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VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    guitar hero is niet echt zoals jij het beschrijft twan, alleen de moeilijkste nummers moeten op die manier aangepakt worden. Ik spreek uit ervaring, afgelopen weekend was ik ladderzat en kon ik nog gewoon goed spelen XD

    Ik heb opzich wel zin / tijd om donderdag naar je toe te komen Twan. Woon je in de buurt van het station? De enige reden waarom ik twijfel is of ik wel iets waard zal zijn op die meeting :p Ik bedoel ik heb al zo teringlang niet gespeeld en jullie spelen iedere dag, ook weet ik nog niet eens 100% zeker welke char ik wil spelen.

    p.s. Virtua Fighter 5 is een officiële game voor de WCG in Nederland ( http://www.wcg2008.nl ) dus iemand van ons zal naar duitsland mogen XD. Ik ga me proberen te kwalificeren voor de GH3 spot dus we zien elkaar daar sowieso :p
  2. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Niet per sé, kwalificaties voor games worden apart gehouden meestal, ik vermoed dat GH3 samen met Halo qualifiers gaat hebben en VF met PGR (zo was het vorig jaar iig).

    Guitar Hero=casual game. Als je het serieus gaat spelen (alles proberen te perfecten) is het saai IMO. Ik speel liever gewoon lekker mee met de riedeltjes (dus geen Metal, never ever ever ever EVER Metal). Rock Band is gonna be perfect for me (op de prijs na, dan).

    Als je nu al twijfelt of je wel wilt komen, moet je je wel gaan afvragen of VF wel wat voor je is :p. Op zo'n kleine meeting is tenslotte veel meer gelegenheid om tips te geven. Wat ik wel weer heb met VF (of had eigenlijk), is dat als je niet echt een basisgame hebt, tips eigenlijk vrij nutteloos zijn omdat het dan gewoon losse dingetjes zijn die je nergens goed kan gebruiken.

    Ik zou gewoon even langskomen, though, there's always fun to be had :).

    Ik ben nu bezig om meer de frame situaties van Lau te bestuderen. Ik realiseerde me van de week dat ik nog helemaal niet bewust nitaku op m'n tegenstander forceerde, dat ga ik nu dus proberen te doen. Moet ook weer m'n throwescapes actiever gaan doen, ik doe het nu eigenlijk alleen nog maar na unsafe moves :(. Need more ETEG!
  3. moritasan

    moritasan Member

    Kareem heeft mij verwezen naar dit topic. Laat ik mezelf even voor stellen. Ik ben boss tan4ka en speel de Xbox versie met Pai. Ik ben niet zo'n hardcore speler als jullie. Ik bestudeer nog geen framesituaties enzo. Maar ik wil wél een stick kopen, de vshg en de game dan wat serieuzer gaan spelen.

    Ik was eigenlijk benieuwd of iemand van jullie Xbox pcb's soldeert of sticks mod zodat ik de pcb niet uit de vs hoef te halen.
  4. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Shoul we call you boss tan4ka or moritasan?
    In any case, hi! o/

    Ik kan nauwelijks een balpen in elkaar zetten dus bij mij moet je in ieder geval niet zijn.
  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Moritasan: (There, answered your question mP.)

    No stickbuilders among the load posting here, maybe Sofiane, NGKrush or Seikokilla know someone in the country. Didn't Kareem tell you he had his stick built in America cause he couldn't find anyone local?

    I think not many of us are that specific on frame date. Personally I like to know these kinds of things, I'm rather mathematically inclined that way. But I'm trying to step away from it, being able to adapt to the opponent on the fly is a more important skill in the end (which is why I don't play my Lion vs AI and I don't read the frame data on him at all, weird experiment, but it seems to be working somewhat).

    A certain basic knowledge goes a long way though, so you can string together moves that will always beat lowpunch (ie. jab -> elbow), and what moves from the opponent you can punish (ie. if you play Akira: Aoi's sweep is -15 on block so only dashing elbow (/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif 14f) is guaranteed, Lau's sweep is -19 or something on block so you can pull out the yoho launcher (/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif 17f)). Generally though, blocked sweep = elbow guaranteed.

    Oh ja, ik merk dat ik Engels aan het babbelen ben, op de één of andere manier gaat dat automatisch bij mij.
  6. moritasan

    moritasan Member

    En dat met die hoge dollarkoers /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Nouja, ik had toch niet verwacht dat een gierige hollander onder 40 dollar zou gaan zitten met zijn mod. Dus mijn leven as far as you're concerned gaat gewoon weer verder.

    En als het goed is zijn jullie niet alleen een beetje aan het ouwehoeren over framedata, maar is er ook nog iemand hier die het waar gaat maken. Dus ik neem aan dat er een wcg finalist onder ons is? En dat we met zn allen naar de finales gaan, in ieder geval als bezoeker?
  7. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member


    Erhm ja, we gaan ongetwijfeld wel ff bij de wcg kijken
    my money on either twan, irvin or ake as finalist candidates
  8. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ik had juist kramp toen ik na 5 maanden weer eens een normale controller in mn handen had voor COD4.
  9. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yep, had ik ook toen ik op stick overstapte. Ik ben me nog steeds aan het afvragen of ik eventueel niet beter cross-handed moet spelen, m'n linkerpols is duidelijke minder soepel dan m'n rechter.

    5 maanden geen controller in de klauwen? Freak! :p
  10. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Meer touwtjespringen als je last krijgt van je pols >=D.

    WCG kwalificaties zijn nog niet geweest, dus nog geen finalisten bekend wat dat betreft.

    EDIT: NM those matches for today, mini-meet postponed to Tomorrow!

    PS. Welcome to the group, Morita.
  11. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    "Inschrijven voor de Nederlandse voorrondes van de WCG kan vanaf 21 mei. Op die datum worden ook de data en locaties van de voorrondes bekend gemaakt."

    duurt nog wel ff
  12. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    ik gok juni / juli :p
  13. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    @bumfood: yeah, hard to compare the games, just thought i'd try to bring it to someplace i know you are comfortable in. sorry about thursday, didn't see your message, i'll pm you my number so you can call for a meeting anytime. like krye said with smaller meetings it's easier to talk and take your time, we could just play around a bit in practise and watch replays and stuff, not that i'm so supergood, but i think if we take an afternoon we can get your basics straight if you feel like it. you showed you had feeling for the game when we played imho, so it's sad to throw that away.

    @moritasan: welcome dude, we need a dedicated pai player amongst us. don't worry about framedata and all that theory stuff, if you can do some nice combos and damage you won't be needing it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    @vort: i've been into framedata from day dot aswell, i like looking at it especially from a gamedesign perspective. how does sega force a certain character to be played in a certain way. for vf all i'm using frames for are guaranteed punishment situations right now, for jeff it's hard to play forced nitaku as he's so high risk, so i judge safe situations differently everytime, according to how i feel i stand vs the opponant and guaranteed situations i will try to get maximum damage, i think that's something tekken left behind in my style of play as punishment is such a big thing there.

    just noticed that the dutch thread is nearly always on the frontpage, that says something right? nice!
  14. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    I feel frame data is nessecary to get out of your 'mashers' stage. Newbies (including me a while back) just always attack, and attack, and attack but what happens is counterhit, counterhit, counterhit. If you want to get out of that you need to understand the effects of advantage and disadvantage.

    you dont have to start memorizing everything. But try and memorize the frame data for low punches, jabs, your elbow and your best launcher, so you will know what to do when it hits, is blocked, or evaded.
  15. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    I'll probably play a lot this weekend, I'm getting interested in the game again thanks to your kind words Twan :p. This weekend I'll probably look for a character I feel REALLY comfortable with so I might switch again but that's not 100% yet. What you said though Twan was right on the money, I do feel a bit unmotivated because of the rest of you guys being that much better than me but that's always been a 'weakness' of mine, giving up fast. I'll keep you posted.
  16. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to like Jeffry more and more. To me he is similar to Wolf with superior striking and I'm not having very much difficulty getting combos off. The aerial grabs are working nicely as are the hit-throws 66PK > PG which I had a lot of trouble with with Wolf. I've only just started using him though but getting the 6K > 43PK >(6)P > 43PK > 9PG off feels so good /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Do you have any tips on what I should start working on first Twan?
  17. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    3k and 66k is all you need.
  18. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Add 2K+G and 4KP, and you're done, Jeffry in a nutshell.

    So yeah, bought a car, picking it up Friday morning, planning on going there at 11:00 so probably be done by noon. When's your grand tour coming to Apeldoorn then?

    Spoon & NGKrush:
    I could drive you guys back and forth to Eerbeek if you want. We'd have to transport that 360 though so staying in Apeldoorn might be easier, if a little more cramped.
  19. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    @vort: great stuff, congrats on the car. as the meetings only one day (right?) i'd like to start as early as possible, between 12 and 13 o'clock? you decide about where, i don't really mind, whats easier for you. if it's just us 3, will we need a 2nd setup?

    @bumfood: haha, no probs /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif jeff is a great choice i think, he has lots of great tools, if you can do that 2bounce combo you are all set for high-damage, yeah!:
    *66pp is great as it moves you forward, you can delay and it's safe
    *4k and 6p are your main 14-frame mids (aka fastest mids in game)
    *pk is great
    *3pp is a great launcher, you can do 66pp or 2p,2k+g after it bepending on heavy or light/mid weights.
    *kkp is cool too as you can hit confirm, you can just do kk and it it hits press p
    *3k is great but 66k is very very slow so you can't use it a lot
    *keep ppl from evading by using k+g
  20. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    @Vortigar/NGKrush/Spoon (dunno who I should address for this), if there's room, could I come over as well? I'll be done with work at noon this friday and there's no fencing this friday either, so I'd have all the time I need for one last meeting. Let me know!

    @NGKrush: GG's last friday. You were rusty, but I still learned a lot (the power of regular jabs for example, haha). You were saying I was attacking less against defensive characters, but I think that had more to do with you just being scarier with those characters, and Spoon making me a bit afraid of attacking Aoi in a straightforward manner. Still feeling I'm attacking too much from situations where I shouldn't and also feel I don't use the right attacks in most situations, but all in all I was quite satisfied (not in the least bit because I could actually compete with you now, even if that was just because you were rusty, haha).

    Thanks for the games!

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