Utah Players: 2 is bettter than 1

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by MechaShiva, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Guys, I'm really sorry about tonight. I got in from work around 6:30, and was greeted with the sight of my grandma leaning over a garbage can and complaining of severe stomach pain. This has been a recurring thing over the last year or so, and this was the worst one yet, so my main concern was just making sure she was okay.

    By the time that whole episode was done, I myself was in no condition to really go, between the stress of a Saturday at my workplace (Gallows can attest to this, as we work together) and the stress of almost having to call an ambulance for my grandma.

    In more positive news, I did finalize the January tournament and we are good to go for January 12th at Fun Unlimited in Logan. There's a thread about that in the Tournaments & Events forum.

    Again, I'm really sorry about how this all went.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Don't worry at all about what happened. I got the gift for my girl, and I was able to take a step back into my youth by going over to fun unlimitted.

    The business that he has is impressive. He has an awesome assortment of games, I was able to find a Fighters Megamix with the instruciton booklet. It was crazy to see how many games he had.

    The arcade was awesome as well even though some of the machines were broken down. He had machines that kept the original feel like MK 2 with blood sweet. I just hate how all the nickelcades have dumbed down MK 2 just to be family friendly.

    Anyways I'll let people here know about the tournament and try to get some people interested.
  3. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players


    I might be able to get some games in this week, Specifically, Thursday or Saturday could work. Let me know if you want to get some games in. I would like to get some DR games in as well if thats cool.


    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Thursday sounds best. Probably around 5. We could get some DR in as well, even if it is kind of foreign to me I still know a few things.
  5. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Hey, bring your 360 stick over when you come.

    Also, Patrick my Xbox tag is Mecha Shiva X, so add me and we can get some games in.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Love your new Internet handle (sounds like a final fantasy tactics character). I feel so left out not having an X-box or good internet connection. Give it a year or so and I will be on for VF5 EVO online. Here is our chance to find some more in state players.
  7. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Don't feel left out, we will make it a point to have regular sessions so you can get online. I must say I have been getting my ass handed to me online, but it is a lot of fun.
  8. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Wall (and any others)

    Thursday is good for me if you want to get some games in (also on XboxLive) Let me know, I could play after 3PM.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Intense games tonight, enjoyed the SPOD action. If we can get a day locked down each week maybe we can get some more players involved.
  10. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    You guys have videos from tonight? I want to see how Wall's Akira is coming along.
  11. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    We saved a couple of our Akira vs Akira matches. They were very casual, both of us constantly trying to do SPOD and the knee. Nothing special just fun after playing serious for two hours before.

    Patrick what is your GT? We need to get some games in on Live
  12. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    GT: DarkCatalyst

    I'm not on XBL often but I show up from time to time.
  13. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Brody there was a site crash recently and it deleted a ton of VFDC data about 3 weeks. So if you want to play any this week let me know.
  14. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I might be able to get some games in tonight, though I am not entirely sure. It would have to be around 7 pm though. Give me a text later on today and i will see if I have finished my homework.
  15. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Let's see if we can get a summer gathering going. Throw out some possible dates and see if we can get some interest going. I figure summer would be the best possible date being in between school semesters and what not. if any one in utah want's to be a part of the VF scene trust me its well worth it we have players in Logan, Ogden, and maybe more let me know that you are aout there players from other cities, or maybe even local players.
  16. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    As far as vf playing goes everything will be busy for me till the end of the year. If there are any new players out there let me know we can talk about the game and maybe some other fighting games out there. And the crew that I usually play with we can let each other know whats up with life and stuff.

    At the start of next year we should deffinately get some games in again though.
  17. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Getting SF 4 with the really nice stick. It will come out on the 18th of february.

    In the meantime it would be nice to get back together for some games suffering some serious withdrawals (nurse get this man some competitive vf). So if any one new to the scene want's to challenge some great VF players then lets due this thing.
    I can play from tuesday to saturday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

    P.S. Best New Years Resolution out there.
  18. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    The 21st is the Street Fighter 4 Tourney. Patrick and Dave will be up for the tourney. Afterwards I'll invite people over to the house for some games. I was thinking of the 4 following games.

    *Street Fighter 4
    *Virtua Fighter 5
    *Neo Geo Battle Colliseum
    *Soul Calibur 4

    I'm only 5 minutes from the mall so its not too far out of the way. The only game I don't have is SC4 so if anyone can bring it that would be appreciated. Any help with T.V.s or systems would also be appreciated.

    Will start shortly after the tournament which should be about 3:00 o clock.

    Let all your friends know so we can make things big!
  19. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Here's a little something.

    Currently discussing the possibility of a semi-major two weeks after Evo.

    8/1. Logan, UT.


    No venue just yet, but I have never been more confident in my options.

    Street Fighter IV
    Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
    Virtua Fighter 5
    SoulCalibur IV
    Fifth game to be named later (KOF98UM, BlazBlue, etc?)

    The idea is for this year's to be mostly Utah players as a post-Evo celebration, with the likelihood of expanding it into a legitimate two-day major in 2010. I have every intention on using this event also as a vehicle to push and sustain Virtua Fighter in Utah.

    It can only be as big as we make it, so people bringing TVs, consoles, games, etc will be vital.

    This is our big chance to capitalize on the tremendous growth the Utah community has shown in the wake of SFIV and the Gamestop tournaments.
  20. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I tried to sign up with srk but they banned me. I hope I had a legit E mail account. I made it just a few days ago. Oh yeah they banned me from the forums as well. Kind of one of those permanent things.

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