Utah Players: 2 is bettter than 1

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by MechaShiva, Feb 5, 2007.


    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I wish you guys could make it out more often too, it would make it great. Even if you had to find someone to get you down here that would rock.

    Brody's search for more players from the state still remains. were talking to: BRIGHAM, CLEARFIELD, BOUNTIFUL, SALT LAKE CITY, PROVO, OREM, PARK CITY, Southern UT cities ETC,. If any one from any of these cities don't have sticks don't worry between me and Brody we have 4, and if the scene gets big enough we will get at least 2 set ups.

    Fellow UT VF players, I think we should try the Colarado tournament this year. It's relatively close and it would test our skills against the Colarado crew.

    Brody the best day for me this week is Thursday Heather will be visiting her mother and brother in Wendover, just let me know if this is ok with you.
  2. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I'd love to go to the Colorado tournament. I'm probably out for the Cali event though, for girlfriend-related reasons.

    As for Logan trips, I'm good on any Sunday or Monday, so the 19th and 25th are just fine by me.

    Let's get this going. XD
  3. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Thursday works for me, Wallace, just let me know on a time. Ryan may be coming over again for a few hours when he gets out of school, so we could have one more to get some games in with.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Tommorrow at around 4:00 would be ok with me.
  5. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Tomorrow at 4 would be fine, I'm not doing a thing tomorrow so will work perfect. I think Ryan will be gone by then though, but will see.

    See you tomorrow,


    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Brody curious which days I could get some matches in this week. Just let me know which day is best.
  7. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Most likely thursday, not sure on the time, but probably whenever you are available(if you are available) is fine, lemme know.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I will show up at around 4 to 5 p.m. about the same as last week. I look forward to playing, the computer has made my game lazy.
  9. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    If anyone wants to get games in this week, I'm free tomorrow in the morning/afternoon until around 4:30, and Friday pretty much all day. So come get some games in.

    I think Wall said he could make Logan on Sunday the 25th, if that still works for you guys up there. I hope that works for Tony and you, Patrick.

    Lemme know
  10. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I'm deffinately up for some tuesday probably get there around 3:00, and also saturday till about 6:30. We also need to figure out this map thing see if there is anyone else out there that we don't know of. Really rusty, but its always like riding a bike you get back on and due just fine. I'll call tommorow to check and see if everything is O.K.
  11. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    The whole theme of tuesday when me and Brody were playing was: One More Match!!! This went on for a while but it was a blast. This happens to a lot of the VF community. So Patrick and Tony we look forward to meeting with you on Sunday, if everything works out.
  12. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    We have had a lot of great matches lately, at least once a week The_Wall and I have got some games in which has been great. In the next couple of weeks we should be getting back up to Logan, for a session with Patrick and Tony(hopefully).

    We would still love to get more people coming into the scene and playing. If you're out there lurking, check us out, and come get some VF.

    p.s. Hey Logan, any news on a vehicle? We would love to see you all down here as well every once in awhile. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    p.p.s You can check out a smattering of our matches here: http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/154276/page/1#Post154276

    As you can see we all have a lot of room to grow and improve, so definetely the more the merrier.
  13. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Right now I've just been too busy with work and GF to do anything for my license. Krys will be moving in tomorrow night (and she plays too), hopefully things are stable enough by next weekend that we can throw down (and hopefully I'll have time to shake the rust off of my Goh).

    As for getting my license, first I have to find someone to practice with, then get my hands on a car (will be difficult because of some recent events with my dad, who I'm relying on to make that happen). That seems to be quite a ways off, but once things stabilize with Krys...who knows?
  14. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    We might have another player join us in about a week. I took my PS3 over to a little party and let other people play it. There was one person that was really excited about the chance to play the PS3 and the game, so I got his name and # and maybe next week he will join us for some VF.
    In the meantime curious to see what times we can get some VF in this week.

    Later Wallace
  15. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Wednesday thursday work fine for me. Pretty much free all day on both, though wed I need to sleep a little after work :0.

    Also should be getting my VSHG by then, so new toy to play with.
  16. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    That sounds good to me it will also give me time to sleep on Wednesday and I'll probably come over around 6:00. It will be interesting to see how the new stick works out.
  17. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    We still need more players. If you're waiting for the 360 version thats fine, but me and Brody allready have the PS3 set up so you can come get some matches in while you wait for 360 version.

    Brody is deffinately the best contributor to the community he has the three different type of sticks, and the black book (a japanese strategy guide with a CD of proffessional players from japan.) Wallace that's me, I have 2 fighting stick 3.

    When joining the community the skill level of your character will definately improve. My main character is Wolf and Brody uses Shun-Di as his main. We have noticed improvements in our characters. Plus we have secondary characters that are getting better. So if your from UT or are visiting look us up for some matches and we can guarantee some good VF matches. Any UT players, or interested newbies who might stumble upon this site, don't hesitate register today and join the VF community.

    Welcoming new challengers!!!

  18. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Correction when refferring to the CD I meant DVD.
  19. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Schadev4 what are the best time for some VF this week.
  20. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Good Friday is good for me because I have it off so if anyone out there wants some VF matches let me know.

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