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VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    GTA4! Zal ik em kopen of niet?

    Ik hoor er goede dingen over...maar of ik er 60 eu aan uit wil geven...?

    EDIT: Nog 52 rivals voor ik unlimited money heb! Nu slapen, morgen het karwei klaren, dit is de meest saaie shit ever!
  2. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    /care about GTA4
    Vind het nu al saai :p
  3. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    100% wheee, heb ik die bullshit ook weer gehad :).
  4. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    lol congrats and welcome to the "we spend too much time grinding rivals" club
  5. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    "spent" I'm done with that shit now!

    I love having free items out of the shop, though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! You just made any further quest mode adventures EVEN MORE boring than it was the first time! Without money as a factor, there's even less to do_O_O

    Hemelvaart klinkt overigens als een goed idee. Voor mij geldt hetzelfde als Karim, btw. Niet alleen heb ik een moeder en een zusje; er lopen ook nog twee pitbulls rond. Je weet wel, van die kleine witte harige monsters.
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Quest mode is alleen nog voor item runs, en die waren toch al saai. Voor de rest is er online mode :).

    EDIT: BTW ik call patent octrooi op Jean (of hoe jullie dat dan ook willen noemen). In any case, he's mine!
  8. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Counter hits do damage proportional to the attack interrupted, so inashi and low-damage reversals (pai, aoi's tenchi) don't incur much of a penalty at all for getting counter hit.
  9. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    yeah i said 30th as that's the first day i was finished with work, didn't think about queensday and stuuff, gonna hang out and look for old games and comics in haarlem i think, anyone have haarlem queensday experience and if it's any good? adam is too busy for me and utrecht is my 2nd option.

    @krye: thursday is fine, i'm home working on homework all day so anytime is fine, i don't have any phone credit so i'll just see you arrive or not /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    @vort: i think that i don't have school on the 4rd of may so meeting up would work out great on friday or whatever, i don't know how you want to organise it, so i'll let you take care of that, i'll keep that friday+weekend open for vf /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    @fulan: yeah, i talked to yrvin and he wanted to join to, 4 players is a nice meeting right? i'm fine with anything from the 1st or may (234 is for apeldoorn) and 7may onwards, let me know what works for you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    let my national vf tour commence!, haha, lol..uuurgh
  10. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    aight cool beans, you guys prefer the weekend or during the week. I reckon if you guys have OV during the week would be better right?
  11. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    8th of may should work for me too, basically ever thursday is good for me. I'm not 100% on 1st of may because i'll probably be playing gta 4. Also I need to force myself to play more because i probably haven't played in about 4 weeks and that's no good either, don't know what's wrong with me but i just don't feel like playing the game for some reason.
  12. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    too bad man, aren't you feeling brads playstyle? maybe a more effective character from the get go will keep you more interested? (pai,lion,sarah,lau,jacky,jeff?)
  13. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    it's not really his playing style it's more that I can't keep playing this game for a longer period of time like I can with Guitar Hero. I like playing it that's not it but I can't keep playing it for some reason

    I've always thought about picking up Lion but I shouldn't say I'm going to start playing as him because I can't keep that promise :p
  14. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    You need to get some kind of flow going. It's just gonna be random button pressing if you're not getting into the game enough (even if you know what buttons your pressing and even if you know what the buttons you press do, it's still pressing random buttons, if you know what I mean...(confusing..)). With Brad and Wolf, it's hard to get a flow like that, because they're hard characters to play with. With a character like Pai it's way easier, because she's got a lot more straightforward fighting style. Same with Lau, but he's mine, so sorry :p.

    Bash the AI with her for a bit, customize her, and you'll be on a roll in no time! That's my theory, at least :p.

    EDIT: Basically, what I'm trying to say is, with a character like Pai, it's easier to see what kind of situations you're creating and also easier to create advantageous situations, than with a character like Brad.
  15. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    It also doesn't help that you were forced to miss the past two meetings. If it's just you and your xbox and it isn't "your" game yet in the first place, it's hard to stay motivated and very easy to spend your time playing something you feel a lot more familiar with.
    Try to get together with us some more and see/hear/feel/taste and touch the whole VF experience for a couple of hours straight and you'll get your motivation back.
  16. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    I can hardly ever get my self motivated to play VF aside from meetings. Playing it kinda feels like work instead of it being fun. The meetings is where it actually gets interesting.

    Anyways, ik zie wat datums voorbij vliegen maar nog niet iets concreet afgesproken worden.
  17. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    like sofiane always says: without a record function in training there isn't as much fun to training mode. dedicated eteg en fuzzy training needs some real dedication and that's something i only feel just before and after meetings.

    i remember disliking playing vs ai a lot at first, but after a while it is pretty handy for hit-confirming juggles and just playing around. if you feel comfortable with the basics you can start experimenting with juggles, flows and pushing opponants off the edge and stuff like that. now when i play ai i'm figuring out a lot of spacing with moves and OM stuff, you know, see from how far it connects, what moves connect after it hits, just playing with the moves. with an easier character you get the basics down sooner because you have easier ways to get nice damage.

    grinding a guitar hero stage to 5stars or perfect is the same mindstate as working towards a good game with your character imho. play, figure out executions and timings for combos/solos and play around in the easier parts (oh no, you can't do that in guitar hero, hahaha! lame.. nah, sorry. but as gh hero player you must know this feeling for perfecting a song)
  18. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Twan is om. Eindelijk ziet hij wat ik altijd doe tegen de ai: een bewegende oefentegenstander die altijd paraat staat om VF te spelen. De ai heeft nooit andere verplichtingen en ik hoef ook nooit er aan te denken om de ai wat drinken of zo aan te bieden.
    In het allerslechtste geval kun je de ai altijd nog zien als een bewegende practice mode die jou random normale hits of counterhits aanbiedt. Daarnaast leer je de bewegingen en de strings kennen van de karakters waar je nog weinig kennis van hebt.
    Ik heb die hele anti-ai tendens nooit zo begrepen.
    Dus Twan gaat al interesse krijgen in Super Turbo en nu gaat hij ook al wat positiever kijken naar AI. Wow Twan, what's next?
  19. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Morgen begint hij een character met een defensieve stijl te spelen...

    Om eerlijk te zijn tegenover Twan zegt hij dit al tijdje, als het VF betreft. (Net als ik, en eigenlijk iedereen op dit forum.) In T5, 3S of ST geldt dit niet echt op dezelfde manier, alhoewel ik alleen ervaring heb met T5 op dit vlak. Je moet je wel limiteren tot een bepaalde manier van spelen aangezien de AI een heel aantal gaten heeft. (Pak Brad, ga in slip left of right en mash P+K...)

    Uhm, een datum, ja... Gelijk de 2de dan maar?
    Waar? Wie? Geen idee, ben het ff kwijt met alle datums en personen die hier rond vlogen. Heeft iemand een overzichtje van alles dat daadwerkelijk is afgesproken?

    On GH:
    Het spel vereist eigenlijk compleet geen actieve hersens, het gaat puur om het matchen van wat er op scherm staat. Geen creativiteit, geen improvisatie, puur en simpel, volgzaam als een puppy de knopjes op scherm indrukken. Als ik me een rockster wil voelen barst ik er wel in zang bij uit (desnoods met een stukkie air guitar).

    Ik speel trouwens Bladestorm voor grotendeels dezelfde sensatie, kan ik hele dagen aan verliezen, maar is weinig cognitieve activiteit bij nodig, gewoon een stapel iconen en balken in de gaten houden en timmeren maar. Kan niet wachten tot DW6 ergens tweedehands ligt.
  20. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    hahaha, it's like you say vort: keep it simpel and nothing more. because of that you can start to feel the flow and distances of a character, but tactics, that's a different story.

    for clearance: i'm meeting up with krye this thursday 24th at my place, anyone who wants to come, just give me a call and we'll set it up.

    2nd is apeldoorn then, nice. just give me the info and i'll be there /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif and vort and i have a obligatory first to 25 session on that day, haha

    i'll probabaly meet up with fulan&pascal&yrvmeister somewhere between the 5th and 11th of may(fulans call). i think this is fully booked as maybe another utrecht guy was gonna be there.

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