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VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    No taking the 360 along is to both use version C and let spoon continue to use his stick even if we go for my place. I'd just like to invite you over, as you've never been to my place (well, no one here has besides Spoon) and I think it's only fair we rotate hosts when it's possible.

    You guys'd have to join us at the dinner table as well btw. We firmly believe in dinner as a family affair.

    What's your view on this Spoon?

    Holy crap, Jeff's 4K is 14f?! Dagnabbin fraggin' sasserfrassin' rassafrasser! I knew it was good, but that good? Brad's 6K is 17f for practically the same properties...
  2. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Erhm let's see, just so I understand this correctly, it's going to be this friday?
    If Krye will (can? looking at you here Vortigar) come then having a 360 should be nice. Perhaps it's an idea to gather at Apeldoorn station first and have Vorti pick us up from there?

    So, do we have to become family first to take part in dinner? :p lol
  3. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    yeah krye, nice games. my rustiness isn't an excuse for anything, i had a lot of trouble with our jeff vs lau matches, had to get in there and i lost my patience a lot of times that cost me too much games.
    i'm surprised at how fast you got better, very nice, lau is really a good character for you and i'm happy you like him.
    gotta focus more on one character again for the next time, all the playing around with 5 characters is taking it's toll.

    be kind to jeff vort, it's probably his only tool to get out of pressure, without crushes and sabakis he needs sh#t like that!
    family dinner sounds great, haven't had one of those since christmas /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    good idea spoon, let's meet up at apeldoorn station around 12(?) and then go to vorts place from there.
  4. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Krye could come, more than 4 is going to get problematic. I'm checking with my parents this evening to be certain, but I don't think it'll be a problem.

    I've got a few connectors for my pc monitor (vga to dvi and such), probably going to be an adventure to get the sound working again, we can rout it through the cd-player/amplifier if push comes to shove, that thing's got so many ports on the back there's gotta be something that fits.

    I'll try to be at the back of the station by 12:00 (not the busstation side that one is limited to taxi and bus only). Be on the lookout for a dark green Ford Fiesta. I've got NGK's phone number, so we'll be in touch.

    On second thought, with four of us it's going to get crowded, might have to eat seperately after all. Ah, we'll see.
  5. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    I won't be able to be at the trainstation at noon, as I've got to work til that time. I probably won't be able to make it to the trainstation til 13:30'ish, so if that's gonna be a problem, just say so and I'll stay at home n play GTA4 or do something else, no problem.

    Also, if dinner's gonna be a problem if I'm gonna be there, just say so, I'll just stay at home.

    I'm not desperate to play, it'd just like it, that's all.

    PS. I just tried out a new Lau costumisation against Spoon today. All I can say is that Lau's face is fucking EVIL, hahahah.

    PSS. Thanks for the compliment, Twan. I still think I'm doing a lot of things wrong, and I also still think that once people know what to do against Lau, it's gonna be way harder for me to win. Right now it feels like I'm winning most of my games because I'm forcing you guys to make fast decisions, when you guys don't really know what options you have. This mostly goes for my Kokei stance.

    I think the holes in my game will become quite clear to everyone (including me) once research into Lau has been done ;).
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Discussed it with my parents, there's no problem, apart from a debate on what we're actually going to eat. NGK might get on your case about your tardiness there, but I think we can take him to the Nedgame or feed him or something to make him shut up about it. Or we could just start at Spoon's place with the three of us and move when you drop in.

    Your Lau is an abare mofo, but many of us don´t have the reaction speed to squish an elbow in between a -4 and a jab or low punch. I used to pull that stuff on people with Vane but they wised up to it, leaving me with a barely usable character as the playstyle had ground into my fingers, playing her at the last meet was refreshing and didn't go all that bad really.

    Oh yeah, Kokei stance = dodge if I'm not mistaken.

    I didn't expect to feel this way after the last one, but I'm really excited about this meet. Just gotta shut my face and dissect you lot. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Generally against Kokei dodge is indeed the best option, but when you guys start defending against it, I can actually start playing around with it. I've only really been able to play around with it against Yrvin and to a lesser degree against Twan. The rest of you just get hit by k too much for me to really consider any other options.

    When you guys start evading, I can start cancelling my stance into grab, or just stop going into kokei whatsoever. I can also start delaying my attacks (delay 6p->p+g is very nice damage). When you guys start blocking I can use my guard break, cancel into grab, or stop going into kokei.

    I've got plenty of options regardless of what you guys do, but right now I don't even have to pick any options most of the time, since k will just hit..

    Anyway, so I'm okay to come over? Cool stuff, will you be driving us back to Apeldoorn as well?
  8. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's when the game really starts. Since if you don't go for K immediately you suddenly can be beaten by elbows, opening up choices for the opponent as well. The core of VF hangs in these kind of decisions all the time.

    Now that I think of it, I don't recall playing Brad vs Lau for an extended period of time really...

    And yeah, I'll be driving you back as well.\

    Spoon, check Aoi's changes in VF5R.
  9. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Woah! Ik lees echt paar vette dingen voor aoi =o

    "new move G- canceling>P
    A high double hand attack into hit throw. around 50 dmg on CH.

    new move G- canceling>K
    looks like the OMK in VF5, crumbles on CH, -14f on guard?"

    Aparte nieuwe string die je moet cancelen en dan moet afmaken met een P of K? Interesting.

    Changed to a new move, can go into combo when CH, can sabaki high and low P also automatically goes in to a hit throw when sabaki."

    Effin' win! 64p was zoiezo een gare move

    "P+K (no more slapping)

    A slow double handed move looks like Geese raising storm from KOF, comes out slow but can combo when CH, also small disadv when guarded."

    No more bitch slaps! =o

    "YY stance command change to P+K+G
    YY stance> 6P
    looks kage's shippu stance>3P, similar motion and hit properties
    YY stance> 4p
    YY stance> 4K
    YY stance can go in to the 4 or 6 direction now."

    Interesting most interesting

    "23P>4P+G works on normal hit now, but throw counterable on guard." Mooi, want die move is eigenlijk te bagger omdat het in VF5 alleen hitthrow op CH is.

    "23P+KP only knocks down when first hit is CH, if 2nd hit CH will only cause Stagger" een nerf =(

    "64P+K P can G cancel now." Nooit verkeerd, de 2de P is nu -13 op guard of zo.

    "A new catch throw from backturned" Win. Elke keer als ik Goh dat zag doen had ik zo iets van 'dat wil ik ook!'

    "236P+K become throwable when guarded." =(

    "4K itn't special high anymore but will still stagger like Vf5 when hit." Meh, nog een nerf

    "6PP is special high now!!" Huzzah

    "3P Counter hit, the stand P does not hit anymore. but still can low throw" Het is niet alsof deze move zo goed was dat het een nerf nodig had, maar misschien krijgt ie wel andere frames etc dat het compenseert

    "All guaranteed attack are the same after YY stance inashi"
    Mooi, want het is fokkin irritant als je een counter hit low krijgt omdat je KP niet connect vanwege range.
  10. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    haha, no more taking my drinking points. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Hey whats up guys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Seeing as I can't really find comp in Germany I thought I'd holler across the border. I live about 40 minutes form St. Vith, Belgium and 1 hour from Maastricht, Netherlands. Any of you guys live close to either of those places? And if not, hell Belgium and the Netherlands aren't that big so I'd still probably drop by. Right now I'm in Iraq(yeah it sucks) but I'll be back in Germany ready for some games around about a month.
  12. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    nooo my only effective weapon :cry:

    Heya Spinmaster, Alas most of us live a bit more upnorth. In the surroundings of Utrecht/Amsterdam/Apeldoorn. If you don't mind traveling for 3-4 hours to get here we would love to have you over though. We had a british person before as well as 2 from belgium. We usually have meetings that take the whole weekend.
    Though at the moment we don't have any thing big planned

    Iraq éh? Good luck out there
  13. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Saw you in the 3S ranbat vid on youtube...

    What the heck were you doing there?!
  14. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    hahah vort, I want to get into 2d fighters and because some people couldn't come that day RVV invited me to watch a bit and meet those players.
    wow, dedication right there.
  15. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    so guys, I'll be at apeldoorn station at 12:00 with my 360 stick and memcard and hopefully some boosted skills since the meet vs krye. if anything changes give me a call, i won't be able to check the inet, bladiebla, you know the story by now.
  16. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    haha wat?
  17. moritasan

    moritasan Member

    You went to Irak because there's no competition in Germany? I totally understand... I'm thinking about moving to Akihabara so I can buy my Sanwa parts around the corner, with no shipping. ...I'm glad I wasn't born in Japan, I would have have skipped school every day. Just like these cosplay kids who just hang out all day and do absolutely nothing. That's great.

    However Maastricht is furtest away from about everyting in Holland. You should bribe your friends into playing, with beer or cheap vodka or something.
  18. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Twan, zie je nu waarin Negima verschilt van Love Hina en waarom Negima het beste is dat ooit in mangavorm verschenen is?
  19. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    dude I aint seen you online in a while. Was looking for you on live. I'm getting a new mic soon i think. Lemme know if you want me to teach you some basics. (is easier with a mic).

    oh pascal, check your mail.
  20. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Ik heb negima tot volume 17 gekocht (en tot 10 gelezen) en ik kan niks anders doen dan het met MasterPas eens zijn.

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