Utah Players: 2 is bettter than 1

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by MechaShiva, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players


    That's weird... o_O

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I tried signing up under the name of HEYWALL for SRK but something happened. See if you can get a letter to the SRK mods and let them know that I want to get a group of people in ogden to get together for some offline matches and maybe even some tourneys. It says that I am banned forever but it gives no specific reason.
  3. DanaTorp

    DanaTorp New Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Hey, this is DanaTorp (Dana) from over at the SRK forums.

    I tried to get a new account going as well, "TheFamilyMan", and I got the permaban as well. Luckily I still have my old account so I can still get on the forums and whatnot. The permaban doesn't last; you can still look at the forums, just don't try logging in. Changing your browser may help; I usually use Firefox, but I used IE and I could get in.

    Where do you live? What do you play? What's your gamertag? I can get you on the list over there and add your gamertag so people can get to know you online (if you play online, that is.) A guy named underrealm from up in Layton just joined, and another guy named Utahsbowser is from Roy, so there's a couple of people in your area. We don't have many people in Weber and Davis counties at the moment, but it's only a matter of time.

    We're primarily a SF4 group, but each has their own interests, like 3rd Strike, HDRemix, MvC2, CvS2, ST, Tekken, and I believe that there are a couple of people that play VF. Most have 360's, many have PS3's. We usually have weekly get-togethers and tournaments that mostly take place in SLC at a house near the U of U, some in Sandy, and a few in the Provo/Orem area.

    It's good to have more Utah players! There's been a TON of activity since the release of SF4 and the Gamestop tournament. You should get in on it; we welcome everyone, and be aware that most everyone is focused on SF4 at the moment.

    Good to meet ya!

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    If you could connect me with Utahsbowser or underrealm that would be great. I wonder if I know any of these people from the past. There are about 3 to 4 people in the ogden area that kind of casually play it. I've been able to have about 4 SF 4 gatherings with all right turnout nothing big. I would like to bring some of the players up there.

    Again if I could connect with the 2 above mentioned I would be glad to help them out with gas for trips down there.

    By the way I will P.M. you my number.

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