The VF story -- reworked

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by ice-9, Sep 27, 2001.

  1. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    I was thinking that AM2 would've just had him have a heart attack or something, or got killed by one of the characters. But then I guess he couldn't come back in VF5.
  2. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    I am confused..

    If you guys care so little of storylines, why even bother reading and then even COMMENTING on this post/thread?

    If you really really don't care, then leave those who do alone. Let them speculate in the story of Virtua Fighter, shallow as it may be.

    This kinda reminds me of the PS2 owners who barge into the Dreamcast channels on IRC, screaming "DREAMCAST SUX!" and then run away. Can't figure them out either..

    Indeed, I am confused.

    "I'm faster than lightning!"
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I am confused..

    If you guys care so little of storylines, why even bother reading and then even COMMENTING on this post/thread?

    I replied because of piccolo's assumption that those who didn't care for storylines were hardcore wanna be's.

    Just because I read some of the posts in this thread doesn't mean that I care about background stories to the extent where I'd go out of my way to research, ponder on or discuss them.

    If you really really don't care, then leave those who do alone.

    I wasn't having a go at anyone. All I said was that it's not impossible to believe that there are gamers out there who love the game, yet don't care about peripheral stuff that occur outside it.
  4. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Now you're assuming I'm having a go at you, but I'm not.
    I'm just replying in general to those who apparantly feel an urge to instantly make everyone aware of just HOW little they care about this. I just feel this is a little mean to those who are.

    I can't say VF definitly needs a story, but it has, and it's certainly a subject to discuss in a VF forum, should one be interested.

    Then again, it's equally ignorant to say that those who don't care are hardcore wannabe's, that's just plain wrong. There are indeed those who couldn't care less, for whom the importance of story in a VF is equal that of say, a racing game..

    The bottom line is, those who don't care about storyline should not give such comments as "that's just sad" which I read earlier today. And those who do shouldn't call those who don't "hardcore wannabe's" either. Just stay out of eachother's posts on the subject.


    "I'm faster than lightning!"
  5. virtuaboy

    virtuaboy Member

    this is interesting enough. some people love the story ,some despise some don't even care about it. still they enjoy the same game! but i agree with you that VF story is really something to discuss for it is an inspiration behind the game.
    in japan, most of the games, including fighting games will have supporting storylines available in many kinds of media namely manga, animation. people (japanese) pay more heed to manga or animes that tell about stories of the games they love. this because those stories are inspiration behind their favorite games. knowing more about their characters' bio or lifestyle can make that game even more enjoyable. besides storyline or sidestory is something that you cam not find or learn from just playing the game alone. this is why i think it's important to share them here. so that We can enjoy them together.

  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Ill reiterate my point : UGH .
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    LOL, c'mon, give it a chance. Maybe the more you hear about the story the more interested you'll be. Brian's stuff about Kage killing his mother sounds interesting...the storyline seems to have gotten a lot darker in 4.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    And there are also those that are motivated by the game to constantly pick the "cute" female characters (often the tomboys) and fulfill that inspiration in the game-inspired anime--loaded with fan service. Or better yet, those that go the extra mile to seek out hentai of their favorite game characters. Though I'm not sure if these people are even motivated by the storyline as much as the character design (or design rip-off depending on how you look at it).



    PS. Do the love for Sakura or Makoto (in Capcom fighters) even come from an enjoyment of the storyline? Nah.... I think it's more of a fetish for some. Though honestly, I play Makoto because she's fun to play as in Third Strike (imo), but you never know... I could be one of those guys with an Akane Tendo fetish/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  9. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Final Attack!

    Akane Tendo? heh... did you ever play the Ranma 1/2 fighting game on the SNES?

    Personally I pick the cute female character 'coz they tend to be fast and easy :) Uh... yeah... that's it...
  10. virtuaboy

    virtuaboy Member

    I understand what you mean. But that doesn't abolish the idea that storyline does have some importance for the game. At least for people who enjoy it appropriately. Actually i do personally know a guy who instantaneously picked up a "cute" character for the first time he had a chance to play vf( 3 ). But it was just the first impression with that character. Anyway from what you yust said i presume you don't like idea of storyline,do you.

  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Attack!

    Akane? She was pretty strong in that game. I used Ryoga myself.
  12. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Attack!

    Which one you talking about? There were three to my knowledge, 1.5 of which were brought to the U.S..
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    agreed. these people need help. it would be akin to having a group of [shitty] chess players wanting storylines to each of the board pieces, and claiming that it makes the game more interesting.

    "the black king's gotta go down because his dominatrix cyborg queen was actually the kidnapped daughter of the white rook who lost his father, who is in fact one of the pawns - he's got amnesia, see - and the rook, he's like this frankenstein creation by the evil bishop blah BlAha blahah"

    "What we got here is a failure to communicate..."
  14. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Attack!

    I actually don't know which one I'm talking about -- I didn't really play it much... I was just reminded of it =]
  15. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Now you see you say _one_ thing: "vf needs a story like chess needs a story", but then you contradict yourself by writing a gripping narrative that would enhance any chess game!

    The part where the pawn got amnesia was truly nail-biting. When can we expect a sequel?

  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Final Attack!

    2.5 Ramna 1/2 games on SNES brought to the US to my knowledge....

    There was the one they butchered (the first SFC Ranma fighting game, they just swapped pixels and made the characters dorkier, I mean more US friendly, wouldn't even know it was a Ranma 1/2 game originally unless you, well, knew).

    There was Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle.

    And then, with limited distribution, they did bring out another Ranma 1/2 fighter on the platform, the one that had mostly female characters (or at least a ton of them).

  17. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    hmmm well i never knew anything of the vf storyline till i read this thread... but i kept playing anyway cuz of the gameplay and learning system... now knowing the story gives me an understanding why the people are fighting in the first place. there are games that have a really good storyline with crappy gameplay and there are really fun games without much of a storyline. but nonetheless it's all up to what you prefer.

    thanks for the info on what's going on in the fourth tournament cuz i had no idea this game even had a storyline to begin with.
    (especially the reasoning why taka was left out... hehehe)

    "How many people wanna kick some a$$!!?? i Do! i Do!..." Stroke 9
  18. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "I replied because of piccolo's assumption that those who didn't care for storylines were hardcore wanna be's"

    GRRRR! what a little "line" that I forgot to put can do!

    add this line to what i said:

    of course there are those that really dont give a shit about the story, and that's fine. but when i see like 90% of the people saying stuff like "yeah, vf story sucks who cares, its all about the gameplay" I just cant help thinking that there's that many hardcore people thinking like that. You see, I base this theory on a trend that i see on this hobby of ours, USUALLY, if not most of the time, regular gamer folks tend to fall for the flashy stuuf FIRST like story lines, grafics, endings, custumes and all of that, but hardcore people are USUALLY, if not most of the time do care for the gameplay FIRST, -then- the flashy stuff. they dont go out of their way and avoid the rest of the stuff, like for example the storyline of their preffered game. its there... no need to say that you dont care about the story, it would be like a "kiss and tell" type of thing. so taking this theory into account, and from what evryone can see at their arcades we can conclude that hardcore folks are always the minority by a long shot. so i would find it very surprising that so many people are actually on the right side, (which is, gameplay should be first). so when that many people are shouting their i-dont-care-bout-story-gameplay-all-the-way attitude, there's gotta be a good amounts of fukkers faking the funk (FFF/versus/images/icons/wink.gif),its because the vibe right now (here on vfdc) is that you are more likely to be considered closer to "hardcore" if you think and agree that caring about vf story is stupid/useless (wanna bet how many of the "hardcore" people here dont care bout vf story?) , so of course evryone wants to be cool and hardcore so I-dont-care-bout-vf-story quote is hip (did you know its cool/hip to say that you hate microsoft). i just made a call to all those who might be doing this to just TRY not to do it and call it as they see it, we are ALL guilty of FFF in some points of our lives without even knowing it. like i said this was not intended at anyone in particular (you know who you are). so again for those who didnt get it, yes there are 2 types, those who love the game and dont care about "flash" yet dont try to avoid it and those who love the game and go for the flash stuff first. anyone disagrees with this, win, ok? /versus/images/icons/smile.gifx10

    here's hoping (oh god plz!!) that people wont start a 300 post thread about the defenition of "hardcore", thats gonna take years and there is no conclusion.

  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    OK, I know this thing is supposed to poke fun at my post, but damn that's some hilarious shit!

    Still though, there is a difference between chess and characters in a fighting game. Chess is static and it has no personality; at least, it wasn't intended that way. Characters in a game like VF, on the other hand, do have personality. The winning poses, the clothes, the voices, their stages--these are things that make characters more than just pieces on some nondescript board.

    And Sal, your post had me rolling in laughter as well. I didn't expect this thread to turn out so funny, lol.
  20. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Well then, why don't you play chess instead?

    Need I remind you that there are CHARACTERS in a fighting game while there are PAWNS in a chess game? Do not confuse the two.
    And this:

    "these people need help"

    I'm just gonna ignore that, that's so bloody stupid it's depressing.

    "I'm faster than lightning!"

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