Discussion in 'General' started by dark_akira_010, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. coup_de_grace

    coup_de_grace Member

    Both games have their pluses and minuses. All do. It just depends on preference. The idea of one game 'versus' another is a moot point. Bottomline it's what you like to play and what you don't like to play.

    One of my students the other day asked me which fighting game I liked the best. I told them that it depended on my mood. My twelve year old student said that he liked DOA. Boob bouncing. Like I said. Preference. I'm not into the boob bouncing thing personally. I tend to cringe when playing DOA. I mean... damn. That's gotta hurt. Haven't they ever heard of sports bras?
  2. UKDiddy

    UKDiddy Well-Known Member

    I play and enjoy all the fighting games, although I love virtua fighter the most. I've been playing this game since I was little and am getting to be alright at it. Transitioning from DOA or even Tekken wasn't that hard, but probably because I got started on this game first.
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    On a serious note, how about a thread talking about the conversion from another fighting game to VF...
  5. WhiteAngel50000

    WhiteAngel50000 Well-Known Member

    Personally I like Virtua fighter better over Tekken, because it's more realistic. Tekken have animals like Kuma/Panda, and Roger Jr. Virtua Fighter does'nt have no kangaroos and bear, and Sega does'nt need that. Tekken make too much of balance changes on the characters, Tekken 5 was broken, Nina and Steve are the best characters on the 5.0, Namco toned them down on 5.1. Thats why I love Virtua Fighter better, it's the most balanced 3-D fighting game, and it's also the best fighting game as well.
    Sega do theirs right.
  6. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Yeah, 5.1 is more balanced than 5.0, but don't even get me started on Tekken 4 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
    I transfered from Tekken to VF quite a long time ago, and I'm complitely satisfied with my decision /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    I still play Doa from time to time, and actually enjoy it, but somehow almost lost any interest in Tekken, which explains my "Tekken SUCKS!" recently /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. topher_00001

    topher_00001 Member

  8. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's insane... I can't believe they were both considering that. My guess is that they'd have to come up with a system that shares the mechanics from both of the series... and definitely picking which ones is no easy task. Sounds intriguing.

    Also, is it just me or does it sound like there will NOT be a training mode in the US release of Dark Ressurection? :\
  9. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    There won't be /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    I don't think much has changed from the Japanese version from last month, besides fixing a few bugs, and the slowdown from a few stages.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

  11. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

  12. Bleed

    Bleed Active Member

    Been a fan of both since the start, and I would love to see this happen.

    It would be hard to compress some of the tekken fighters move sets in to a 3 button lay out, so I wouldn't mind having 5 buttons to work with, like Tekken Tag and Mortal Kombat. They feel very natural IMO, and it wouldn't take anything away from one or the other.

    Instead of Left and Right attacks, I’d set it to Lead and Rear, so the fighters can still switch foot like in VF.

    VF would get more moves and Tekken would have added options because of the block button and ability to switch foot.

    Still keep the joy stick blocking though, like how DOA has both stick and button blocking.

    Maybe get rid of the auto block from Tekken, though I don't even notice it there when playing.

    Have the block button be used for advanced defensive techniques and canceling. Stuff like that.

    There's a lot I would change for each to find a middle ground, but I think it’s possible to come out with something good.

    I would take the best parts from each game and embrace them for the hybrid design.
    Strengthen or weaken different aspects as deemed necessary, to make the game work well but still keep some of the soul of each franchise.

    Arcade would be 1 on 1 fighting, but I'd like a tag option for the home console at least, like in Tekken Tag for PS2 and the DOA games.

    I'd buy this game in a heart beat.
  13. Yes, I would love to see that. No, I have no idea what they could possibly come up with.

    Maybe they can segregate the controls for VF and Tekken characters. I have no idea how they can compromise their overall gaming styles though (juggles, power ups, etc... *imagines Pai charging up). Well, that's what makes their teams great: they'll think of something.

    It's a great concept though, and I think people will at least try it. I mean, fans who like both games will enjoy having all their favorite characters in one game whilst the VF/Tekken purists can have the sadisitc pleasure of owning their fighting game's rival characters to end all disputes (and shut mouths about which game is better without any reason other than they don't-or can't-play it *rolls eyes*).
  14. Bleed

    Bleed Active Member

    It a very rare occasion when I see someone use the power up in Tekken.

    If someone does it, it's usually as a taunt after winning a round. I like to do that with Feng Wei in T5DR, just because it looks cool. I'll do that, or his f+3+4 kenpo step.
    In a Tekken VS VF game, I think they can leave it out, or just have it be a character specific move. Same with the unblockables, I'd make them more like the charge attacks in VF4.
    Have them be faster and cause block damage, frame advantage or guard break.

    For juggles, I'd have it so every hit increases gravity. That way you can have both T and VF style juggles. It'll tone down wall carry jab, jab, jab... combos too, maybe land 2 before the opponent is too low and out of range.

    For wall combos, I'd have it look more like the one in Tekken and DOA but without sticking to walls. Have the opponent be able to guard after a few frames or they can fall down quicker and to the side like in VF5.

    I'd like to see new stuff like some attacks causing the opponent to land on their feet after a juggle, instead of getting floored every time.

    Having weight and momentum incorporated in to move properties, so you can't jab someone out of a flying kick. Similar in concept to autoblock moves.

    Some attacks can act as blocks on counter hit / clash. Use Akira's d+k to block a low strike for example. Another variation on autoblock moves.

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