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VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    FUCK YES !!

    I fixed stuff with work so I have Saturday off. I will see you guys on friday!
  2. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    cool dice, give me a call when you will be on the station
  3. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    i'll put the number in my phone right away.
  4. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    haven't heard anything from sof or yrn today, when are you guys coming?
  5. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    ey sp00n vraagje, heb je toevallig een slaapzak oid over? Mijn moeder heeft mijn tas weggegooid en et word een beetje moeilijk om er een mee te nemen lol :p
  6. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ik kom waarschijnlijk zaterdag, maar ischien kom ik vrijdag avond al. ligt er een beetje aan.
  7. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    denk wel dat ik nog wel iets van een deken of heb liggen, moeten alleen niet te veel mensen gaan vragen want dan ga ik te kort komen :p

    @Fuulani, laat het maar horen. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    i have shotgun on a matress, i mentioned it to spoon a month ago!!

    spoon, yrvin's been trying to call you on your mobile a couple of times, i'll give you sof and yrvs mobile number through pm and then you can maybe try to call them.

    pascal and i will try to be at yout place around 12, cause pascal won't be staying the whole night and it'll be worth the trip for him then.
  9. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    is goed, van mij part mogen jullie ook nog wel eerder komen.
  10. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    he Sp00n,

    ik kom met de auto, dus waarschijnlijk zaterdag. (Sofiane, je kan met me meerijden als je langs harderwijk komt)

    kan je me je adres geven zodat ik weet hoe ik er moet komen?
  11. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Warning, Spoiler: <input type="button" class="form-button" value="Show" onclick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = '';this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Show'; }" /></div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div style="display: none;"> mobo 0644614634, krijg je me daarop niet te pakken probeer dan me thuis nummer: 055-5766719
    Apeldoorn, boerhaavestraat 8 7316jc</div></div></div>
    heb het een tijd geleden op pagina 25 gezet, hier is het nog een keer /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    Ey sp00n hoeveel man komt er vanavond al? Als ik rond een uur of 9 vertrek ben ik er pas rond 11 uur en ben ik niks waard denk ik zomaar :p Kan ook morgenochtend al vertrekken en dat ik er dan rond een uur of 10-11 ben, laat maar weten wat je het fijnst vind. Ik neig zelf meer richting morgenochtend want dan ben ik wat frisser denk ik, als er nu al een stuk of 5 man zijn vanavond kan ik al wel komen.

    ps. Zolang je een deken + matje (matras) voor me hebt ben ik blij, scheelt me in ieder geval wat spul om mee te zeulen, m'n tas is kwijt om een of andere reden en kan zo snel geen nieuwe vinden. Lemme know /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ik kom zaterdag met krye
  14. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Sof en yrn zijn er nu, het is nu al redelijk laat en als je zelf zegt dat je frisser bent morgen dan zou ik zeggen, kom morgen ochtend samen met de rest /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    ik heb nog wel een luchtbed of de helft van de bank (denk ik :p ) een deken wordt iets moeilijker, denk dat ik alleen nog maar dekbed hoesen heb.
  15. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    probeer wel een tas mee te nemen met slaapzak dan, morgenochtend rond een uur of 11 zie je mij verschijnen waarschijnlijk. Voel me niet al te goed (verkouden) maar ga er maar gewoon van uit dat ik er ben. Tot morgen
  16. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    hoe ziek ik me voel is niet normaal meer, ben maar half in staat om hier iets te posten. gebeurd mij nu altijd, wil ik eens ergens naar toe word ik ziek. Sorry gasten maar ben niet van de partij, maar zoiets hadden jullie denk ik al wel door /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  17. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    ah ok, naja kan gebeuren. beterschap.
  18. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Dat was weer leuk, spoon dankjewel voor de gastvrijheid en de bank :).


    ik heb niet zon gedetailleerde post. Yrvin vond ik wel goed spelen, ik had m dan 2 keer in die tourney maarja leg dat tegenover de tig andere matches waar ik m niks kon maken. Ik had op de eerste dag wat meer matches tegen Krush zn Jeffry willen spelen, je jeff is angstaanjagend lol. Ik had ook graag meer tegen Sof z'n Akira willen spelen maar dat ging niet zo, wel ok matches. Ook bijna niet tegen spoon gespeeld, jammer. De matches met Ake vond ik heel vet, ik werd hard afgemaakt maar ze waren voor mij echt spannend. En Krye, tsja wat kan ik zeggen over Lau haha, nah volgnde keer rematch gast :).

    Over mijzelf, ik ben aardig voor een noob maar ik val voor stomme dingen en pas niet genoeg aan. Ik blijf dan nu wat meer pressure zetten maar dat lukt ook niet altijd (wel een verbetering tegenover vorige keer). En mn defense is zo lek als een zeef.
  19. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Hey guys, it was a nice meeting. Thanks for spoon for hosting this time. Next to sitting in the train for over 10 hours this weekend I had some nice games and fun conversations and the bananas where the bomb, who ate the other two? Next time more fruit!!

    My remarks:
    It was really nice to see you practised, I noticed it right away as your pressuregame was a lot more stable and your confidence in the game flies way high when things go the way you want them to. Sorry for only playing Jeff, I really want to focus on keeping him as my main so I just need to play him more to get past certain hurdles in the defence department to keep him at the level I want. Next time we can play some akira vs blaze matches. We had some exciting games, some of the best for me this meeting and I hope we can play longer next time.

    You played very well over the weekend against everyone. Slowly I am understanding how to play against your style and hopefully with some practise I can play against it a bit better. It's an uphill battle for jeff vs a defensive shun because you are putting me in a position that i shouldn't be as attacker and your spacing and cancels force me to play very on the fly, never making mistakes. great stuff. I hope you have a new bag of tricks next meeting to freak everyone out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Like I told you already, props to your new eileen game. staying close, keeping pressure is really working out for you and i think that over time you will really have a great pressuregame ready with her. Remember to evade (not only defensively but also when you have the offense) so you can always keep the pressure on, OMs too, mix them in for spacing and evasiveness, you'll soon find out that these moves have quite good reach and that will add to your long distance game. Also I want to tell you again that you don't always have to stick to the mixups you have thought up after certain situations (like after 3P+G and 6P+G6), if an opponant is scared they starting doing stupid things (like staying in block while they are at major frame advantage, for example I have had 2K+G blocked and still got off doing my catchthrow or 6k because the opponant did the wrong stuff under pressure), take advantage of that by turning around and throwing or whatever. keep mixing all you situations up more to stay fresh and hard to read, then you will notice that keeping pressure gets easier as opponants never know what to do.

    Your way of playing Aoi is totally based on this 50/50 game in which you are at a large disadvantage damage wise(lol, not only damage wise, but i won't go there in this remark). You stay back, relying on reversals and throws and I think it really doesn't work out in the end because if you gamble correctly you get some damage but if you gamble wrong you get a lot of damage. VF isn't a gambling game, it's about closing off options and that is not something I'm seeing in your game.
    You really need to focus on building an offence and be able to win games without focussing on throws and reversals.
    I was hoping to see this part of your game had been more developed this meeting as you told me you where playing a lot of AI and online opponants and I got the idea you had found some flows to play around with but I didn't see much change from your stuff you did in previous meetings, maybe a little more stable.

    We also talked a lot about your matches in the train, so you know what I think. Sarah is a very hard character to master in vf5 if you want to use all her options in the best way, she is already one of the weaker characters and not using these options (I'm talking about character specific/stance specific juggles, flamingo pressuregames,.etc) doesn't make her much easier to win with. I hope you find in your second character one that is easier to control against all these different playing styles from each of us as I think you need this to boost results (think about whether lion is a good second choice as he has the same character situational probs as sarah has in my experience).

    I really want to give you the advice to stop looking at VF as if it was DOA. You have developed some very cool mixups and have some nice spacing going on but, like i said to spoon, there is more to VF than just these mixup situations (and in my experience, a lot of the times these mixups start working against you when people totally figure you out because of your usually limited options if these mixups fail...)(also, this is no diss to doa or doa players or whatever. You know my views on that game so i think you know what i'm trying to show you here). Try to work in some usage of your frame data into your game, ask your self: ok, my P is blocked, I have +2 now, what are my best options, what are the things i can do to surpise someone to keep them on their toes, you know, just start thinking a little more subtle about your game instead of these PK4 mixes and catchthrow mixes. I know how you like to play really cool, and i remember you telling me all these crazy zack things you found out in training mode and then suddenly throw them out in the most unheard of situations. In my eyes you are a person who can really challenge himself to find out stuff like that and I'd love to see you do it in this game too. I think this will also result in a lot higher and more stable results for you as you become harder to read and harder to play against.

    We didn't play this meeting, only a little, but we play a lot inbetween meetings so it was nice to sit on the bench and watch the exciting matches between you and vortigar. let's play some more next meeting. your lei-fei is developing nicely, if you have time when you are on the internet check out some lei-fei matches on youtube and steal their combos, I believe there is a higher damage potential for many combos you do.


    I'm going to steal Vortigars thunder by saying that we need to think about a new setup for the tourneys. It's nice to have 1TV everyone looking and yelling along, but it just doesn't work timewise with our group that seems to be expanding slowly. We can choose to play the same format on multiple TVs at the same time to shorten the length of the tournament, we can also choose to take another setup al together. Vortigar had this great printed out list of setups we could use, I hope he posts them so we can figure out how we can do it in the future.

    Then I want to say that at the next meeting I wand to play longer sessions with Sofiane, Akebueno and Mike LeRoi with my Jeffry. I'll be putting time into training against your main characters (Akira, Shun, Wolf respectively) so I'll be looking forward in playing you.

    My personal (and very honest) ranking as of now:
    1. Mike LeRoi (intentive/creative and very stable player)
    2. Sofiane (if he keeps up his practise :p)
    3. 12politie (lol)
    4. Akebueno (based on what i feel comparing our results vs others are i am placing you under me, great stuff)
    5. Vortigar (K.I.S.S and you'll rank up!)
    6. Fulaani (all you need to do is grind xp and evade and i think you will be a great rival for the top3 positions)
    7. Master Pasje (more focus on playing humans)
    8. Spoon (need an offensive game and be more creative)
    9. Krye (need an offensive game and be more creative)
    10. Bumf00d (practise makes perfect, hope you make it next time)
  20. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Yeah I was trying to think of a way to put those tournament formats up, but it's pretty difficult to find a workable way to do that on a forum. And it's not really finished either, gotta iron a few kinks out. I had hoped to try one or two things during the meet, but my appearance was way too short in the end. I'm also trying to come up with some other possibilities and I'll look into a challenge system as well, maybe our group's a bit small, but it could work and it'd be fun having a champion's cup going around like those boxing champion belts ^_^

    I had some great games with Spoon, probably some of the coolest matches I've ever played against him really. There were some absolute bs matches, but I think we both displayed a lot of solid stuff across the board, which felt great. After that I went through some tense stuff against Mike, which I felt really good about as well. After that I took a breather and then went up against Fulaani to find myself utterly unable to gain a good grasp on the game. His pressure tactics work really well against me, but then, I already knew that from NGK's Blaze, great improvement over the last time we fought. During the last few matches things went downhill with me rather quickly, so I figured I'd call it a day (and hey, the timepiece said I almost had to shift locales anyway).

    K.I.S.S.? Keep It Simple and Safe you mean (or Sweet)?
    Yeah, I figure.

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