Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by powerincarnate, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    While I agree with the later part of your statement, I disagree with the former on several levels. First and foremost if you are using your safest option against Vanessa , 2p you are asking for trouble. If you reached the point where you always use 2p at small advantage , you are going to be yomied. The cardinal rule in VF is either you are going to use your opponents habits against them or the opposite is going to happen. There is no way a skilled Vanessa player is going to use 1p at disadvantage unless you have become so predictable with your flowchat that he knew a low was coming and yomi and sabakied you.

    More than anything your initial statement is fundamentally wrong because Vanessa players usually use 1p at small advantage , not small disadvantage. Middling players. ( who rely on flowcharts too often ) tend to 2p at small disadvantage , which a mindful Vanessa player will anticipate and destroy with a 1p. The pitiful dependence on flow charts has caused some mind blowing idiotic play . Case in point, random Akira player online gets blocked or hit , at small disadvantage he tries to 2p and gets hit by a defensive elbow. Because he blindly follows flow charts what does he do at this small disadvantage? He 2ps again. Stupidest. Move. Ever. Just in case the Vanessa player does 1p again, and the Akira player gets locked in a vortex of trying to 2p his way out of disadvantage rather that using more intelligent options.

    Now I admit there are times when the Akira player tries a mid after eating a 1p but he fails to back up first and his lack of frame data knowledge leads to him getting counter hit .

    If anything 1p is not broken, no smart player over uses it , as it is -8 on block. No sabaki is broken, they only come into play when one sees a pattern in players attacks. At small disadvantage, 46p+k is not even a good sabaki to use, as most likely you are going to get hit with a mid p, not a mid kick . The active sabaki frames in 46p+k also prevent it from being abused.
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    18 months to reply and you came up with that? LOL. Why would you use an 18f move that avoids highs and sabaki's lows for small reward at small advantage? At +1 2P gives a greater reward for less risk. And +2 or more (or +1 if you're crouching), WS P is again by far and away the best option. If you're using 1P there you're either bad or your opponent is.

    Did you even read my initial post? or the rest of the thread? Seriously, 18 months...
  3. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    . News flash you're not The center of the universe. Nobody, and I mean nobody is waiting for the next Marly jay post with baited breath. The beauty of VF that the move list is so extensive that people can develop their own style . Yeah , sure, I'm bad at VF and apparently you're awesome and made of champion-stuff , right? So you were in top 16 at Evo right? Oh wait. And you apparently know everything so you took out Ryan Hart with ease, right? oh, wait. Hmmm...

    Anyway play how you want to play. cheers , Cheerio and all that . The fact that the post is 18 months old is irrelevant. No one cares how old the post is. Second nobody said 1P was the absolute best option in the universe . Do me a favor and follow your own advice , read my original post. I did not state that 1P was the best option I stated that 1p is not broken. Your aspersions toward 1p only prove my point further, not only is 1p not broken its not even the best option. So pretty much you were hoist on your own petard with your newest brand-spanking new post.

    I suppose I should thank you on providing further evidence to support my point of view.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    So that's what using moves instead of superior options for no reason is called then yeah? Your own style. I prefer suboptimal, but we'll go with your own style if it makes you feel better. Since your response had no mention of [1][P] should i just assume you thought about it, actually read the thread, saw the context of my post and decided, "actually he's right"? If not, sure i look forward to the discussion. I already laid out why it's not a great option at small advantage, give me the counter argument.

    Read your original post? Ell oh ell. Of course no one waits for MarlyJay posts. We're all too busy waiting the year and a half and entirely new game before Richkwondo drops his next nugget of knowledge.

    Your first post in this thread is quoting me in response to someone else. Looking back, looks like he though my response was quite reasonable at the time and didn't change his mind after 18 months (Seriously thought dude, 18 months? In the Vanilla section?).

    So we move on to the matter of my play? You making a challenge or something? Cos i didn't catch you at Evo, and i somehow managed to miss those times Richkwondo was on stream in tournaments showing of his play against top players. You've got my interest though, so go ahead and link me. This isn't, wasn't and was never about me being the centre of the universe. 18 months for a reply of dubious content. Read the thread. Yes, i do mean all of it. I'm telling someone that sabaki isn't the answer to [1][P] spam. You reply 18 months later in a thread about a game very few to no one still plays (seriously, 18 months? where were you when we needed you?), under the somewhat confused idea that "There is no way a skilled Vanessa player is going to use 1p at disadvantage..." and that the move is usually used at small advantage. I give you options that have less risk and greater reward so you post this.

    You mad?

    I think it's a couple paragraphs of nonsense, but maybe you can clear it up for me. Who claimed you said 1P is broken (where do i ever say broken at all)? What are my "aspersions" towards [1][P] outside of the stated using it at small advantage? Just what are you talking about? Did you even quote the right person? I only have 3 posts in this thread before this and one is a picture of a thumbs up.

    I just don't understand the context of your first reply, outside of entertainment value . And i am entertained. I look forward to your reply.
    Aion and Feck like this.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I was going to put my two cents in but I'll wait till June 2014.
    pana, Aion and MarlyJay like this.
  6. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    You want to have a discussion? Fine. You are just getting your feathers ruffled for nothing. If you put your ego aside and read carefully, I clearly said in my first post that I agree with at least half of what you're saying. I find it particularly amusing that you avoided answering my question: You got worked at EVo, Got worked at Insomnia with Eileen, switched to Vanessa and got worked. You who are supposedly some VF genius and have the best option to everything. How did your "style of play" work out for you?

    I'm not going to stoop to your level and say "everything you said is nonsense", or "rubbish" in your parlance. What I will say is the fundamental flaw in your whole part of the discussion is you base everything on rule of the thumb instead of Yomi. Erdraug said he would sabaki on opponents 1p. You think that is crazy. Obviously if Erdraug said he would opt to sabaki 1p it is because he made an observation that the opponent likes to use it in that situation, and he want's to exploit that. Of course your option is valid. Why is Erdraugs approach better? Because Virtua Fighter is basically a metagame tug of war to exploit your opponents habits without becoming predictable yourself. The more options the better. academic point, really.

    Your 14frame mid everything is all well and good, until you accidentally do one to early and your opponent blocks instead of abare.

    My discussion is not centered on you at all,the fact that i quoted you at all was only because you were the last person to post, and when you click reply the system automatically quotes the last poster. I'm on my smart phone and was too lazy to delete your quote. Sue me.

    Why am I replying to an 18month dead thread? I was using my smart phone, and fumbling through the inaccurrate touch screen controls I opened this thread by accident. I was actually trying to click on the most recently replied thread section. Sue me. Nobody is claiming you said 1P is broken, erdraug was addressing the complaint that some players have said 1p is broken,and I was seconding him.

    Basically, I agree more with erdraug than you. Erdraug, scenario is based on yomi: he saying if you observe a Vanessa player using 1p in a certain situation you should do A) B) or C). Your option D) would also work, obviously, but it's just a broad, one size fits all answer. . Of course a 14 frame mid would be best at advantage, it always is .You really needed to bring that to the Vanessa thread?
    Why I prefer Erdraug's approach over yours is it is based on Yomi: he is laser focused in on stopping his opponents behavior:1P. Yours is just a blanket all purpose answer.

    Maybe if you focused more on Yomi instead of rule of the thumb, you'd have taken down Ryan Hart. I'm just saying. Narrow minded approach only gets you so far I suppose. You're proof of that. I'm done with this. Prickly, defensive, argumentative people is why this community is so small, and VF is relegated to side tournaments at every major.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    DIdn't Marly beat Ryan at i46?
  8. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Yeah, Jide put Ryan into losers, Marly put him out in losers semis.

    This bit is going here because it's important. Keep this in mind.

    Avoiding questions? You seem to be avoiding the fact that no-one knows who the hell you are? You've never show up at any tournaments, never been on stream and I can't recall anyone ever talking about playing you online either, yet you still show up in every thread you post in talking like you know everything about everything.

    Prickly, defensive, argumentative people, eh?

    Again, he did take down Ryan at the i46 tournament. You know, those competitions that people go to to try and show what they can do? And it was on stream. You know, those things that people play on, regardless of how good they are so that more people can see them play?

    Yeah, that's like saying that all fat women are disgusting or "horror stories".

    Again, this point speaks for itself.

    Tournaments that you don't go to. Dig up, stupid.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Oh noes!! I lost to one of the only 2 westerners to make the top 8 at Evo in the final round of the final match. I best give up on VF then. Obviously, i'm shit. Even if i did beat him in the same situation in the bigger better attended tournament before, i guess it just throws my knowledge and everyone else who has lost to Ryan into disrepute. [/sarcasm]

    And this is why your response to me is so confusing. I wasn't responding to erdraug. It doesn't take a genius to see that. You only have to actually read the entire thread. Which is why the word nonsense is appropriate. Your post was in more ways than one, nonsensical.

    LOLWAT? You've got to be kidding me? Do a 14f mid too early from small advantage? And what if they block you FUZZY SAFE mid?If those are your worries, we either wasn't playing the same game, or your problems are a bit more fundamental than we thought. Just because i can't let this one slide without helping you, you are aware, that most elbow sakabis are both slower and LESS safe than elbow, right?

    So why mention me if it's not about me? I didn't mention you, or your history until you ridiculously brought mine up. Using my lose against Ryan to try and discredit me is pretty ludicrous. Too lazy to delete my quote? Not really going to wash, is it? It's not hard to see you were directly responding to my post.

    So why did you respond to me? I wasn't talking about that at all and was clearly responding to Tiripsim. It's pretty hard to be confused on that. I quoted him and he responded in kind. But you somehow managed to reply to mine, yeah? And no, the forum doesn't lie. I wasn't the last person to post. You may need a newer phone...One with one of those multi touch ones so you can zoom in. Quite helpful, that.

    So now you agree with me or something? make up your mind. And yes, it is worth stating the better options in situations. IF you read the thread, you may actually learn something. Doesn't look like everyone agreed completely with erdraug. Do you think they're wrong as well? I WASN'T one of the people who posted in response to erdraug (except the thumbs up).

    Of course, Ryan is easy to beat. I should have just done what all those non-Japanese players did at Evo to beat him...Oh wait, that didn't happen. Well i guess you just use yomi. Let's inform everyone. Don't run away from the thread. Help me. We MUST let everyone know, you can take out good players by using YOMI. This is completely game changing. I can't wait to see the next set of tournament results.

    It's been fun, so i'm hoping for your response this year,

  10. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Dude, why are you harping at wise cracks I made in the playstation home thread over two years ago. Why do you even care? You play for the other team anyway . I'm sure some fat women are dead sexy, your mom for example. I don't do a lot of tournaments. 2013 will be my second decade of playing VF . I was an arcade player, and I've kicked dozens of people off the machine. And. Sorry ass, I do go to majors occasionally. Calling me stupid? Low. I actually do enjoy VF tournaments now and then , so now who's stupid? Especially when I met you at EVO you were like "I'm Ooshh Koooyssa". I was like wtf? You have a thick accent I didn't know wtf you were saying. Saying nobody knows who the hell a I am, as if that's an excuse to be rude , condescending jerks. So that's the rule, act like assholes to anyone who is a stranger here? And you wonder why the VF community is so small , and dwindling.

    I was at summer jam and I will be at Final Round, and you can bet your fish and chips I will be at Evo 2013, so Marley , I'll take you up on your challenge.

    Feck wants to see my tournament footage, well I wasn't on stream at Evo, I was on stream at One of stickbug tournaments but I think the archive got taken down on twitchtv. I myself have uploaded some of my other tournaments on YouTube. I was just at Evo under a different name. In Greece I'm know as Mephistopheles . In other circles I'm know as old Scratch. I am the Ghost in the machine. Have fun getting worked by Ryan and dropping combos left and right. Let me know when you guys learn to break forward throws. Cheerio!
  11. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Oh, i thought you made the last 16 with your yomi!! Didn't get far enough, then? Where exactly did you place?

    Links you youtube please? Mine is MarlyJay13
  12. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    The difference between me and you is I admit I don't know everything. I don't talk down to people with different views than my own. I let myself atrophy in the long time we languished waiting for vf5r . You're the one acting like you're the oracle of all things VF5, so since you've got all the answers, by rights you should have given GT the business and took his spot. The moment I start acting like an aloof d-bag and scoff at everyone else's strategies you're free to expect me to take top 16. I was no where near ready, I went L-W-L. And that first Loss was close. If it was Vanilla , I would have won. I blocked the Eileen players low k 3 times and screwed up my low throw punish because my muscle memory was still hard wired to input 3 PKG for low throws. It was fun I'll definitely do it again. I didn't start to warm up and go on win streaks until later in the day, during casuals. I didn't even practice much I spent the whole week prior to EVO watching GI Joe on Netflix, instead of practicing on PS 3. Marley you're a smart guy , you should be able to figure out who I am. Chances are you've already watched some of my YouTube vids.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    So you don't want to just come out and say then? I don't know who you are. When have i acted aloof? What, did i ignore you at Evo or something? lol.

    When have i claimed to have all the answers or be the best? You can't argue with the frame data. As I've said i'm happy to discuss the game and I've laid out my position and stated the superior options. I've yet to see a sensible comeback. Have you none? You're the one who started talking about my game, remember? Now the focus is on you you're getting shy? Who you are shouldn't wouldn't be an issue but since you took it there, why not show and prove? I'm not a detective and if you don't want to say I won't bother probing, but i think it will say far more than anything i could write in this thread.

    And you post stuff like this...
    When you post stuff like that, surely you did make the top 16? When you say ohh, you got bodied by Ryan, you're either implying he's easy to beat or that you would beat him. Why are you trying to act humble now? You say you went L-W-L at Evo, but on the same page you're claiming i would have beat the person who came 8th if i used some Yomi. What is it you want me to think?
  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Oh, sorry, I thought quoting posts from years ago was the new "in" thing all the cool kids did.

    I didn't realise I was Irish. I also don't remember meeting you, and I remember pretty much the names and faces of everyone I spoke to, and... nope, you're drawing a blank.

    Hello Pot. I'm Kettle.

    So, you allegedly were there, but you won't tell anyone who you were. You also allegedly have a YouTube channel, but won't tell us that. Then you give us some random names that mean nothing to pretty much anyone here, unless you have people to back you up on this, that is. Do you?

    Can't we have some clues? Like maybe a riddle-me-ree? "My first is in delusional but not in sane..."

    I said dig UP, stupid.

    Oh, and with regards to the comment about my mother, that was very witty. I'll be sure to pass on your regards to her. By the way, that was sarcasm. I know, I know, it's a difficult concept to grasp, considering that your brain is still trying to understand hypocrisy, but I'm sure by your third decade of VF, you'll understand it and what people here are getting at.

    Well, hopefully.
  15. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    YOMI, Chibiaya and Feck like this.
  17. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Where were all your vaunted 14 frame mids here? When you blocked Sarah's low circular kicks (K+G) she is at -15. all you had to do was press p while standing. A low throw or a half circular would be a better option, as she can still evade at -8 (if she did a 2K) . Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. I feel your pain I had this Eileen player dead to rights when I blocked his low kicks at least three times. Then I failed to low throw him, as I wasn't used to the new low throw controls. It took me months to get the discipline to switch to 3pkg in a split second to catch a fuzzy guarding player . I couldn't undo that reflex in a month.

    Other than that I have to ask:

    1)why didn't you Sabaki Sarah when she went into flamingo?

    2)Are you pathalogically averse to using sabakis? 46P+k would have put her ass on the mat.

    3)With goatcheese putting flamingo pressure on you What was your "best option " in that situation? And why didn't you use it?
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Oh dear. Why not just post a VF4evo vid? or Street Fighter? Or maybe you really are confused?

    Are we not talking about [1][P] anymore? You conceding that one then?
  19. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    You didn't answer my questions.
    I'll take the high ground and not make any personal attacks, back handed or otherwise. I'd ask you kindly not to answer a question with a question. How about a you actually explain what was going through your head during that match I posted.

    I acknowledge that your a very knowledgeable player. I actually listened to your podcast with Chibiaya. To answer your question I'm not conceding anything. I am broadening the focus. I prefer 1p, 46p+k, 46k, all the Sabaki moves . I enjoy the psychological warfare and intimidation factor of taking your opponents option and turn it against him. As far as this discussion being in a vanilla thread , my bad . You're the mod , can't you or Akai move it to a FS Vanessa thread?

    P.S. Somebody tell Ash kaiser and Feck I'm ignoring them. Marley is a grown ass man , he doesn't need you to hold his hand . Oh wait, that must be what you are into . This thread is for Vanessa players only . douche-nozzles that want to be male cheerleaders for their BFF are just cluttering the discussion.
  20. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter


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