[TEA PARTY] The Official Toronto VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Llanfair, Feb 6, 2003.

  1. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    a joint gathering sounds nice. its worth a try i guess. for now its jus vf jamz at ppls houses lol. ive never seen a gathering b4. is there a lot ppl that actually show up for this kind of stuff?
  2. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    so is Dec. 20th for sure?
  3. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Sorry for not updating...I'm really busy with school right now...have exams starting this friday and had to finish up my digital systems design project for this week.

    Anyways, I need to talk to a couple people and see if dec 20th is good for them...Llan, Plasma, and kbcat that means you guys.

    I'll post what's going on by the end of this week.
  4. DashEWGF

    DashEWGF Member

    ha...Dec. 20th is the tekken team battle tournament day. but vf has higher prority for me ^.^

    let's make it~~~
  5. J6Commander

    J6Commander Well-Known Member

    Yup! I think Dec 20th is good.
  6. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    I don't really have a comment to make, but I'm just checking in to let you guys know I'm keeping up with posts in here.

    Still waiting for something definitve, though.
  7. DashEWGF

    DashEWGF Member

    hey, i've no scheduled work recently. any of u guys want to meet up? llan? BMF? b4k4?
  8. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Yep - I'm definitely interested...I'll update as soon as I know more of my scheduling.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  9. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    [ QUOTE ]
    DashEWGF said:

    hey, i've no scheduled work recently. any of u guys want to meet up? llan? BMF? b4k4?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm down.

    Want me to let SC2 peeps I know, or did you want to keep it small?
  10. DashEWGF

    DashEWGF Member

    nice! i want to see as much ppl as possible. i will also post up in toronto's tekken forum in order to bring some interests, well, hopefully. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    but if u guys want to play at my place, i can only have one or two ppl coming, it's too small and messed up badly =p
  11. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    where u ppl meeting? i might come.
  12. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Well, since it's at my house then 6-7 people max. So far we should have Llan, Plasma, Dash, b4k4, and Lee...plus my buddy John should join us as well.

    I also heard from Reno that there will be an EVO/SC2 tourney on either the 14th or more likely the 21st at some internet cafe. So it's up to people what they want to do. Personally, I rather have a larger turnout at the tourney, but it would be nice if everybody attended both. Anyways, just pm me for directions to my place, and keep in mind that I live in Woodbridge so it'll be a pain to get here if you don't drive...about an hour bus ride from Wilson Station....I do it everyday to get to school downtown /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.
  13. DashEWGF

    DashEWGF Member

    so when will this thing happen????
  14. DashEWGF

    DashEWGF Member

    about gathering/tournament

    well, as i talked to Reno and BMF on mIRC last weekend, there will a gathering at BMF's house on 20th and tournament along with SC2 on 21st.

    Could organizer confirm the date/location? and attendence confim the show up? so far i don't think i have work on these two days, i'm definitly in for both.

    if the tournament confirmed what will be the format or entry fee?

    i could bring my memory card to gathering/tournament(i don't have a ps2, but my roommate does, so i don't think it's possible to borrow it from him for those events), so we can record some replays, then i can make some videos.

    Reno, Llan and any other guys who read this please please replay, b/c we just have like less than two weeks left.
  15. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: about gathering/tournament

    Woodbridge huh? daaannggg... too far, i'd need a ride. a well, guess i cant come after all. :p wheres the tourney happening tho?
  16. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Re: about gathering/tournament

    I'm not the Organizer for it, Reno is, but I can tell you that it definately slated for the 21st. The locations is Yonge and Isabella, I think? I can post an exact adress (or better yet, pester Reno for one) later on. We've already had one SC2 tournament there, in the past, and things went pretty well. Based on who's away for the hollidays by then, and past attendance, you're looking at about 15-18 SC2 players. I know at least 5 of them (myself and Reno included) will also be playing VF4. You guys should try playing SC2, while you're there.


    Is BMF's place at all accessable via TTC? Because that's how I'd have to get there...

  17. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Re: about gathering/tournament

    Yes, like I said before my place is TTC accessible. You basically go to either Wilson or York Mills Subway stations and take the 165D bus...it'll take you straight to my place...well close enough anyway. I live pretty much at Major Mackenzie and Weston Rd...it's the last stop on the 165D. Anyways, for more detailed directions just PM me.
  18. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Toronto Evolution #1097359386 Tournament

    This is jacked straight from the SC2 forums, but I thought I'd give you guys a heads up, in case you hadn't found out from Reno yet.
    Toronto Evolution #1097359386 Tournament
    When: Sunday, December 21st
    Where: Net Effect Cafe
    Time: 12:00pm VF4, 1:00pm SC2
    Games: VF4 Evolution, Soul Calibur 2
    Entry Fee: $10
    Prizes: Half of the entry fees will go to Net Effect for their hospitality, the other half will go to the winners of the SC2 tournament. There is no prize for the VF4 tourney. Prize money is split up 60/30/10.

    Directions to Net Effect
    Net Effect is about 2 blocks south of Bloor/Yonge intersection. The exact address is 9 Isabella St. You can find the street by looking for a restaurant called the Friendly Thai, which is exactly on Yonge and Isabella.

    Tournament Games
    Think of this tournament as an experiment. We want people to play VF4 Evolution. Why? Because it's a great game, and because we (aka me) believe that it will make you an overall better player ability-wise. I recommend that everyone enters the tournament and plays. Your cost of entry includes VF4, so you might as well enter it. And no, you do not get a discount if you don't want to play VF4. To be fair, most (if not all) of the VF guys will be playing SC2 as well, so be nice and play VF along with SC, even if you're not good at it. I believe you'll have a good time watching some good VF action, and it might inspire you to get into it.

    Tournament Format
    Usual double elimination tournament for both games. We will have two TVs going, so one will be dedicated to each game. Unfortunately Net Effect does want some more money than last time (yeah, we kind of did rip them off last time, so...) so instead of the usual $10/hour we're going to give them half of the entry fee. So if 20 people show up, the cafe gets $100 while $100 is dedicated to the prize money for SC2.

    VF4 Evolution
    - PS2 version
    - Double Elimination, Best 3 of 5 Rounds.
    - d+P is banned.
    - Type C controller settings are being used. You cannot change them before a match. For those who don't know off by heart, here are the settings:

    Guard = X, Punch = Square, Kick = Triangle

    Soul Calibur 2
    - PS2 version
    - Double Elimination, Best 3 of 5 Rounds
    - No Necrid, Heihachi, Lizardman, Assasin, Berserker. Sophitia and Seung Mina are allowed.
    - Random or Charade is banned
    - Any infinites are banned
    - Sore losers will be disqualified.
    - Astaroth ATC is banned

    - 2K is banned.
    - Relic 6G is banned.
    - 22B is banned.
    - Vietnamese males named Joseph who use Ivy are banned.
    - 236B is banned.
    - Cervantes BT A+B is banned.
    - BL K,K is banned.
    - 2A is banned.
    - 33A is banned.

    - You cannot change controller settings before a match. I don't give a shit if you're a pad user or whatever, you're not wasting time changing settings, ever. The settings being used are:

    Guard = X, A = Square, B = Triangle, K = Circle. Shoulder buttons are being turned off.
    Straight from the mouth of everyone's favorite dick-head.

  19. DashEWGF

    DashEWGF Member

    Re: Toronto Evolution #1097359386 Tournament

    i don't know who make the rules of 2p is banned, and i don't know why at all. if it's banned, i will not join.

    and ya, whoever makes this rule doesn't understand VF at all.
  20. DashEWGF

    DashEWGF Member

    Re: Toronto Evolution #1097359386 Tournament

    ya...link the rules to VFDC and let other guys see how scrubby we are /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

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