The F word

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Crew Wolf, Oct 18, 2001.

  1. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Framedata

    "I think its the DC technical manual that explains that certain characters on player 1 side (or player 2 side - can't remember which one) can escape Kage's DP after f+PG. Other than that, the DP is guaranteed no matter what. I think Spotlite can back me up on this. I will also ask Hiro to confirm this..."

    yep , i agree on this, i think its the left side. DP guarantedd on dc, excep in that situation... is this turns out to be false then shoot me now.....all this years w/o knowing this....naah

  2. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: FUCK!

    Yupa: I was deliberately ambiguous because 1) I wasn't sure Rich was right and 2) I wanted to include Aoi, who really can avoid the DP with a reversal.

    Then you should have mentioned Aoi's reverse in the original reply... we can't read your mind. Instead of being ambiguos just say you're not sure about something. There'll be less confusion that way.

    Maybe it's because you've been out of the scene for some time, maybe it's because we just grew up on different terminology, but to me, "defense" is the opposite of "offense" and that "guard" is the opposite of "attack." So when I say "guard," that's when the G button is involved. When I say "defend," it's more general term for uh, defending.

    Huh? How else do you defend yourself in VF besides the G button? And don't say reversals, because that would be uhh... reversing. I have been out of the loop... teach me what other kinds of defense there are.

    Nevermind... now that I know when Ice-9 says "defending" he means anything that is not attacking... whatever. That's useful here (NOT). Most people are looking for specifics when we talk tactics.

    KBcat: Read my post to Rich again. I'm not talking stupid, you're reading stupid.

    In your initial reply you mentioned Rich only with no qualifiers... if someone reads that initial post alone, they would infer that Rich has taken money without providing a service... that's why Rich attacked you.

    "VF is the resonance AND the wonder." GodEater
  3. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Framedata

    There's always good old r.g.v.a :)

  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Framedata

    Believe me, there are a few other, CAPABLE people who would love to have this domain name for themselves, and are willing and ABLE make a truly good VF site (yes, with your precious messageboard). And I would do as much as I can to help, I mean for fucks sake I've been helping Myke (emphasis on MIKE, not Jeff - not like Jeff would want it or know what to do with it, anyway) with the redesign of VFDC now, giving him all the text info I can.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  5. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Re: Framedata

    Well thanks for helping him out the new design is great. This would be the absolute worst time to not have a VF site. I was just trying to make sure that did not happen. Seriously though you and Ice-9 need to drop this blood fued you have going it just reflects poorly on everyone here.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter Dot Com

    OK, I was going to take up kbcat's advice and give this thread a rest. kbcat, I do realize that I've been something of a wanker in this thread, and for that, I am sorry. "Real life" has been stressing me out a lot lately and Rich's incessant nagging is finally getting to me.

    However, Rich does bring up something that I guess I'll now take the time to clarify.

    People change all the time. As they get older their wants change. OK, that part's clear right?

    I'm going to walk through the history of VFDC and how my desires for the site has changed over time. Basically, I'm going to explain my side of the story, which must be new after all the anti-Jeff propaganda guess-who must have been campaigning around.

    VFDC is of course first an extension of the old ACP site. For those that remember, that was a small site that Ting Akira, Neogamer and I put in whatever we felt like into it. A small, fan site.

    I realized that with the whole ACP idea, we were alienating a lot of readers. So I took the next step, took the domain (couldn't believe it was still available), put all my VF stuff into it and wrote new material for it.

    There were two things that I wanted for the site at that time: 1) to create a VF community, which I felt wasn't properly provided for in RGVA and HG and 2) to create a VF site that wasn't a GameFaqs mirror, which was basically most of the English-speaking sites out there. I also read a lot VF3 guides on GameFaqs that were just plain wrong and/or useless, and I didn't want to perpetuate it by putting it on VFDC. Plus, I was too lazy to go through them all, edit it, etc. Also, it was very important to me at the time to standardize everything in a VFDC format. I.e. I didn't want just put up a .txt file, I wanted it in HTML, VFDC format.

    This was the time when I was still very energetic about the Internet and about web publishing. I wanted to create a cohesive, well coordinated site, and I wanted it to offer something to both beginners and veterans. Hey, I was young and naive.

    For those that know me, they would realize that I was never any good at VF2 and barely played VF1. Thus I did not know how to differentiate from a good VF2 guide from a bad one. That is why I never wrote anything for VF2 or VF1. However, there was just so much of VF3 that I wanted to write about, I thought it would be OK to put all my focus into VF3 and bring it to what I wanted it to be before even thinking about VF2 or VF1.

    And just to quickly address Rich's accusation of the site being messed up--it was, but not at that time. When I was personally overseeing the site, it was very well organized (at least in my mind). I even had a system for naming files!

    But then around that time my grades began rock bottoming out. My grades were really bad. I began tiring of web publishing and I began to realize that there was no way I could do what I wanted to do. I was exhausted, and I wanted to do other things (like take up a new sport--basketball, actually go to classes, get a girlfriend, etc.).

    At around this time, I opened up VFDC to people in the community. I gave passwords to the people that demonstrated interest in writing material and making movies to put up. This, by the way, was how Rich had access. Ditto for CrewNYC, Myke, GodEater, etc. If I couldn't do it, then I'll leave it up to the people who would.

    This worked out great for a long time. Sure, the site itself became messed up, but this is inevitable when there are many people putting stuff in with no central administrator making sure things are uniform. And it was my fault not to have taken the time to explain my system. But new content flowed and I was happy with how things turned out. Of course, Rich was always complaining about the lack of VF2 and VF1 stuff, but it's not like I didn't allow anyone else to put that stuff up. In fact, GodEater had a couple of awesome VF1/2 movies and I was more than happy to see them.

    My role at that time had become almost secondary. I was past writing new least on a formal, regular basis, and I wasn't administrating either. VFDC was for a period of time a community-regulated site. For the longest time I didn't even *appear* much on Versus City.

    I should also address Rich's infamous VF3 Kage combo list at this time, as I know this is something he bitterly holds to heart. Forget everything I said in the past, as I was myself going through a weird transition phase in college; I will set the record straight here and now.

    Basically, Rich sent me a VF3 Kage combo list that was quite comprehensive, and in .txt format. I can't remember the exact date he sent it to me, but I remembered that it was a busy time for me (exams followed by a break?) and that I had put it off. I also noticed there were some damage mistakes; minor stuff, but noticeable. So here I was in the middle of transitioning from a "VFDC the ultimate site" and "VFDC the community site" phase, not quite in one or the other. The end result was a half-hearted promise to try out all the combos and correct Rich's mistakes and convert the .txt file to the then VFDC format (very difficult to do, since the VFDC format was smaller in width) in a period of time where I wanted to do different things other than web stuff. So I procrastinated and nothing was said, either by me or by Rich. Then one day, I can't remember how, as if Rich suddenly remembered he had sent me the combo guide, he got irate at my not putting it up. If you guys will remember, very shortly after the outburst I really did put up the file, as it was. First in .txt format and then I actually converted it to VFDC format! At that time I had a decent relationship with Rich and took his outburst seriously. Sadly, those days are long gone.

    So what's it like now? The whole community idea became disrupted when my host severed relations with me. Basically, Blast City was just taking up too many of their resources. When times are good and bandwidth is plentiful, they don't mind as much. But when the dot coms crashed, they cared very much all of a sudden and booted us off.

    Now VFDC is back and with another host. The terms are not nearly as generous but I think there are enough resources to have a decent site.

    My intentions for the site have not deviated much from the past...I still want this to be a community driven site. I still have no intention of being an administrator or a primary content providor. Sure, from time to time I'll get the urge to write a guide, and I'll do that, but I don't plan to be the go-to guy. I'm sorry if this disappoints some people, but that's the way I am.

    However, I still want to give people who do want to take the initiative the opportunity to do so. Right now, Myke is the main guy taking charge, and that's really cool for him. I'm glad he wants to do it. GodEater has also contacted me in the past and has indicated an interested to continue the awesome God-Eat-God Productions. My open invitation to host VF sites is still open (though in a more limited fashion, now that resources are not plentiful)...if kbcat wants to put Virtua Project on VFDC, I'd more than happy. The important thing is that people who want to use VFDC somehow to provide material must take the initiative; as I have already stated, I have relinquished the role of being an administrator. The closest thing we have to an admin is Myke, and even I'm not sure that's a role that he really wants. But it's an individual decision, and I respect Myke for what he's done and what he may choose not to do. Hey, if he decides tomorrow to fuck it, it's not worth the trouble to do all this stuff, I will respect that.

    I have changed a lot. When I was younger, I will admit that I was unconsiously saying "no" to certain things. Now my attitude has changed...I will not say "no" to any VF material people will write and wish to put up in VFDC. (That person would just have to put it up himself, or maybe go through Myke, though I'm not sure if Myke wants that job ;).

    The most important thing to me about VFDC is this community, this forum. It's frankly the main thing that I want to see healthy and strong.

    And it's not as if I totally did not care about the site. Who came out with two dozen prototype designs when we moved? It was me folks, and those designs did take time. I'm glad that Myke wanted to take the initiative and take charge for the site, and that he was able to build on what I had done for the cool stuff that you see VFDC as is today. He's really been able to run with the ball.

    I think sometimes there's too much attachment to a name. When people see "", they get a little excited. It's just a name folks, and I think the most important role for the domain is to bring people together; if it doesn't have the resources, it could always point out them out elsewhere right? Who cares if the information is actually on the VFDC server or if it's hosted elsewhere? It's the same thing, isn't it? It's just a name guys. Hell, even SEGA is content to have the official VF4 site on and not this domain

    If tomorrow I find out that no one wants to provide any content or perform any administrative roles for "" itself, I'm fine with it. I am honestly happy to see VFDC just as a forum, as it was over the summer. I thought things went well. Of course, should a scenario ever come to pass, I promise to make a better effort of linking to other VF sites that do have the content and making those links as visible as possible to VFDC visitors.

    OK, I've been as honest as I can in this post. I hope that sheds some light on my side of things.

    Please take the time to read before jumping the gun. You don't want to look like Llanfair, who doesn't seem to realize that the SE -> DP we've been "discussing" is for VF3, not VF4. (Sorry, couldn't resist one more easy opportunity at being a jerk).
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Framedata

    I've been helping Myke (emphasis on MIKE, not Jeff - not like Jeff would want it or know what to do with it, anyway) with the redesign of VFDC now, giving him all the text info I can.

    Thank you, it is very much appreciated, even by me. And I'm not being sarcastic.
  8. Emil

    Emil Well-Known Member

    Re: FUCK!

    "Hmm..could be the very same. But maybe we're too *dumb* to test it out. Why don't you test it for us, oh godly ice-9? Oh, yeah. That's right. You don't have VF4 to test if SE-DP is guaranteed. That must really suck."

    These comments remind me of gradeschool. Back when "I know you are, but what am I" and "My dad can beat up your dad" were all the rage.

    -Emil the Adult
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: FUCK!

    In your initial reply you mentioned Rich only with no qualifiers... if someone reads that initial post alone, they would infer that Rich has taken money without providing a service... that's why Rich attacked you.

    Fine, point taken.

    But have you stopped to consider why I framed such a statement in such a flammatory way? Normally, when some bitter guy on the Internet calls me a worm, I laugh. But believe me, when you have a guy as tenacious as Rich who is attacking as incessantly as he has been at every opportunity he gets, it gets to you. When you're not in a good mood, it's even more difficult to shrug off.

    Come on man, try to be in my shoes. Look at the threads where Rich gets crazy. Who's the one trying to be the asshole?

    Fuck, I'm definitely spending too much time on these forums; I need to get out and get some perspective. Maybe Rich should too. I'm ready to move on.
  10. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter Dot Com

    What a wonderful tale. Of bullshit and misdirection.

    You make every attempt to name me, as if to say that I'm some lone whackjob who for some strange reason doesn't like the site, that I was the only one complaining about the lack of VF1/2 info. Do you really think that I was the only one who thought it strange that there was NO info? Did the (polite) requests from misc people on the board for VF2 stuff just go totally ignored by you? I am vocal about it but in no way am I alone, for FUCK's sake.

    So you didn't know about VF1/2 and didn't know what a "good" guide was (a line which we've heard before). That's the lamest fucking excuse in the world, dude! So fucking WHAT if you didn't know - you didn't need to know! You could have just put it up! You could have asked someone! You could have used common sense! Fuck, something is better than nothing, man!

    Your filenaming system was twisted, too. Boggles the mind.

    > My role at that time had become almost secondary.

    But you want, and try to take, ALL of the credit.

    >The end result was a half-hearted promise to try out all the combos and correct Rich's mistakes and convert the .txt file to the then VFDC format (very difficult to do, since the VFDC format was smaller in width)

    The VF3 TFT thing had two mistakes - the damage was off by 2-3 points for a couple of combos. Fuuuuhhhck me, man. And why you were so fucking hell bent on html'izing everything, which for faqs really just SUCKS, only shows how ill-concieved your idea was.

    > I have changed a lot.

    You haven't changed at all.

    Ughgh I give up trying to sift through the rest of this crapheap. For now.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: FUCK!

    And some of Jeff's comments don't, either? Aren't you selective.

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  12. Emil

    Emil Well-Known Member

    Re: FUCK!

    You and Jeff made comments that were more crude in nature...
    Not childish but just plain crude.

    loser troll

  13. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter Dot Com

    Jeff, go back and read FeixaQ's post (10/18/01 6:41pm) and see where all this started. It WAS about VF4 and SE-DP, dipshit. Yes yes yes, I know that you were arguing with Rich about SE-DP in VF3 (no offense, but Rich IS right about it on the DC) but I referred to the root of this: if it is guaranteed in VF4.

    And wtf is with your "don't look like Llanfair" comment? Hey man, you came across as being a fuckwit by telling kbcat he was "reading stupid" - I just made comment to support the fact that you were indeed "talking stupid". Give it a rest, Jeff.


    <font color=white>Llanfair</font color=white>
    <font color=orange>Booyah daddy mac! I'm stylin!</font color=orange>
  14. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter Dot Com

    Okay guys, I asked Hiro to recall what he had read in the VF3tb Technical manual. He doesn't have it with him at this moment, but he is SURE that it states that Akira, Jeffry, Lion, and a "couple of other characters" can CD away form the uppercut if they are on the 1st player side while/before getting thrown! In other situations, it is guaranteed!

    And lets not question the VF3tb technical manual - that shit is the LAST WORD on the DC version. It is insanely detailed!

  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: FUCKweaseL!

    Hey, I made the effort not to call you names, whippersnapper. I could cheerfully start though. We'll have to escalate at a pretty good pace though before we get as far as "wanker" or even "fucker".
    Re: the crouch inching thing, that's neat. I didn't get the same results, but then maybe my big toe is getting rusty.

    You're getting better at admitting when you've fucked up at least. Wait, what are you doing back on this thread? You said you'd take a break from it. Hit those books.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: FUCKweaseL!

    I apologize. I know it may not seem like it, but I very rarely use crude language to at other people, at least not directly. (I.e. I have no problems with using crude language, but, for example, I would rarely call someone a "fucker" or "dipshit" or even "wanker").

    Thinking it over, I must confess I could've responded to...uh, flame bait, in a more mature fashion. And I will try to do that in the future; I don't usually let such petty squabbles below my skin. Next time I'll just ignore the obvious flaming and stick to the gaming talk.

    Alright, that's it.

    P.S. My midterms went very well, thank you very much. All As, one A+. Don't ask me about my interviews.

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