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VF Circuit Sponsors & Date Set for the First Event

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 20, 2012.

By akai on Jul 20, 2012 at 8:02 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] Thanks for everyone that have registered for the VF Circuit! As of today, we have 100 plus players total and 60 plus players in both the 360 and PS3 League. There is no deadline to register for the VF Circuit (there are registration deadlines for the individual events in the Circuit though), so when you wish to be part of it just fill in the required registration information. Some new info to share with everyone:

    First, Sega, Mad Catz, and U•be will be providing prize support to the VF Circuit! More info will be provided within the season.

    Second, the time and date for the first event (round robin format that should take less than 2 hours of your time) has been set! Saturday, July 28th is the start of the 360 League and Sunday, July 29th is the start of the PS3 League. Both leagues events will start ~ 8 PM(your local time but can be +/- one hour from the stated time based on who registered for the event).

    For more information on signing up for the event please check the following post in this news thread.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 20, 2012.

    1. Guiseppe
      I just sent you a pm. Please add me to the 360 event.
    2. FinalWaveGaming
      how many people sign up got ps3? and xbox360? depending on the numbers i will let you know where to put my bonus points there.
    3. wingchun_warrior
    4. ToyDingo
      Nuts, if I sign up do I have to be present right at 8 PM EST? I play in a semi-professional soccer league and I have a match at 6:30 on the 29th. The earliest I'd be home would be 9-ish...:(
    5. Arjay
      I've sent registration info a few minutes ago. I'll sign up for the PS3 event on the 29th.
      I'm entering on PS3.
    7. Reno
      I'll be in for the PS3 event, since there are no other JPN-based people on the 360.
    8. Chanchai
    9. akai
      From a PM
      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have a question about the time.

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sunday, July 29th is the start of the PS3 League. Both leagues events will start ~ 8 PM(your local time but can be +/- one hour from the stated time based on who registered for the event). </div></div>

      I'm curious, how can it start at 8PM for everyone's local time? I mean, if it's 8PM for my brother in XXX, it's 6PM for me in XXX. Kinda confused about it, and I don't wanna miss the event by logging on at 8PM only to find the event happened an hour ago!

      Thanks. </div></div>

      Before the event, there will be another post / group PM to those participating (in PDF there is a 1 page outline of how the season will proceed and how each individual event will be done). Each "event" is basically numerous small tournaments with people grouped together in a similar geographic area. Thus, you will be playing with people in the same time zone as you (your local time of 8 PM). Thus, your tournament start time will be 2 hours after your brother tournament start time. The +/- one hour is just in case there are too few people within your timezone participating in the event; thus, there is a chance you will be playing with people in a different time zone. Hope this clarifies what I wrote earlier.

      If enough people in your time zone is participating - 8 PM your local time. If not enough people in your time zone is participating...you live in Europe...so possibly 9 PM your local time. This will not be known until the registration deadline for this weekend event. I will be posting a countdown timer hopefully after work.

      I do not have exact numbers off my head, but the 360 League had more iirc (the email I sent to everyone before this news headline had some numbers). I will make an update after work.

      Please check the second post of this news thread for the information.

      Yes, to make this run efficiently I would like to have these events start at the time stated with little delay as possible.
    10. Dipstick
      I would like to sign up for the event, on both systems. Add the bonus point should go to the 360 league.

      How is this going to be administered? I would imagine a bunch of people would get on IRC to coordinate matches, and then people report results. I'm guessing that since the window to complete is pretty small (within a couple of hours), things are going to happening fairly quickly.
    11. supergolden
      Count me in for the first event (PS2)!

      Lake Ontario championship has moved to Japan [​IMG]
    12. akai
      Second post updated with countdown timer for registration deadline of this weekend's round robin event.
    13. Kamais_Ookin
      Can you edit my info to both consoles and PSN (playstation sweet nights [​IMG] ) ID to Kamais_Ookin? Thanks for all your hard work akai, your green name needs to be darker. :p
    14. Feck
      Only just seen this, i'm free this weekend so put me down. Bonus point on 360 pleasey.
    15. Bilal
      Me too, akai!
    16. saelz8
      I'm ready for the July 28th Xbox League.

      Beam me up.
    17. akai
      A mass email was sent to everyone registered for the VF Circuit (as of today). If you do not received it tomorrow (check your spam and junk mail also), let me know.

      The second post is updated again with the most up-to-date player list. In addition I made two more files, 360 and PS3 league. If you already told me that you will be participating this weekend, a colored box should be in the "round robin" column in the same row as your name. If you signed up and you are not shown to participate in the round robin events, please let me know as soon as possible.

      Also I started VF Circuit Blog to organize information related to these online events.


      A PM will be sent with detailed information before the tourney start time (challonge brackets will also be used). We will be using the room match mode. I will be present on VFDC to coordinate things while people are playing.
    18. DoctorForHire
      Count me in for the event on the 28th
    19. akai
      Oh I forgot to list the statistics:

      Currently we have 148 people signed up for the Season (note: this is not the number of people participating this weekend).

      83 People in the PS3 League
      96 People in the 360 League

      110 People are from North America
      35 People from Europe
      3 People from Japan
    20. Genzen
      The league files in the second post send me to a Google documents page that says 'document cannot be found' or something like that.

      Maybe check see that they're working? Might just be me.

      EDIT: when I click the blog and then click to see the player lists, it takes me to a spreadsheet thing that lists everyone up. I'm assuming that's what the links in the second post are supposed to be. Not sure where the problem lies.

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