VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Hi NGKrush, thx for keeping vf alive in NED and bring the players lol! talking about the 28-29 2 days meeting, it seems that i can't make it this time, fristly dar isnt going, so this means i cant go(need dar's car lol)... secondly, kind busy with school atm. anyway, u guys can stil having this meeting, if sof is ok with it lol. really sorry about this, sof and vortigar...

    ok other thing, there is a tekken meeting this weekend in Antwerp, sof is coming, and i asked about if we can play some VF5 there and the answer is YES! if nothing goes worng...i(dar is coming with me too) will be there play some VF5 lol. and i will bring my vf5, two hgs and my camera to film some matches.

    ok thats for now...
  2. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

  3. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Darn shame you can't come (get it? nudge nudge, wink wink)

    We'll arrange something the next time around. Plus I've actually had a thing on the night of the 28th myself. Sof: I'm still there on the 29th though.

    Nice vids btw.
  4. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    great initiative ogi!

    not many of my friends really play vf (or fighting games for that matter), but at least one is going to check it out on xbox360. that is like a couple months away. so i would think its cool if i'd be able to play other vf gamers.

    anyway i dont have a main character because of the lack of competition. i cant really say how good i am (or how bad i suck lol) because of this.
  5. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    hey, sorry i missed the antwerp meeting, i couldn't swap work with anyone else. hope you play you soon ogi, your matches vs sofiane were impressive and it was nice to follow the matches closely because i know sofianes level/playstyle.

    @akebuena: hey! where are you from? picking a main is the easiest part of fighting games: just pick one you like and get to know & play him/her the most /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    The meet was sweet!

    Gotta plan something new soon.

    Sof, hurry up with uploading those matches.

    I'm not entirely happy about my performance, crap defence, lack of focus most of the time and (as usual) my DS stuff was off by a mile. But the end result was some 50/50 wins/losses across the board. OS Vane to victory!

    Time to retrace evo's tutorials (on stick this time).
  7. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    The meeting was fun, I had lots of fun matches, but I played really bad that day (probably because of lack of sleep /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif).

    We played two first to 5 matches and those were:

    NGkrush vs Vortigar: 5-3 to NGkrush.

    Vortigar vs Sofiane: 5-4 to Sofiane.

    These were filmed on camera and I've put the good matches on youtube. For links, check the Video thread.

    I hope I get to play against you guys soon.

    P.s. at the beginning of Juni, I can host a bigger meeting if you peeps would like that. If people want a meet, I will come up with details later.
  8. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    yeah, it was super cool. we had some fun/exciting/interesting matches overall, i can atleast say for myself that everytime i learn something new the game gets more fun to play, and i've learnt quite some stuff in the weekend.

    like i said in the weekend vortigar, it was nice to see you've made progress,you play very well but you need to learn to relax and handle the pressure haha. it's something the ai doesn't teach you huh /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    and sofiane, for you i have the opposite advice: you need to relax and stop pressuring so much, jeffry is a big man but he has a limit too :p LAME!!!

    june sounds good to me, but we need to meet up before then again too!
  9. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Juni is impossible for me, over.
  10. kabukicho

    kabukicho Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    same here.

    Preferably somewhere in july.

  11. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    We could just do both. A little Dutch meet in early June and a bigger international one for July?

    I'm game!

    Fear my Progress!
  12. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    i just watched some of the vids you posted. those were some badass and pretty close matches! anyway i'd like to match up with you guys some time. early june is ok for me!

    to ngkrush: i used to play shun in vf4 evo. but when you don't have anyone to play against, it is difficult to improve your game. so you start playing the other characters and then you don't really learn a character. oh and btw i'm from harderwijk
  13. Gung_G

    Gung_G New Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands


    I had to get a fighting game with my PS3 but never really touched a virtua fighter...

    Played SF:3rd Strike, Soul Caliber (1&2,3 kinda sucks), little Tekken 5(+Dark Resurrection, PSP D-pad sucks).

    I live in Den Bosch and can't wait to meet other players, all of my friends are not really interested in fighting games -_-

    Anyway's, maybe we could compile some mailing list so every event is relayed to all those interested.

    I've got 2 controllers (no sticks...yet) so if you live in the neighbourhood mail me and w'll meet.
  14. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Gung_G: Another Dutchman enters the fray!


    Just starting out, eh?
    Well, now's about the best time to start as everyone is trying to wrap their heads around #5.
  15. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    Sofiane, me and NGKrush have pushed a last minute meeting together for next friday. A fourth attendant has been contacted but we haven't had confirmation from him yet.

    We will be gathering at Sofiane's house at about 12:00 and stay till we drop or he kicks us out in the middle of the night, whichever comes first.

    We'll have two setups, a single stick and a whole lot of pads and convertors.

    If you're wanting to come I'd suggest you PM Sofiane about the location of his house and if there's still any space available.

    Hope to see you lot there.
  16. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    pplz so how did it go, the little meeting?
    any vids? :p

    i played dar today, we were both using our subs.
    me = Goh, Dar = Gayon
    uploading vids now....
  17. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    For my part I was rolling on quite well in the afternoon. At evening my entire game collapsed (the Goh > Brad switch and back messed me up big time).

    There were at least two vids. I'd have to ask Sof to fix that stuff onto the 'net. Naturally they're from the evening so you can see me bumbling about... It does contain a pair of nice wall combo's though, both from me and Sof.

    I should really make a definite decision on who to play...

    Saw your vids on youtube btw...
  18. MSG

    MSG Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands


    I live in amsterdam. I played Virtua Fighter 1 on the saturn, but now I have Virtua Fighter 5 on ps3. maybe we can all organize a tourement...
  19. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    There will be a meeting at my place this weekend, so peeps who want to come, send me a pm or email and I will give you my adress.

    The meeting is both on saturday and sunday, so people that want to sleep over, need to bring their own sleeping bag and airbed.
  20. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: VF in Belgium and The Nederlands

    I'll be there. Probably will be making arrangements to stay over this time as well. You'll be hearing from me.

    Casave Kroepoek!

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