Top 10 Moves for Kage?

Discussion in 'Kage' started by KillaKen, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    1K is one of the most unsafe moves Kage has. With that said I use it alot and get good mileage out of it
    Genesis likes this.
  2. Thiry

    Thiry Member

    Ok maybe what to do a low attack, the 44K+G is better :
    i22, -12 on block, +2 on hit and stun on counter => ch 44K+G G ( to turn ) 46K+G KK ( 71dmg )

    What do you think about 66K ? Even if it s a low full circular, that move is very slow (i29 ) and very unsafe ( -21 ) . Maybe that move must be use to cancel with G and to be back turned.

    Other move interresting : P+K
    mid, i17,+4 on hit, +8 on counter hit, -4 on block and great pushback ( handy to do ring out ) . With that pushback on hit , Kage can attack with : 3K ( i12 ), 4P ( i9 ).
  3. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Some notes on the above mentioned moves-

    [4][4][K][+][G] on normal hit leaves you at +2 so BT(backturned)[2][P] will stuff any attack they try.

    [6][6][K] is a staple move for kage imo. It is unsafe, but so are most lows in the game, if the kick is not established as a threat then the [6][6][K]~[G] cancel wont work well. Best move after the cancel is BT [K][+][G] as they get used to ducking in anticipation of the low sweep.BT [P][+][K] also leads to other options from here as well. And the double low fake out of[6][6][K]~[G] to BT [2][K]. [6][6][K] is also great as a post oki(wake up) attack, meant to sweep them after you back away from their wake up kick, and even if they wake up and guard, the low sweep often gets them, and if they start to block low after wake up, switch to a mid, like [3][K] or even [6][6][K][+][G]

    [P][+][K] shines when used after [6][P][+][K] hits, leaving you at +5(side) from here the [P][+][K] will stuff any attack they may try and cause a crumple to combo from. Also after either [P][+][K] or [6][P][+][K] is guarded, the pushback allows for a backdash into launcher( I use [K][+][G]) and most attacks will be avoided by the backdash at that distance.
    [P][+][K] is also non-tenchi-able, non-inashi-able, and I believe it may be non-sabaki-able.
    EastBayKage and Koenraku like this.
  4. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    [4][P][+][K] [P]
    Other than on opponent side turned (I think the 2nd hit is guaranteed), when/how should I be using these moves?
  5. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    I am sure there is a "perfect moment for [4][P][+][K] [P] but in general...
    Its 17 frames so, at a +5 situation (or +6 vs. pai , lion, kage(11frame jabs) ) which you will be in after blocking certain moves, or after your [6][P][+][K] hits.(+5f) Your [4][P][+][K] will stuff any high or mid they attempt, and is good vs. evade cuz it's half circular with the follow [P] swinging the other way, Also after[6][P][+][K] hits, they are side turned so there is your guaranteed second hit from [4][P][+][K] [P]

    Look to see what moves leave you at +5 or 6 after hit, any of these is a good fit for it. Unless they are spamming [2][P], then I use [P][+][K] (Also 17 frames)
  6. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    Thanks! Great advice, I'll try working it into my play today.
  7. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    So, I've been using [3][P][P] too haphazardly. Became abundantly clear fighting the computer, since the move can be punished by guarding the first strike, then ducking the second hit giving the opponent a free combo.

    Am I supposed to be hit checking before inputting the second [P]? (The timing seems very difficult for that, but I also have slow reaction speed so it may just be my own fault.) Also, how much does using this move come down to reaction vs. anticipation?
    Genesis likes this.
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Yeah you're supposed to hit check it. It's not very hard and kinda lenient. Online it's kind of a pain to hit check but it's also harder to crouch in time so I don't bother unless they show they can punish me.

    You can use the slow execution time to watch the opponent and try to see if it's gonna hit or not (if they're jabbing etc you know it will land).

    As for when to use it, it's one of those moves you shouldn't really throw around without reason. Wait til you know where the opponent likes to do high moves or watch to see if they dont/cant cancel their evades in which case you can use it for that purpose too.

    It's also a good move after a backdash or after a long range move like 3K is guarded at max distance, especially against string spammers where the 2nd hit and onwards are high.

    To use it on reaction really depends on your opponent and their character. If they have a string that only has a high followup(s) you can react to that and toss it out (Goh 3PP for example).
  9. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    I've been using [4][P][+][K] [P] when I just want to end a round, or against a defensive opponent to try and open them up a bit -- people rarely block the second low attack
  10. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    I often kind of stupidly throw in [3][3][6][K] right after if they do block it; it's super easy to predict and sidestep it. I really need to switch it up to something safer.

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