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Versus City

Discussion in 'General' started by Myke, Jan 12, 2003.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    I have NO IDEA why anyone would want to argue with me on this (and post twice to respond no less).

    So ha, my definition is better than yours. I win.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh, I'm not arguing with you, Jeff, I was just pointing out the obvious from observation. Hey, that's cool if the forums we post in are "sub-forums" - I had no idea - that's good that you pointed that out because it's certainly not very obvious. The double post is bizarre - never had that happen before...certainly wasn't on purpose.
  2. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    If Reno didn't know about this place being called Versus City...(even though its on the main navigation bar)...that's cool. It is a very cool name and great minds think alike (but I thought of it first, nyah nyah).

    I did know about this forum before I registered the domain and I didn't care. No one thinks of this site as "Versus City at Virtuafighter.com". They think "virtuafighter.com's forums". And for the record, you thought up jack. I think it would be better if you simply said "but I stole it first, nyah nyah". At least I haven't tried to take credit for "thinking up" a name. Jeez, now I realize why everyone calls you ass-9.
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    so when i scream 'CHINESE!', what do ppl think of immediately?

    porn or food?


  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Actually, I'd go with the food anyday of the week since Chinese porn isn't exactly on the awesome list of porn standard which isn't saying much. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hmm, i must be on the minority here?? wtf, the first thing that comes to my mind when i want to go to this website's forum is to click on versus city, how obvious can that be?? the name of the forum is versus city.

    lookie here: /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    home (duh) versus city (forum) my home (duh) who's online (duh) faq (duh) ect ect.......

    now THAT is obviuos /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    but i could be wrong, if so lets take a poll! heh


    [polltitle=who thinks the name of this forum is versus city?]

    [polloption=its so fucking obvious, its in the top bar!]

    [polloption=all these years and I never noticed it, i must be blind.]

    [polloption=im gonna say that i dont, even tho i know its ovbiously not true.....i just think its hip to hate on ice9]


    darn, polls are disabled /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I might be in the minority here
    but when i think of boards here
    i think 'vfdc'

    not VC or etc etc etc~

    These looks familiar to any of u?

    'hey..did u read the new post in VFDC?'

    'aiiie, vfdc down!'
    (I understand, apart from the boards, this site has GOOD info as well..but I wager that majority of us click on the boards immediately when we access VFDC~)


    and dodee says BOTH~ to my question kekeke
  7. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    all true, but the point is -techically- the board's name is versus city. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    hahaha, this is such a pointless debate, i give up /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    and damm it!!! when we gonna replace these GAY ass smilies, i mean what the fuck is this ---> /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  8. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    summers said >> I might be in the minority here

    no, you're not in the minority here. i've been wanting to post this for a while but didn't work up the balls to, being as i felt a bit non confrontational lately...


    ass-9 said >> Just look at the main menu bar. Thanks.

    i see "VFDC" in a huge font first and foremost. and whenever i think of and/or refer to this forum here i NEVER use the term "versus city", i use "VFDC". the vast majority of people i know and talk to do the very same unless to make some very specific reference or clarification. fwiw, when i hear versus city i also do think of the cabinet equally, if not first.

    sal said >> who thinks the name of this forum is versus city?

    that was NOT the question, sal. and we're not "hating on ice-9 because it's cool", we're merely responding to jeff being his usual snotball bratty self.

    i'm probably not speaking alone when i say this - stop whining and SHUT THE FUCK UP, jeff.
  9. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    I dunno about anyone else, but I've never thought of "Versus City" as the VFDC forums. To me, it's either "the forums on VFDC" or "the VFDC forums". The first couple times I visited the site I didn't even know if there was a forum (though, admittedly I didn't really look hard) because "Versus City" wasn't very obvious.

    I don't see what the problem is. Reno having a site called "Versus City" isn't going to affect the huge amount of revenue that VFDC generates (lol... revenue), or the amount of visitors. What's the big deal?

    If I named my site "Hash Browns", I doubt McDonalds would be in trouble. Neither VFDC or Sega's cabinets are going to be in any trouble... hey, maybe if Reno names his forums "VFDC" then it could be some kinda weird paradox. !!!

  10. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "that was NOT the question, sal."

    then what is it? is it "what do people call the forums"?

    then, fine, i agree, i dont even call it versus city either. but damm it, technically it's VC. but like you said that was not the quetion, oh well..

    ok, i quit fo realz now .

    /versus/images/icons/grin.gif <------- the only cool smily vfdc (technically VC hehhe) has.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    u 'quit' aye~~~
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Argh, that was supposed to be my last post in this thread, but Bungle is just so lovable online.

    1. This IS stupid. I'm really surprised at how much activity this thread has generated. Do people CARE that much? All of this is much more relevant to me than many of you, and even I don't care if someone copied the name of this forum. (Oops, copied the name from an arcade cabinet for a website even though he knew a forum from another website with a similar subject focus had the same name.)

    2. I wish the question of "Do other people call this place Versus City" or "Is this forum's name Versus City" is as clear as some people are trying to pass it off to be. I've interpreted the latter and have responded in the latter.

    I mean, I don't freaking know what other people think or what they're calling Versus City from some booney town a million miles away (you know how weak a person's argument is by their frequent reference to "everyone thinks..."). I only know what I have christened this forum and this is my modus operandi.

    When someone tells you to Xerox something, it doesn't necessarily mean to go use a Xerox machine....it just means to photocopy something. Get my meaning? What people call something isn't necessarily what that thing is. Oh well, I tried.

    Again, this is an argument based entirely on semantics! How useless is this??

    3. Reno, I didn't know who you were before, but now I feel sorry for you. Chill out man, don't take things so seriously. I should be the one who's pissed off, not you. (And I'm not. I SWEAR. The look on my face is really one of amusement. See? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif )

    P.S. This post is directed at the thread generally, not to Bungle. He gets the honor for motivating me to take yet another ten minute break.
  13. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Going through this thread it begins to amaze me that any two people ever cooperated to accomplish anything.

    I heard two guys in Iowa managed to make a cheeseburger once. Actually it was a hamburger until one guy brained the other then added the cheese. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

    agree to disagree /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif /versus/images/icons/cool.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  15. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    This thread is better than drugs......I like it /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    no no no. it is dumb. I don't know why anyone is getting upset or even hinting at the idea that they've been ripped off.

    Should Vonnegut come over and kick Jeff's ass for his nick name?

    <font color="green"> pastiche is ongoing and pre-exists you </font color>
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    rampant speculation is always amusing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe this isn't the place to really ask (or is it?) but what's really up with the ownership of the fighters.net domain?

    To me, fighters.net was a well established site with a long history. I mean, I was using its services back in the day when it was just an ftp site, and I bet 90% of its current users probably wouldn't have a clue as to what I'm talking about.

    But obviously something recently has happened involving the domain name which has forced (?) the F.Net guys to relocate and rename. I guess it was the choice of this new name which made me sit up and take notice, and ask what others thought. It should be obvious why it sparked my attention, but versus city on vfdc is where I started getting involved with the site, its the place where I spend most of my online VF time, and it has now grown to be the place for English-speaking and other International VFers to get together online. If there was a trivia question asking what is Versus City on VFDC, I have no doubt every regular here would answer it correctly.

    So, I agree with what ice-9 said in one of his posts, that there are other cooler names they could have gone with instead, but hey, it's not my nor his site, so what we say doesn't really matter, and I don't think any of us will be losing sleep either. I originally posted to simply find out what others thought about their choice of new site name, and that's it.

  18. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    I just wondering myke. Have you ever thought about advertising on the site to generate funds??
  19. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Myke: I'll humour you with this long and complex tale.

    I joined Fighters.net back in 2000 for their relaunch after they had secured a host. If you remember the site disappeared because of the whole GameFan Online/Express.com debacle that screwed up a ton of sites, including FN. Back when we were launching in 2000 we realized that the server that our hosts put us on was woefully inadequate to meet our needs (IIRC they put us on some crap AMD K2 with 64mb RAM) and just about everyone got pissed off about this and didn't do much for the site. The people who primarily ran the site after 2000 was myself and cka. The other staff members either disappeared or had real life jobs to attend to.

    Cut to October of 2002. Our hosts FINALLY admit that they can't provide a service for us (mind you they never upgraded their servers for us, despite us pleading to do so) and say that they're going to shut down the site in a week. Couldn't really do anything about it because the whole arrangement between the site and the hosts was made by one of the original founders of the site, who like the other staff members left. This hosting was free btw, which is why they cut us off; it was more of a verbal agreement than a contractual one.

    Because this person (one of the original founders, al-x) had the domain registered in his name, we couldn't relocate the nameservers even if we wanted to because he never gave us that information. We knew that the domain expired in November so we decided to wait until it did so cka and I could grab it for ourselves and reopen the site. About 2 weeks before the domain was about to expire, al-x registered the domain once again in his name - which he's perfectly entitled to do obviously - but this pissed off cka and myself since we had no damn clue why he did so since he hadn't worked on the site in over 2 years.

    So now the domain is still pointed at the server that shut us down, and they realized that hey... they could probably make some cheap money off the work that cka and I did on the site for the past 2 years.

    And that, as they say... is that.
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Reno, thanks for the detailed reply. I have a better understanding of your situation and wish you and cka well with the site.

    Jedi_Fei, yes we have thought about advertising on the site and decided that the extremely small amount we stood to gain (given by the small user base here) wouldn't justify the added overhead imposed on the site.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately?) this ain't SRK.

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