Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Blitzball Champ, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    Chief_Flash likes this.
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Not really, been playing how long and had to look up yomi? Mr. VIP still don't know what hit-check means in 2016. Know why people who know how to play don't post? cuz people don't get better. They just dwell in their comfort zone. Who's cares, The game is dead, it's shit. Just keep on mashing. End of the day @Blitzball Chump still can't beat @Cheap Flash, and @Jason Elbowscrub still don't know how 46p, euros are still abusing lag, BS still winning on VFDC, and @Myke still complaining about how aliens are unrealistic video games while he TFTs people. Carry on.
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  3. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    First off, I really don't see why it is such a big deal not knowing a particular term when you haven't really heard it anywhere else at all? It's like I have said in the past, I have been more of a heavy VF4Evo player than this game because if anything, it had a much better training system than FS. Only thing that sucked is where I am from, not much if any offline play for this game exists outside of the small, and I mean very small, circle of friends that played this. For the longest time, I have played fighting games casually and only a few years ago actually gave competition a try, and I think that is fantastic that there is so much fighting game terminology, but I am not anywhere close to being fully up on it like anyone else, especially since I haven't really started until around last year really research, but all I can say is whether it is this game or another, I will eventually get it because I have a little more patience now than before. Take that as you would like, but I am being 100% honest.
    Jason Elbow, Ellis and Chief_Flash like this.
  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Come on really? You are glad you weren't around in VF3 days where there was no training mode and each game costed a dollar... Do we need a community hug here? Dude you ain't gonna get better... You ain't never gonna beat @Chief_Flash... VF Arena should be renamed more appropriately to Scrub Arena.

    Don't be mad cuz I speak the truth. Wanna prove me wrong? I'll give you the chance right here, right now... here's my challenge to you @Blitzball Champ:

    Do a max damage SSR combo on a ultra light weight.

    Yes it's that simple, the easiest GED question. I even give you a month to do it. Today is 2/2/16, show me a tape by 3/2/16 of you doing a max damage combo SSR combo on a ultra light weight and I'll give you 50$ and won't call you a scrub again. And just to help your scrubby ass out, I'll type out the combo right here:

    [4],[6][+][P][+][K] > [3][3_][+][P] > [P] > [9][+][P][+][K] > [2_][3][6][+][P] > [6][6][+][K][+][G].

    I'll even tell you who this combo works on:

    Aoi, Blaze, Eileen, Sarah

    The only stipulation is that it's a real match and you have to win the match, so you won't mash this shit 24/7.

    So what's gonna be? You gonna keep on running the hamster wheel or step up and learn something @Blitzball Champ?

    Jacko and Chief_Flash like this.
  5. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    If you are going to be a jerk about this and be immature instead of being a grown man, which I assume you are, I don't want anything from you period. Because regardless of whether I do this or not, you are going to say the same things anyway. So if you feel you are wasting your time, then so be it. Move on. I go my way, you go your way. You won't ever hear from me again. Deal? I refuse to get any sort of advice from anyone that is just going to be immature and insult someone for no reason at all. Don't have time for it. You ever wanna fight in VF, I am around, but don't expect any sort of communication from me anymore. When it comes down to it, I have respect for each individual in this community. Apparently, you don't. Real talk. Have a blessed day.
    Jason Elbow and leftylizard like this.
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    This is why you are never going to get better, because every time people criticize your gameplay, you automatically assume they are attacking you personally and run back to the " respect for each individual in this community" bullshit excuse; Pats each other on the back going: " Oh.. don't let anyone tell you u can't beat so and so.." , " Oh.. I can beat this guy or that guy.." No... you can't, and you never will. how the hell you gonna win again good people when you can't even do a basic combo? And i'm giving you a month to do it. Why are you so scared @Blitzball Champ? Do the challenge, and shut me up son. Or keep on sucking for the rest of your so called vf career.

    Respect is earned, not given. If you pretend respect everyone then you don't respect anyone. - 1FK
    og23, Jacko and Libertine like this.
  7. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  8. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    True story.

    Sorry Blitzball Champ, but to get better at this game, you're going to have to accept negative criticism. Who wants somebody lying to him out of courtesy? Fuck that noise. Believe it or not, Shang is saying this shit to you because he respects you. Anybody who's significant at all in this community (which isn't necessarily saying much) is going to get treated this way at some point. I was no exception, and neither are you.
  10. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    Please help me to understand how someone respects someone who may say some advice or a combo of some sort that may be help, and when you haven't gotten it at first or embedded it yet, you get insulted for it. Not only that, will blatantly disrespect others by posting offensive links and such on a blog about those people for others to see, which I don't get at all. He even does it to you, a ton actually. I don't see why it is a big deal for someone to insult someone about how much they choose to spend and use their money on. And finally, if one doesn't see that challenging someone to give them money to perform a combo in a match and win a match is flat out disrespect then something is very wrong. But I will say this, I don't need any validation from him period. I will fight and I will work on getting better, but this will be 100% for me and not anyone else, because to be honest, a decent percentage of this community hasn't made this game fun to play much lately. I am all about playing this game and having fun but others have taken the fun out of it for me, whether it was intentional or not. But as I said before, I know what I need to do and I don't have any problem with criticism at all, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do that. Respect may indeed be meant to be earned, but in no way, shape, or form since I have been on here that I have ever done anything to deserve to be disrespected. I do the the point you make Lib in the fact that people are going to treat you this way no matter what. I guess when it comes to the fighting game community I have to learn to deal with that better.
    Libertine likes this.
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    The community is what it is. Yeah, I have tons of shit posted about me, and I probably haven't even read half of his blog posts about me. LOL. You can argue about how things should be around here all you want. You just need to ask yourself whether or not you like this game and whether or not you want to be in this community. If the answer is yes to these questions, none of this shit that's bothering you matters.
    Blitzball Champ likes this.
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Also, I don't think you understand what disrespect is. If nobody respected you, people probably wouldn't even be talking about you. Find all the blog posts about cooladdy's scrubby ass. How about Pai~Chun, Camelot_Kings, KyleVF, etc?

    I hope you have that match against Flash. You're definitely going to get your ass kicked, but challenges aren't all about winning. I'm sure if you asked either Shang or Flash what you did wrong after the match, they'd be more than happy to help you. Also, keep in mind that not all challenges are fun. Once you get the fundamentals to this game down, then you can start having fun against good players. Everyone goes through this.
  13. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    These are valid points. And yes I do plan to have the match with Flash of course.
    Libertine likes this.
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Chief_Flash and Jacko like this.
  15. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member


    Thank You Congressman, for holding my hand.
  16. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    Shang,he told you vf arena isnt about him but for the community. Is blitzball champ hurting you......NO. With all due respect no really cares if you like arena or not. Its entirely possible to be a fan of vf and support community and not be good at the game. People like Myke,Blitzball,and Blackstar are winners in my book even if the havnt won vf5fs evo.
    Jason Elbow and Blitzball Champ like this.
  17. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    @leftylizard, why does my Akira suck so bad. I keep losing to you all the time & don't know why. Why can't my Akira compare to Lazy Black Man, Blow Job General & the puerto rican that now has play Pai for the rest of his life forced on by Little Pimp Purple Rain?
  18. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    2 weeks until Street Fighter V drops. It's been awhile since I really played FS. I wouldn't mind getting in on some of the action, provided I'm given a competent opponent. If not, I could just spectate/commentate.

    On the subject of @Shang's criticisms...a lot of players forget, or just don't know, that I was "victim" to the harsh critique as well. I will never forget this exchange we had on NYC VF FB group:

    Shang: *Insert rant about how FS sucks and how they should remove jeffry from the game because of how they bastardized him and nobody would miss him*
    Me: "But, but...I would miss Jeffry*
    Shang: "hey hey nobody asked you, in fact you prove my point because you, a NOBODY would miss him hahaha*
    Me: lol you're right, I am a nobody, but I'll be just that and make the pride hurt.

    Never took it serious. In hindsight, he was right. I was a "nobody", but I didn't play FS for fame, glory, or ANY kind of notoriety. I genuinely enjoyed the game and have met some of the most chill and down to Earth people from literally all parts of the world through it. There's no money in competitive VF. You play it because you love it. I played and trained with @Shang and @Chief_Flash very often and they are a very crucial reason why I improved a lot in VF overall. I had the yomi, they provided the training, and bam...the rest is history.

    We're cool now, along with @Chief_Flash, and from time to time he'll STILL clown even us if we're getting random'd out by some nonsense in FS and we all just laugh about it.

    As for your game, @Blitzball Champ, I'd have to co-sign with @Shang on the fact that you do play a pretty repetitive pattern with Wolf. It CAN work for those not expecting it (112 or 121 types of mix-up), but when your game is basically 111 or 222 it's like "Okay, now this is boring". I'm not here to attack you, but I'm going to be upfront with your game and somehow try to justify why Shang is going hard.

    You've been playing for at least 2 years now...I understand that not everyone has "skill growth acceleration" and can improve in a short time. But to do max damage combos or set-ups proper can definitely be done in that time or less, IF YOU CARE TO. The vibe I get from you is "I must beat this man, I must win this match and I'll do it my way". it's about Ws and Ls when it should be about improvement. When I learn a new combo, set-up, or whatever, I practice execution of it in dojo and I will literally sacrifice matches (whether they are casual or non-tourney competitive) to perform it in matches so I can really understand the situations to apply them (under pressure, etc).

    I decided to throw my 2 cents in (and I usually don't type this much, barely post these days as is) because I was legit taken aback by your feelings with your VF Arena. I have never met you, but you've always been a great guy to me, shown me nothing but love and share a love for Kanzuki Karin-sama. Continue to do what you love for the community, but if you care for your own self-improvement just try out the methods I've suggested. Drop the care for "I must get the W" and place more emphasis on "I want to get better". Once you do that, you'll get rid of the comfort zone of repetition and will be more open to do different things (like max damage combos).
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
    Ellis, og23, Craigbot and 4 others like this.
  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    Jacko likes this.
  20. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    I see where you are coming from Jacko. I guess I never thought of it this way because I originally felt like, just about with a lot of fighting games, that if you weren't getting the wins and such, one would automatically be placed into a class of suck. I felt like when making the hitlist that this was the only way to be able to make something happen, But you are right in the sense of let go of the records and just have a sharp mind to learn and apply. It is apparent that my mindset has to change in this way. I understand now.
    Jason Elbow, Ellis, Tricky and 2 others like this.

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