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VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. ReVolt

    ReVolt Member

    Trouwens ik krijg een Error, ik kan niet op XBL spelen. Ik zie bij vids Version C update staan moet ik die hebben om online te spelen?
  2. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    nah dat heeft er niks mee te maken. Als je een error krijgt dan is Live gewoon weer gay.

    Version C is een gameplay update. De PS3 had Version B, de 360 heeft Version C. (al die videos zijn trouwens geen xbox live replays maar uit de japanse arcades).
  3. ReVolt

    ReVolt Member

    Ok, ik ga zo wel ff die error opsporen :p Is er verschil in gameplay tussen die vids en de xbox360 versie? Er zijn wel ziek veel versie's van Brad, nice!
  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    als er version C of D bij staat is de gameplay identiek. Version A en B zijn een beetje outdated maar betekend niet dat de videos nutteloos zijn.
  5. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    yup ik speelde ook doa4. Ik kon het alleen niet zo vinden met de andere nederlandse doa spelers (naast krye) omdat ze boos werden om alles wat ik zei. Zelfs de meest goed bedoelde grapjes gingen ze van over de rooie

    also, I finally completed quest mode 100% huzzah!
  6. ReVolt

    ReVolt Member

    Lol, ken je mij nog Pine NL? Het is tog niet moeilijk om de quest te halen of wel?
  7. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Brad's one of the characters with the least changes from version B to C. The only problematic one (for practice and in videos) is the change in the 'flop' animation produced by Long Ducking KK. That one changed the combo possibilities from there completely.

    Ah well, you can still just go 66P+KP6 (threaten rise)...

    And no, it isn't hard to complete Quest mode, it just takes a lot of time, and still a lot more over that to do it on the PS3 version as you get less money and you encounter new fighters less.
  8. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lol, ken je mij nog Pine NL? Het is tog niet moeilijk om de quest te halen of wel? </div></div>ik herken je forum naam ja maar kan er niet een gezicht bij halen. Kan ook zijn dat we elkaar nooit in het echt ontmoet hebben though =P
    En zoals Vortigar zei, Quest mode neemt gewoon fokkin veel tijd in. 120 rivals in elke arcade
  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    What's up all!

    I've got some good news!

    Een DOA-speler die ik ken loopt atm stage bij WZZRD Utrecht (Daan aka Evil SantaClauz voor mensen die DOAmensen kennen :p) en hij kan een toernooitje voor ons regelen daar!

    Vraag 1:
    Zijn jullie geinteresseerd? (denk dat ik het antwoord wel weet)

    Vraag 2:
    Op welke datum moet het dan gehouden worden om ervoor te zorgen dat iedereen kan?

    Ik ben zeker geinteresseerd, heb alleen het probleem dat ik zo goed als de hele maand mei en een groot stuk van juni in het buitenland zit, dus dan kan ik niet.

    Kan vanaf nu in principe elk weekend in April, in de maand Mei helemaal niet en in Juni in principe elk weekend vanaf de 11de.

    Post maar wanneer je kan, dan kunnen we even kijken wat het handigst is voor iedereen (als iedereen voor de rest in Mei kan is dat misschien et handigst).
  10. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    hey guys it seems everyone is really beefing up for the meeting. it´s great to read the pro´s and cons of all your games cause then you get a good feeling of what happened during them. very jealous of all you guys with live. i have a feeling a lot is going to change in the tournament results this weekend, haha!

    i probably won´t be able to make it to the meeting as i have a low cash flow again, my only chance is to hitch a ride with krye maybe, could you let me know if this would be possible? thanks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  11. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    If I can take the car it's no problem, would I have to pick you up in Haarlem, or can you at least make it to Amsterdam Slotervaart or something (it would be quite a detour for me to go to Haarlem.
  12. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Huh, wha, wait, you're saying you're a no show for this weekend?
    (12th and 13th)

    I've heard about the Wzzrd. I'm a bit vague on their exact facilities though (you've been there for a Tekken tourney right NGK?). Was he talking about a closed meet, where we'd just get together without having to mess up somebody's house? Or was he talking about a true event that they'd put on the calender for others to join as well? Don't know what would come crawling in for that, but there's always hope, Utrecht's a big town and if someone thinks he could have a go at it for 5€ or so he'd certainly be welcome.

    Just for emphasis:
    I think that if we want to arrange something like this we'd need to pull everyone together. We can't have just 8 people show up, that wouldn't justify being at a place like Wzzrd. If we can get 12 at least from the VFDC guys this could be quite nice though. I'd say push it back a little further on the agenda if that helps to get more people in.
  13. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    It'll be at a WZZRD Lancafé (Utrecht most likely), it would just be an open tourney hosted by WZZRD. We'd just pay like 5 or 10 euros and we'd be able to play the tournament n some casuals in there. I've had 2 doa tourneys there and both of them were really nice with a good atmosphere (we had to run the tourney ourselves, but that wasn't really a problem). I think it'd be good for the group if we had an event like this, to make the competitive spirit burn a bit brighter!

    Pushing it back a bit further is no problem for me, as I'd be able to attend, then =p, but the sooner we know a date, the more likely it will actually happen.
  14. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    yeah, well, thinking about it i can't skip school this weekend, too much is gonna happen that i can't skip it so i think i won't be coming, tnx though krye. have fun guys.

    wzzrd was nice, a bit small, but nice. it'd be cool to do, but if only the main people attend and no real new people we could just aswell put 5 euros together and play at our meetings that we have anyway as the added option to play casuals and in a more casual setting is more interesting for me(for the tekken tournament ppl brought they're own setups, so we only used the tvs from the location and we've got our meetings so nicely organised with ppl bringin stuff it is better imho).
  15. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    That's a shame, man. Hope you can make it next time!

    Maybe we could do another mini-meet, some time, just gimme a call when you're up for one!

    Played against sp00n for a bit, I felt I was blocking a lot more, and it worked out pretty well I guess. I was using more throws this time around, but again I had that feeling that things were so much easier as soon as I started using throws. I guess I'm just used to DOA where every throw attempt is risky since people can hit you out of it at any time for a superdamaging combo..

    Sp00n used Jacky afterwards, I kinda lost my concentration and I got annoyed by Jacky's halfcircular lows hitting me out of everything, as well as me not throwescaping jacky's throws (I didn't know what to escape!).

    Sp00n (or I should say Spoon as he asked me) wasn't playing as well as he was last time, I guess it's due to too much AI killing.

    ggs though!
  16. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    yeah, maybe we can meet up during the week sometime soon.
    4 and 3 are jackys best throws, 6 after that. 1pk is like laus 1kk only combo on ch and 2nd is duckable(ducking followup highs is a lot better than you think as you get free launchers and guaranteed throwattempts). you need to step the low to his stomach.
    throws are very powerfull in vf but you can really start seeing people "going for the throw" after a while and avoid it. lau is a pretty allround character in that he has very strong throws and when ppl are scared of his throws you can get a lot of dmg from strikes so i think it's a good tactic to keep playing on if it works for you.
  17. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Yeah I couldn't really get into the game for some reason. The A.I grind of yesterday was still in my system and I kept messing up inputs doing random shit and wasn't really paying attention to what you were doing.
    Thankfully i'll never have to play a quest a.i again now =P

    Basic Jacky mix ups had a bit more luck since I can play him without having to put too much concentration into him.
  18. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    The Wzrrd thing sounds pretty cool to me. I agree with Vortigar though that having just 8 would justify it. But I think at a place like this we could try to invite some people who are just a bit interested and they can just check out the game with us and play casuals.

    Anyways, shame you can't make it Twan. Was looking forward to breaking those SPLASSHUU!!'s and BACKUBUREAKAR!!'s.

    Oh and I was thinking, I'd like to have some small hookups during the week on the regular. I can even host em in my room. It doesn't have to be anything serious but I think it'd be nice to have some consistent offline gaming going. Not every meetup has to be big. Let me know what you guys think.
  19. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Regular meets would be nice, I think the biggest problem with that is matching schedules, but then again, when there's not as big a group, it shouldn't be that hard to match em up. Maybe it's easier to have small meetings in different regions, since traveling to Maarssen for a day each week would be a bit too much for me (I'd have to travel for 2 hours, back n forth). It could work out though, nice initiative!

    BTW, Ake, zou je me een PM kunnen sturen met adresgegevens enzo? Dan kan ik je huis vinden!

    Oja, misschien is het een idee als we op harderwijk centraal (bestaat dat?) met wat mensen afspreken om naar Ake te gaan, zoekt makkelijker denk ik (zeker als er iemand bij is die weet waar Ake woont...).
  20. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    You can do it by foot, if there're people present who know which way to go of course. I'd suggest you meet up at the little parking lot across from the bus stop (it's on the Kiosk side of the tracks, you can't miss it).

    I'll (probably) be ferrying people by car (again) from the station to Ake's, so you can always make a call. I plan to arrive as early as possible (a.k.a. as soon as I can get my arse out of bed).

    Yay, new avatar.
    King rocks on!

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