on the second day. Really enjoyed those. I hope you keep playing!

    Kabukicho: You are a great guy to hang out with as well =) Had some good matches and we both seemed to agree 100% on a certain subject (we both know what that is /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif )
    Transform and roll out haha

    MikeleRoi: There was a great difference between you Pad Wolf and Stick Wolf. You really had me in both the first competition as well as the Team battle! I also enjoyed seeing your matches against Ngkrush' Jeffry. Heavy weight championship!

    Reaver: Try to be a bit less clingy when it comes to Sticks and play time. Try offering your spot to others instead of others having to kick you off. Also, Less talk more action.
    Your challenge stands however, i'll make you eat those hilarious words you spoke, as many times as I have too >=)

    NGKrush: Got a lucky break against you in the competition. Great seeing you do pure pwnage with Jeffry instead of giving YeeeeJaaaaacky screentime =P
    It was great seeing my Twan-Sensei on fire (Not literaly of course, though in a way i'm sure that would be funny as well xD )

    Spoon: Damn you were awesome dude! Will you marry me?

    Sooooo, when's the next meeting? =)
  3. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    he guys thanks for the fun weekend , i had a blast. sorry for the late reply (just returned from holiday).

    ok, lets see here...

    Sofiane, yep we finally played eachother and had some fun matches too. i thought that your play with Brad was stylish and very brutal at times. extra thanks for your hospitality!

    NGKrush, the big man was ownage this weekend. also cool that we could crash at your place. btw thanks for your dash-in tip after beatdown, it worked reeeeeaaaaalllllly well against some people!:)

    Reaver, we also played quite a few matches. seems that you are relying on past VFs for your tactics. try to experiment with some new tactics instead since the old ones dont seem to work.

    Spoon, i think it was you who improved the most. dude, you were dishing out reversals as if you were playing DOA...sick! if your Aoi keeps this improvement up, you wont need another character.

    MikeleRoi, i agree with Spoon your stick wolf was beter. but still both wolfs were samething to be feared! hope to play you next time again.

    Ogi, very impressive. i had fun playing against your goh, i remember you escaped a couple of my throws of the bat! next time we'll do some Kage vs Shun!

    Kabukicho, just like last time there was one person i did not play against. i hope i dont make a habit of it! but from what i could tell your Pai is very solid. that will have to be something for next time. i'll look forward to it!

    thanks again for the fun weekend and feedback. see you next time!
  4. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Hey so whats going on with all you guys. I'm so use to the tekken scene having this active thread on the TZ forums and it's VF that needs the social thing to keep it all together, so i'm trying to get this thread more active.

    Right now for me, I've been putting some more time into Jeff juggles, finding character specific ones and I've started working through a list of punishment of various characters, so hopefully at the next meeting I'll be punishing everyones characters on block accordingly. Next to that I've been putting some time in El Blaze, Eileen and Pai, not sure if I want to be serious with them, but I feel I need a secundary character and I'm still doubting which character I'd like to play. Right now I'm leaning more towards Eileen because she plays so differently from Jeff and has some cool customisations.

    What are you guys doing, are there any things you have problems with that maybe we can help. Ask some questions? Maybe you want to know something about Jeff I can tell you about so you can play vs him better?(or maybe tell me something about him so I play better with him ;)) I think it'd be a good idea to get this thread more active so we'll all stay on training mode between the meetings. I know from talking to sofiane on msn or something and we discuss some moves or situations or players I dive into training and try some stuff out, see it with my own eyes.

    Just keepin it casual!
  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Reading back this thread it pains me that I couldn't be there and get beat up by the lot of you at Sof's latest meet.

    Met up with spOOn a week ago and had a bit of a mixup fest. Had some time to mull it over now (I was so busy with my own game I was unable to notice a number of things, something I now realise and regret).

    At a certain point I was using loads of delay moves and high/low mixups to throw off the reversals, a more offensive game from your part would've nipped that in the bud (might lead you to eat some damage but also stops the opponent from whipping out a launcher or a throw at you). And, once again (I've nagged you quite a bit on this some time ago I recall) try to incorporate cancel into throw stuff like /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif -> (low) throw, I find that very annoying stuff to fight against, and so do you judging from the step back kick cancel into throw I kept hitting. Also, sometimes a dodge is better than a reversal as you gain the initiative in a match with a dodge, which can be loads more useful than a quack of damage, mix it up more (maybe that's to do with my playstyle though, I simply like dodges, now if only I could get those throw escapes in there consistently).

    Aside: reversing Brad's knee is still hilarious, fold that dude up!

    Everybody bugging you so much about Jacky needs a Slappy that you decide to try something else? ^_^ lmao

    You've been fiddling with Eileen for a while now and I think you should push through and try to round her out a bit. She's hella annoying, especially since I don't know the first thing about how to fight against her...

    I've been trying out a lot of stuff with Vane too, especially juggles and what to do with walls (what to mix up with the wall throw). Hhhhmmm, now that I think of it, maybe I could show up at the next meeting with a bit of a fuzzy foundation.

    We really need to play again, next weekend is a bit of a problem though, I'll only be back home in the middle of saturday-night or something. I'll kick an e-mail your way. And would you stop teaching people things like wake-up punishing! (Akebueno: yep, I'm part of that list of people it works well against. I even think he perfected the technique in those few early meets with me. snf...) I've created a simple but workable okizeme game with Vane myself though, can't wait to try it out on you.
  6. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    nah, jacky is just not really for me. i need a character that plays a lot more different from jeff so i don't use the same tactics for both characters /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    i was wondering if you've started to use vanessas defensive stance a more, last time i played you i thought you'd be able to adapt much better if you did, but it's been a long time since we played, so maybe you've started using it more.

    yeah, i'm enjoying playing with eileen so i think i'll keep on going with her, thanks for the advice.

    haha, ake really started to own me how further we got into last meeting. i'm not going to give him any tips this time, just very hard punches /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    yeah, we have to meet up sometime, i'm in amsterdam now though, so it's even further away /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  7. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    I practically reinvented my Vane a couple weeks back when I returned from vacation. I still use OS mostly but I've brought the DS back up to scratch. I wanted to say it's about 50/50 but I don't think that's true quite yet. Picked up a few things from those vids we recorded way back when too, funnily enough.

    Amsterdam's good, need to visit the Fame, Gojoker, Henk's, ABC and Boudisque again anyhow. Could become an expensive trip. Then again, next time I'm going to Utrecht I'll stop by a few stores first as well (Blunder, Piet Snot and thatotheroneIkeepforgettingthenameof). Comics and music, there ain't a me without it... I'll make sure to come early when I do. You hook up with those other A'dam types. A couple dug out the thread in the international forums, ain't exactly sure who they are.

    My brain coughed something up:
    I seem to remember from the last time I played your Jeff that you relied a lot on delayed strings and seemed to forget to capitalize on the fear that breeds in people by mixing them up with throws.
  8. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    amsterdam has some nice comicshops yeah, i don't go in them much cause i'd spend too much money, haha. utrecht comicshops are slow, they never really get new good stock, only in the manga sections.. i enjoy the bookstores better, like broese, even though they have less, they update a lot faster

    i don't have a tv or ps3 right now where we can play, but maybe in some weeks, i'll let you know.

    yeah, i liked using those delay tactics then, but i've been mixing it up a lot more now, got it all covered. right now i just have to put more more time in playing less offensive and pull back a bit more, but i don't want to give the opponant space, so i have to find a space inbetween these two. thats my goal for the next meeting anyhow /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    It was a nice meeting this weekend heres my report, hope you all had a nice time too. i was quite happy with the things i wanted to do and had some exciting games. i really enjoyed the dat/ogi/myself triangle matches we had going on saturday evening.
    as always props to sof for hosting the weekend and organisation, surprisingly few humps in the weekend even though we organised it so last minute. haha. tnx to vortigar for bringing his ps3 and stick last minute and ogi for carrying his own weight in accesories aswell!!

    @Dat: It was nice to meet you! I enjoyed playing against you, especially your akira, i think he's your best. you're basic skills are really good and reacting to the opponant. i hope we can play again sometime soon, in holland or the uk.

    @Ogi: i'm still very impressed with your kage, he's really good and fun to play against. i'm sad that you are leaving so soon because i would've wanted to play more against you soon. we'll have to keep contact through msn though!

    @Sof: we have to play more next time, i think it's kinda automatically now that we don't play much at meetings because we usually play inbetween, but because that hasn't been happening much lately we have to play more. still don't know where you are going with your character choices, but your akira flow is so good, no byakko can stop that shit! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    @Yrvin: did you practise some evo at home or was it really you having more control with the stick? you played a whole lot better/varied this time and it'd be interesting to see you actually get your hands on vf5 for a longer period. hope that happens sometime in the future.

    @Spoon: hey dude, you played well but i really noticed your lack of practise. like i mentioned on sunday you've only been using a small number of moves, and although they work sometimes, because of overusing them and using them in wrong situations you get more damage than that you do. don't be let down that you don't have vf5. i think that everyone agrees that if you are good at vf4 your just as good in vf5 (at the level we are all at anyway) because vf4 isn't as accesable as vf5. just keep practising, testing new moves and remember what situations the moves you are using work best.

    @Vortigar:your vanessa has improved a lot man, i like it that you are using the defensive stance a lot more now and it makes it harder to just run into you as i need to keep more options of what you can do in my head. i don't know what it is with you missing your inputs, maybe it's how you're holding your stick or just your execution, but you should really work on that stuff. if it's really true(i mean, i can't see if it's really an execution error or just a wrong choice) it's very important you get it out of your system. yrvin,sof and i all agreed vanessa is a character that is very much about pressuring. maybe you should try staying close more and applying pressure yourself, that way you won't get it back all the time. and a 16frame mid is still super fast vs a 12frame jabber /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif i really liked how you played this weekend, maybe not the results you wanted but you played a lot more varied and fun and i hope you find new ways of using vanessa, it's really a character with your name on it.
  10. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Good time, lots of interesting matches (with varied results and performances) to see and play. In comparison to the last meeting my performance arc was completely upside down with my best matches in the dead of night and some braindead work during the day. I really need to straighten that arc out into a flat(ter) line.

    The only one to face my Vane truly in motion I think, those matches against your Wolf were fun albeit one sided for a while, but you adapted your play to great effect, which was an almost wonderous thing to see happening. You've definately got a good grip on the basics of the game, kudos. Now what was your main anyhoot?

    That Vane vs Kage was disastrous man and I assure you that's not the best of my game by a long shot, I really want to try that again. Not saying I'm going to "pwn yo ass" or anything, you're definately way ahead of me. The late night Brad vs Pai session was great (and together with my Vane against Dat the best I was playing all weekend). Thanks for the tips also.

    At times your Aoi is absolute genious man, ripping into it with a series of strikes and as soon as the opponent attempts to counter attack he finds himself bouncing on the floor, grand stuff.

    I believe it was brought up three times, but no Brad vs Brad was played... Dagnabbit! Solid as always man. 46P -> combo? ^_^

    Now I don't really remember our games last time around but I do know I hadn't seen that particular Wolf game before. We had some close matches and it was against you I perfected my "win two rounds lose three" syndrome. Great timing with that dashing shoulder too.

    Your Jeff has matured into the powerhouse he's supposed to be, impressive stuff you got going there. 2k+g is soooo annoying.

    I think it was simply the tension that necked me, peer pressure and such. I simply forgot to do just about anything. Thinking about what I saw in the replays I realise I started reacting in advance to what I thought was going to happen instead of keeping myself focused on what was actualy going on.

    Psychobabble crap, yeah, but I know that feeling I had in my gut during that tournament, its the same as when I'm singing and I keep hitting that note wrong, I've got to reset my system, sing a different tune and then go at it again with a fresh sound (I use Ameno for that btw, that song starts exactly on a correct pitch for me). I figured out how to do that with my voice, but not yet in VF...

    I reckon the nerves are also what makes me jabber on constantly, to the point I want to staple my own mouth shut.

    If you can just get it through your head to keep attacking like you know friggin how, you should be just fine...
  11. KneeNinja

    KneeNinja Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    It was a very nice meeting indeed, I enjoyed myself and learned alot from this meeting.

    Sofiane: Thanks for holding the meet and welcoming me into your house and provided a place to stay as well. Not to mention the tour you gave me, it was enlightning. You are a top guy, it was nice meeting you and hopefully we'll play again soon :D. I don't think we played many games, from what I recalled your brad owned me, and thanks for showing me that back crumble wolf setup, that was sick and that super flashy combo. Good one

    NGKrush: It was nice meeting you, you seemed like a really nice guy. You are indeed #1 Jeffry player in NL :D, solid jeffry with a pad as well. Give me a msg when you come to London again, I'll show you around /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Ogi: OWNED

    Yrvin: Hey man, nice wolf. And a top guy to boot, very friendly. Too bad about the tourny, better luck next time eh /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Spoon: From what I can remember, you used Aois reversals really well. It was difficult to play my own game against Aoi with good reversals :D. You seemed really funny as well. I heard you play DOA as well, that explains the reversals /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Vortigar: Yeah, I had a hard time against Vanessa. She is so confusing with all those attack attack then cancel into other stance and blabla etc. You used her well, props to you. I don't really have a main at the moment as i don't have the game. I usually like to mess around with alot of characters, but I think with Jacky I win more...not surprisingly :p

    Ogi: OWNED...just kidding, we finally played again and I am sure you agree that I am your daddy :D. Joking aside thanks for the Goh lesson, I like goh now cos he is fun to use. I think I enjoyed our Kage vs Kage the most, but you had to end it, noob! Thanks again for the Burgers, and it was nice meeting you again. Please become toptier in Japan and then we can talk again :p

    Thanks again guys! I'll definitely make the same trip again in the future.
  12. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    So when's the next meeting? :p

    Sofiane: domo arigato as always for hosting. Still the reigning champion on our little tourney. Next time Gadget! Next time for sure! *shakes fist*
    And damn dude, you snore like a pig =P

    NGKrush: Hush you. Just you wait till Version C =p

    Vortigar: Well we already talked plenty on the journey home. Just practice Vane a bit (with stick) to get the complete control éh? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Ogi: Final Fantasy in the late night hours!
    Played some fun matches like always. Of course your Kage is far superiour to me but I felt like I could keep but a little bit with your other characters. You're still the better player by far though :p
    It was highly amusing watching you and KneeNinja/Dat talking trash to each other and it was lots of fun playing with the both of you at the same time

    Dat: When I think back about it I didn't even properly introduced my self to you. So sorry for my bad manners /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif It was great having you in our shitty country, please do come again =)
    You played several characters all pretty solid but I felt we didn't nearly played enough against each other.

    Yrvin: I'll never say "Oh look, the heavy weights are fighting each other" again, promise :p. Your Wolf is still scary as ever. Especially that dreadful low, low, high combination of yours :p
    I know you are too lazy to register here anyway but we all know you read this stuff anyway, so I can tease you without the fear of retalliation here :p

    So yeah. In conclusion. Had lots of fun as always, gained some valuable experience and really want to play again soon
  13. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Hi guys, like always, the meeting was awesome and everyone played well! i really enjoyed to playing everyone out there and i hope u guys keeps playing the game and organises more meetings like this in the future. A big thx to sof for hosting us(like aways ;)) and Knee coming down from London to play us! The red light district tour in Amsterdam is too much lol! thx to sof again!

    @KneeNinja: Great fuzzy, good yomi, good at throwescape, although u didnt play enough VF5 but with ur VF4 basics u are stil awesome! Jacky vs Jacky, u owned with pad, i am ashamed... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif. Goh vs Akira, great matches, although u won more but i think those matches were pretty close(all the matches down to 3-2 or 2-3). becuz ur Jacky is too dry, i need to go wash my hands... too bad we didnt get time to do Kage vs Akira, we will do it next time!(i am not scared /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif) our mirror characters matches were awesome, level was high(throw escape,fuzzy,yomis..etc). ur wolf and jeffry are good too. and i have also learned abit wolf from u and pai on the side. Knee thx again for coming down from uk to play us(hope we didnt waste ur time lol), and we will do it again when i come back from Japan!

    @Sof: u can play a lot characters and they are all pretty decent! had some nice matches against ur leifei using goh and ur brad is a bad man lol. ur yomi is good, just need to concentrate on the defense stuff(like throw escapes, fuzzy...etc).

    @Yrvin: hi man, ur wolf has improved a lot from last time we played! i am really impressed! the WWF talks was also very nice haha!

    @Spoon: u are funny guy "served" lol. we had some close matches and i really enjoyed them, sorry i was bit tired at the time, next time i will try to play beter. if its possible try to work on ur defense bit more.

    @NGkrush: Solid jeffry! ur combos are nice and didnt miss much combos during the game, which i like it alot! hope u can get a good stick soon and practise on it! looking foward to play u again in the future!

    @Vortigar: Vanessa's full cir kick is too cheap lol! i like ur brad the most and i think he is ur best. u didnt miss much combos with him it seems /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif. also try to keep playing on a stick and i think u played much beter on the stick than on the pad, if u had played stick at the frist place(Vanessa vs my Kage), u prob had done much beter than it was! Brad vs Goh matches were epic! i enjoyed pretty much!

    Here are some pic, plz enjoy and feel free to commenting on them lol!

    3 toptiers walking in the red light district! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    who is this nooby? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif

    toptier stuff!

    Plz dont take my pix without asking...joke lol

    u guys really like eat chinese food? whats wrong with u NGkrush lol, if u dont like eat chinese just say it lol.

    the dude on the right is a noob and his akira sux!

    knee(ak) against yrvin(wo) 1

    knee(ak) against yrvin(wo) 2

    Akira vs Wolf

    no comment...(vortigar and knee)

    The boss!!!

    me and knee at airport

    knee and ngkrush at airport

    special team attakuuuu!!!

    hi Sof u need to post something too, hurry!!

    P.S. Our topic name changed from VF in Belgium and The Nederlands to VF in Belgium and The Netherlands, i spelled The Netherlands wrong, sorry guys lol!
    P.S.S. going to japan next week, i will try to do my best there and try to post some report in this thread. When i come back next year lets play some VF together again!
  14. KneeNinja

    KneeNinja Well-Known Member

    Oh i forgot about the pictures, I only managed to take one good picture, my favourite. Here it is.

    Ogi looks so happy with his FF on DS, and sof in the background thinking "WTF Otaku stop playing DS in a chinese restaurant, noob. Can't wait till I own you later at vf5". And obviously the chinese lady in the background has the hots for me.
  15. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I avoided being taken on picture this round, score =P
    I lol'd at the comment of Knee

    Oh and to clear up one misunderstanding. I'm not playing DOA anymore, haven't played it for a long while now. Probably didn't played any longer then NGKrush did.
    So I do have a history with random counter spamming but I guess it's more of a inside joke now then anything else /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  16. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    haha, nice pictures, i love the schiphol pic with you three guys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif if you ever get into 3vs3 sbo battles this needs to be your official pose!

    haha, i suck, i played doa for 2 years straight. or was it 3, doesn't matter: turned back to the light side before it was too late :p

    hey ogi, have a safe trip! hope to hear from you soon!!
  17. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    I knew I had to lose that sleeping bag the moment I woke up...
  18. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    wow, there was another meeting?!
    i should check this forum more frequently lol!
    anyway it looked like a fun meeting, too bad i missed it (great pics btw). i'll do my best not to miss the next one.
  19. kabukicho

    kabukicho Member

    Sounds and looks u guys had a hella good time!!

    I found it very unfortunate that i couldnt make it to the meet and get some games with the allmighty kneeninja and his omnipotent sexy jacky!!
    And of course the other players too :p
  20. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    ngkrush speaking: if you have time to make it to the next meeting, don't hesitate to come, your always welcome!

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