Tekken vs Virtua Fighter (The Game)

Discussion in 'General' started by FrozenWorm, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    If I had to choose 20 characters from Tekken, this would be my list.

    Bruce Irvin
    Asuka Kazama
    Wang Jinrei
    Lei Wulong
    Craig Marduk
    Marshall Law
    Eddy Gordo
    Nina Williams
    Ling Xiaoyu
    Heihachi (secret)
    Jin(Final Boss)

    I agree with whoever said that you should it should be constructed like Fighter's Megamix. I've been pondering this idea for years.
  2. FrozenWorm

    FrozenWorm Active Member

    Ok people, those of you who want different characters will soon be satisfied. I promise it... (I don't like Jack-6 much either Fatal Rose because of what you say, he's VERY unrealistic, but he's really an iconic character).

    Now, Sorias... you're drawning on a glass of water. There's no way I can come up with all the exact frame data needed and claim it will be balanced. Obviously the programmers would have to work hard on the final balance.

    Try to asume, in general that the final result of the game they're gonna make will be balanced ok? now ask yourself... what would I love to find and what would I hate to find in the game.

    3 buttons for all players like in VF... or the opposite?
    VF weight system added or deleted?
    side-step system?
    how would the throw system be... like VF, TK or something else?
    Wich characters you want in the game?

    Just imagine for instance, Gon, Bob, Kuma, Roger Jr and Ganryu are in the game... wouldn't you be pissed?
    And if they come up with a 5 buttons system (to make sure you wont like it)...? of those are extreme situations and its not probable they would do that, but once again... it would be nice having a compendium of ideas of what we want and what we dont.

    Now, back on the playability subject:

    GROUND SYSTEM: It refers to all the movements you can do when knocked down to the floor, and what your enemy can do when you're in that situation. I believe the game should addopt Tekken system because it's easier and it has a lot more options.

    WEIGHT SYSTEM: It reffers to the difference of weight each character have, this only affects juggles. I believe the game should addopt Virtua Fighter weight system because it's more realistic and cool. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Finally I think it would b necessary to eliminate Tekken's basic low parry system (d/f) and tekken's chi charge system. The low parry would be for Tekken the way it was in TK3 and TKTag (d/b+1+3_2+4) only for certain characters.

    Now, I want to discuss this first before updating the first post anymore. What do you guys think about this?

    In the weight system, heavy characters like Jack-6 would fall faster to the ground and it will be harder to hit them.

    The ground system would be different from VF system in the sense we can hit the enemy on the ground with a lot of special moves, crouch kicks, and if they're trying to stand up... also Tekken's ground system have more basic moves you can do when you are on the floor.

    Ideas, critics and suggestions please... everyone
  3. Heartbreak013

    Heartbreak013 Well-Known Member

    I could stand it if tekken fighters were thrown into the VF system, but not vice versa.
  4. FrozenWorm

    FrozenWorm Active Member

    Yeah Heartbreak013 I know what you mean, an a lot of Tekken players think the same.

    I want you to see this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrj4N5uH4Ys and tell me what you think /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  5. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    lol.. look @ the funny animations and crapy light flashes...
    man i hate tekken...
  6. FrozenWorm

    FrozenWorm Active Member

    HAHAHA...!!! please some constructive criticism, and stay on-topic.
  7. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

  8. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    EPIC FAIL!!!
  9. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Let's move on folks, nothing to see here.
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I use to think that this game coulda been given a chance but after seeing some of the responses from both Tekken and VF fans I can tell you this: nobody is going to like the "idea".
    Most Tekken fans seem to hate VF and most VF fans seem to hate Tekken.
    The only way this could work is by not taking a poll, not asking any questions. Just do the game, release it and see how it goes.
    But if they keep asking the fans, both Sega and Namco are going to keep hearing the same crap:
    "Oh noes, VF and Tekken are too different for it to work"
    "Oh noes, I hate Tekken/VF. I hope they don't do it."
    "Oh noes, (insert any other negative remark about a game that hasn't even been made)"

    If Capcom or SNK would have just listened to their fans while making CvsSNK they might have never made the game in the first place.
    I say Sega and Namco should just do it. The game is going to sell regardless.
    The first CvsSNK wasn't all that great compared to part 2 and it still didn't do that bad. Then part 2 came out and it's still one of my favorite fighting games.

    I know it's two totally different games but if they can have Street Fighters taking on Marvel superheroes and make that work then they can make this work too.
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    My K-Groove Akira is a beast.

    A-Groove Hwoarang is just plain bad.
  12. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Quoted for truth. As a completely shameless fighting game whore, I could see myself playing any mashup as long as its an actual fighting game. (The Capcom X Namco thing never really caught my eye though it sounded cool; let fighters fight, not be in a tactical rpg.
  13. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    If this is the case, then how are they going to do the timer, ring outs or not, etc. It's going to be a bit unlikely.
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    This is how I would set up this game:

    DOA-like stages with VF's invisible wall system, i.e none. (walk off the edge).

    Weight system imposed.

    Stagger system imposed.

    VF style sidestepping (Read: Sidestepping that works)

    VF style throw breaks

    Tekken character's throws beefed up.

    Projectiles removed (laser eye, fireball spewing stomachs and the like)

    Tekken characters use Tekken button set up, VF characters use VF button set up. No one wants to go from VF and be forced to use Tekken's input system and the same applies for the opposite.

    Character specific intros. Jacky vs Law for example.
  15. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Maybe there may be a choice between Tekken and VF controls.
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I don't think it would be a good idea.

    I can't imagine how I'd play Tekken with 3 buttons.

    That way strings could be kept the same for both titles.

    If a Tekken player wants to play a VF character they play with a VF control scheme.

    If a Vf player wants to play a Tekken character they use a Tekken control scheme.

    The only problem that would arise from this game would be that it would most likely be a Playstation exclusive.

    That's if it is a home port at all.
  17. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Hell, just make it a new fighting game with a new engine. Would people be totally adverse to a new fighting franchise altogether?
  18. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    As in one where neither Tekken or VF is involved in the game?
  19. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    That'd be good too. Too bad fighting games aren't big enough of a genre to merit somebody taking a chance.
  20. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    I would just use the VF fighting engine/control scheme instead of having to mash both into one game. It would create less confusion and everyone would be on the same guidelines. Plus we all know that VF gameplay is more balanced so why not? They would also need to reanimate the tekken characters and make them more fluid much how VF5R is. You can even go vise versa and have Namco do the same to the VF crew, but I think its a bad idea to mash all the gameplay into one game, when both are different.

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