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VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    I said nothing about random button mashing.

    You used a lot of low punches and they worked (as you say yourself). There's indeed a negative connotation there. As LP-ing a lot can be a very suicidal thing to do. But as long as you see the moments where they work and where they don't there's no problem with it. In fact its really annoying to play against and it can break players, as it broke me for eight matches. The fact I couldn't get through it for so long is a huge flaw in my game I need to deal with.

    I played against the cpu in dojo for a bit last night and lowpunches were again my death knell. I like opening with jabs way too much, gotta curb that, open with appropriate mids in advantage, jabbing and LP-ing is reserved for nuetral to small disadvantage. Its so simple but I seem incapable of holding myself to it.

    In small advantage I've even caught the pc with 4446K+G (smacking a low punch), gotta employ that one more, that felt great.

    Also escaped a decent amount of throws throughout, have to insist with that.
  2. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Don't worry man, I'm not angry or anything: I just got that feeling the way you mentioned it being something you needed to look out for at the wcg as something that "anyone" there can do against you to make it unexpectedly tough for you.

    hmm... Ik geloof dat dit grammaticaal allemaal correct is; ik moet toch eens wat vaker kortere zinnen gebruiken.
  3. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Yo everyone!

    Ik ben weer thuis en met nog 1 weekje te gaan voordat WCG er weer is kan ik wel wat practice gebruiken! Iemand down voor een meeting ergens (heb genoeg geld over, dus ik kan overal wel heenkomen..)?
  4. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Welcome back in the Netherlands.
    Meeting? Spoon, what're you doing this weekend?

    I've gotta be on stage on Sunday between 14:00 and 16:00 and I want to drop by the book market in Apeldoorn this weekend, but I can squeeze that in along the side I guess.

    Just got a mail from WCG:
    They're asking us if we can bring VF5 discs ourselves? Wtf?
    Ah well, not my problem.

    They went with a best out of three games after all despite what the pdf regulations say. So that's one hurdle taken I guess.

    Five minutes walk from central station R'dam. Guess I'll take the train then, finding a way to that place and parking and all that isn't worth the hassle I say. Plus if any of us make it to the final (and we will I say) we'll be staying until 21:00 or something and I don't want to fall asleep at the wheel after this day, which will probably be pretty tiring.
  5. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I have summer vacation now, I've got all the time in the world
    i'll also be going by train, stap je op bij apeldoorn vorti? tijd afspreken zodat we samen die kant op kunnen rijden?
  6. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    pff dat is t voor mij haha, iedereen heeft tijd om te trainen en ik... ik heb tentamens voor polymeerchemie, katalyse en reactiekinetiek.
  7. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    haha oh wow, sucks to be you fulanz0r :p
    Aan de andere kant, krye heeft weken niet gespeeld en wint toch nog easily tegen mij. Hardwork kan Talent niet vervangen :p
  8. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Zal wel met auto naar Apeldoorn moeten, ff denken waar ik parkeer. Moet wel goed komen denk ik. Trein van 10:27 vanaf Apeldoorn station om op 11:57 in R'dam te zijn? Of pakken we nog een half uur eerder?

    Ik bel zometeen wel of ik nog langs kan komen. Ben laat uit m'n nest na het feestje gisteravond en voel me nog steeds niet echt 100%
  9. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    11:57 daar zijn is wel prima denk ik. het is maar 5 minuten lopen vanaf het station zeggen ze. Dus zelfs als we om 1 of andere reden vertraging oplopen en een overstap missen of zo dan komen we aan om 12:27 en dan zijn we alsnog op tijd voor de aanmeld period.
    Trein van 10:27 dus, seems we have a deal mister Vortigar.

    Holy shit holy shit Holy shit!? Whhhyyyyy?!
    Ik keek net op de festival map, de tent/gebouw/whatever van het WCG zit naast een Cosplay tent/plaats. Better cover your eyes on your way in and out boys.
  10. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Wie doet er nou allemaal mee? En gaat iedereen die mee doet met de trein daarnaartoe? Dan kunnen we ff op het station afspreken ofzo en dan met z'n allen die kant op gaan...

    Tis raar om 5 weken niet gespeeld te hebben.. Throwescapes zijn weg, ben veel shit vergeten, etc, maar toch gaat het niet superslecht, speel wat offensiever, maar op een andere manier..

    Kijken hoe het gaat zaterdag :p, verwacht er niet zoveel van, maar we zien het daar wel.
  11. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Als Fulan&Pascal in utrecht(daar zitten jullie toch in de buurt?) in de zelfde trein stappen als Vortigar&ik dan moet alleen Krye nog rond 11:57 op rotterdam zijn.
  12. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ik moet ff kijken hoe ik daar kom. Gaat mischien een vriend van me mee en hij heeft een auto.
  13. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    @ake: i understand what you mean, i researched a bit before watching it the second time, the first time i watched i just really loved the scenes between the knights and death, very touching scenes. on friday i'm gonna be moving to adam again, maybe if you have to be there for school or are just hanging out in the neighbourhood we should meet up.

    @vort: big fish is a waste of time, paprika isn't /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Went by Spoon's last Saturday:
    I think the main problem is the conversion to stick. It's making you fail stuff left and right and this breaks your game, because you've got to devote too much time to the controls instead of the game itself.

    A major problem with me when I converted was the time you have to spare now. With the buttons at your fingertips, you can press them much faster than under the thumb. This leads to pressing buttons too early and thus moves don't come out (as you're even faster than the buffer). This is probably what's happening to you now.

    Vorty's Movie reel:
    Big Fish was... strange but appealing. It was more consice than I thought it would be. Had me thinking of Finding Neverland a lot of the time (which was better by the way).

    By far the best thing about the movie is the sheer absurdity of a lot of things, which aren't slapped in your face with a label "this is a joke, now laugh" on them.

    There's also a lot of little nods to Edward Scissorhands in this movie, which definately made me smile again and again.

    And it has Steve Buscemi, who's always solid gold. '"Roses are red, violets are blue, I love Spectre" It's not finished OKAY?! this is why you never let anyone read a work in progress.'

    Paprika is simply a ton of awesome. Uses a lot of Satoshi Kon's mainstay plotpoints, but wraps them in extremely flamboyant and exciting packing paper. Plus there's an actual logic to the delusions this time, instead of Perfect Blue's randomness.

    Between this and Tokyo Godfathers Kon is a definite contender to Miyazaki's throne. Time to watch Millenium Actress and Wings of Honneamise to continue the comparison.
  15. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Whoops, mixed stuff up 'Wings' is Hideaki Anno's first big project, not a Miyazaki one, well actually it's Gainax' first big project. Watched it last night. Good yarn. Excellent setting. Great animation. Lousy pacing. Weak ending. Signature Anno really, and he didn't even write or direct it...

    On second thought, its signature Gainax. FLCL being the only exception, that one had good pacing.

    Well, looks like you were right, we're stuck in bloody tents for the WCG. Microsoft afraid of overheating boxes? *snigger
  16. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    the prob is that i'm doing most of my work at home...but if you need it back soon i could swing by A'dam, no promises though. what time works for you?

    on other topics
    agree with you on Big Fish. btw also saw FLCL, got some of the most weirdest storylines and humor, but i liked it a lot!
  17. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    lol @ tenten
    Wordt helemaal cozy als het een rainy day wordt
  18. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    @ake: nah, it's okay, we'll probabaly meet sometime during a meeting in the summer right, i can wait untill then. if you want to swing by, just give me a call though, we can figure something out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif doesn't most anime have bad/slow pacing (looking at it from a western perspective i mean, for eastern people it's a different story as they just have a totally different speed to their stories), i thought neon genesis was pretty good to watch, that's gainax too right. flcl is still my fav. anime i've seen, short but sweet.

    i hope the tents don't get too hot when it's sunny too (sun + machine heat + people heat = too hot!)
  19. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    My parents will be going on vacation in two weeks, so thereĀ“s plenty of time and room for me to hold a meeting.

    Let me know if/when you want it! (my parents will be gone for 3 weeks, so I can host multiple meetings if you guys want).

    Dunno what to think of the tents, so let's just see what happens..

    From what I can see, we won't have to fear the rest of the competition anyway. It would be cool if we could get some more people interested in playing VF, though.
  20. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> doesn't most anime have bad/slow pacing (looking at it from a western perspective i mean, for eastern people it's a different story as they just have a totally different speed to their stories), i thought neon genesis was pretty good to watch</div></div>
    tbh I don't believe you saw enough anime to make such a judgement twan mah boi. Besides, the only people that call NGE a good watch are those that haven't watched it to the finish or the people that scream that NGE IS TOO DEEP FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND
    true story, prove me wrong.

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