The Final Showdown Community Effort!

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jide, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    I would try to host a tournament at my school. But it would require my persuading some big group to do it since you need to be some kind of organization to host events at my college.
  2. mahmood1982

    mahmood1982 Well-Known Member

    Promoting VF game is SEGA business. I buy games to PLAY not to promote.
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Thats all well and good so long as you actually do play. Learn the game. Go to Meets and tournaments. Help other people learn and play. Thats a vital part of growing any community and if we had more people doing that there would be no problem.
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    This would be great, the ones for Tekken were really popular and a complicated game like VF really needs it.

    I'd be up for atteneding tournaments and stuff. I held off learning stick cause I thought I'd buy one when R got released (lol) but I play with one now. I'd also happily help with any menial dojo testing/combotesting/frame data stuff. Would prob be more useful applying this to chars I know like Lion and Akira.

    I'd be keen to help out with just about anything tbh.
  5. deeFive

    deeFive Active Member

    I also tried to host a meet but I don’t think I sold it to people here correctly (it ended up being 10 or so people over a weekend), but anyway a VFDC YouTube channel is a very good idea.

    I think that we should have two main focuses (feel free to shoot this down):

    1. Vfdc Matches - a collection of matches from vfdc members around the globe, with match of the week ect...

    2. Training - a collection of videos that cover everything that the VF4e ps2 dojo covered and more (I do realise that some of this is already on vfdc but they are not all in one central place), I would like it to be a more in-depth level up your game (the t6 videos)


    I think we should do this for vf5 ver.c as we have no signs to say will ever get a port of R/FS.

    Also im still up for hosting in Leeds for anyone that want to drop by and play some vf and i'll be back on XBl shortly to lose with Aoi and always willing to help.
  6. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    This is what it is. I agree 100%.
  7. soakrates

    soakrates Well-Known Member

    This. Live streaming is one of the best ways to promote a game nowadays. Whether it's weekly casual sessions or tournaments, live streaming could be the most important tool in promoting VF if FS gets a wide release.

    If you know people who do weekly streams for other games like SSF4 or Tekken, contact them and see about getting VF on the air. I know I'll be doing the same if FS is announced for consoles.

    Then I hope you really enjoy playing online or against the CPU ad infinitum. VF needs a strong community effort more than perhaps any other fighting game series. Do you honestly think Street Fighter got to its level of popularity solely through Capcom's promotional muscle? Hell no it didn't.
  8. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Thanks Soak you took the words right out of my mouth and to the other who have chimed in positive stuff so far. There is a reason why I'm posting all of this. I really do hope that scenes can be created/revived/increased.
    We can't have attitudes such as Tex's and Manhood1982's but I won't hold it against them.
  9. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Soak, Jide: i don't think the guy was against the community. Probably he misundestud what kind of "promotion" we wanted. Promote vf as a product, a game to play, sure it's sega's business. But what are we trying to do is promoting the community to enjoy the game with pleasent company.
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Remember when VF had a stream with 1000+ Viewers?


    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Yeah I think that must've been the case with SF3 series. It didn't do well at first and there wasn't even a console version available for years afterwards and when there was it on the unpopular Dreamcast. Despite that it became the most played fighting game here for a number of years.
  12. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    3S is just as popular as ST... It's been said that SF4 is a gateway to 3S, because the game is more advance than SF4.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Eh? who says that? To me that'd be like saying KOF is an entry into Sam Sho. Did you mean to say SF4 is an entry to ST? because 3S and SF4 are about as far apart as Street Fighter games can get.
  14. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    After Tokyo Game Show 2010 and if still no Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown for consoles I completely will give up. This is ridiculous. What will it take for Sega to bring this to consoles? A in person petition?
  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to believe again *_*
    I will be going down to Florida International University and setting up like we used to do and get new players interested. From there, after meeting people and getting them interested we would do casual gatherings at least once a month.

    I'm going to buy 3 copies of VF5FS (two for me, one as a backup) and one to give as a prize in a mini-tourney between all the new guys that show up and show interest in the game.
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I thought I'd drop this line in here. I don't think anyone should care since most people on here go to SRK anyway. It's kind of like a VF enthusiasm thread to bring people to the VF side. I actually may have pulled a few players out of the darkness who will be meeting up this weekend.

    Not trying to replace VFDC mind you, just trying to find the lost souls who gave up.
  17. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Eh? who says that? To me that'd be like saying KOF is an entry into Sam Sho. Did you mean to say SF4 is an entry to ST? because 3S and SF4 are about as far apart as Street Fighter games can get.</div></div>

    I'm not entirely knowledgeable on SF4 by any means, but I am at 3S and that can actually be debated with certain characters and instances. I see your point however. Can be said about a lot of games.

    Just so I don't look like a troll, I would point out and say the time I spent with Vanilla 4 that Ryu is closer to his 3S self than to ST. Of course, that can be debated.
  18. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    SFIV and 3S both have 2-button throws with throw-tech reducing damage to zero and leaving both parties at neutral. ST has normal throw-tech that only reduces damage partially, throws are instant (zero frame), and throw-tech leaves you in aerial recovery and often open for direct okizeme.

    ST has one super per character and the super meter doesn't carry over to the next round. 3S has selectable supers and the super meter carries over. SFIV has one super, but multiple ultras per character, and super meter carries over each round. 3S also has EX moves, which SFIV also has, but ST does not.

    ST has selectable speeds (all faster than 100% by the way). 3S has one speed. SFIV has one playable speed.

    Reversal window in ST is 1-2 frames. 3S and SFIV have much larger windows for reversals.

    ST has block. 3S has block and parry. SFIV has block and focus.

    SSFIV is far more like 3S than ST and those examples are only what I could quickly rattle off of the top of my head.

    - - - - -

    On topic, the biggest thing going for FGs, love it or hate it, is SSFIV (and probably MvC3). Getting VF at tournaments where dozens if not hundreds of SSFIV players attend is a must. Gatherings at people's houses are ok but getting VF featured at places like Season's Beatings or what not is better.

    Obviously the biggest event for VF outside of Japan is EVO. We've seen VF at EVO three times in the past so another push for 5FS wouldn't be that difficult. Also WCG is another great thing to keep VF going. To me it's most important to keep VF alive at major tournaments.
  19. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">SFIV and 3S both have 2-button throws with throw-tech reducing damage to zero and leaving both parties at neutral. ST has normal throw-tech that only reduces damage partially, throws are instant (zero frame), and throw-tech leaves you in aerial recovery and often open for direct okizeme.

    ST has one super per character and the super meter doesn't carry over to the next round. 3S has selectable supers and the super meter carries over. SFIV has one super, but multiple ultras per character, and super meter carries over each round. 3S also has EX moves, which SFIV also has, but ST does not.

    ST has selectable speeds (all faster than 100% by the way). 3S has one speed. SFIV has one playable speed.

    Reversal window in ST is 1-2 frames. 3S and SFIV have much larger windows for reversals.

    ST has block. 3S has block and parry. SFIV has block and focus.

    SSFIV is far more like 3S than ST and those examples are only what I could quickly rattle off of the top of my head. </div></div>

    lol then I take it we're in agreement.
  20. shabulia

    shabulia Active Member

    For starters, I'll BUY the game. That ought to be Sega and AM2s primary concern.

    Next, I'll try to get others interested in the game by word of mouth. I'll talk with local Street Fighter fans (as they seem to be the majority of fighting game fans out there right now) and I'll try to get them in to Virtua Fighter as a more refined and advanced fighting game.

    Lastly, I will try to organize small local tournaments for fighters and let word spread about the greatness of the game.

    Other than that, that's all I think I CAN do. But step one is for Sega to make the game so I can buy it. That's my pledge to them; assurance of a sale and word of mouth.

    I already talk up Virtua Fighter 5 as it is. I have it on both PS3 and 360. What more can I do but offer support through purchase?

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