Taking online "seriously"

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by JHow77, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    This is basically what I summed up earlier. I just don't think people can use it as a barometer for how good someone really is at this game. I've seen the variances in a person's offline game to know for a fact. My mindset is a little too competitive to enjoy online the way some of you guys do - I don't like dropping combos. I hate missing punishers. I hate not being able to step. I'm competitive (and a little arrogant) like that, therefore I can't take this seriously.

    And don't lie and tell me you don't say to yourself "fucking lag" when you lose a match because of a combo miss. I know some of you too well ... don't bullshit me.

    And no I'm not a sore loser or a scrub. I recognize skill and acknowledge a person's effort when I see it, but if you try to brag about it? You get the Shonuff:

  2. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I see players, who play VF too desparately/angrily ( ? for lack of a better term). And this trickles down to making too many bad habits, repeating patterns, and busting out the "GET MY ASS OUT OF JAIL FREE" cards. I can tell you doing anything desparately and angrily is a setup for one's own failure.

    We all have our own "out of present vision, yet surpassable barriers". But I feel tremendously horrible for people that aren't trying to develop, and sticking to their own sandboxes. Like cmon. Once you feel too comfortable, that's when you gotta look for a bigger challenge. Someone out there can make you feel uncomfortable again. And don't run from that person - stay there until you figure shit out.

    Now is the most perfect time to hit the VF gym. Who here is trying to move up? Also, every sandbox is contained in another sandbox. So the work is never done [​IMG]
  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Lmao get a load of this guy! I probably won't say anything wrong since we've never played irl anyway. I also said quite clearly that it's a learning tool, to a point. In that limited sense, we agree.

    STILL, I know I quite literally lack the capacity to play my best online. I play around the latency for better or worse (often worse) and that's that. It really depends on how you define serious, and in my case that's being able to use win% vs. other players as a benchmark for my progress. Online I can put my 100% effort in and ping will fuck it up no matter what, so as far as I can tell it's not at all effective for that type of judgement. That's my argument. What is even remotely controversial about that? I mean honestly, are we going to have to start assigning "approximate wins" to people who play a 2 bar game? Maybe I can photoshop a scorecard for you to fill out and we can track our online w/l ratios.

    What I really sit back and ignore is how smug it sounds when SDS, TWP, and Jhow go out of your way to brag about online wins while distracted. I can't tell if you're ego tripping or delusional from years of playing in lag but it's definitely not for realsies online. Gj guys you won by ducking, breaking no throws, hitting KK as shun while eating 4 oreos. Achievement unlocked.
  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    When did I brag about distracted online wins?
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah get a load of me.......Let me remind you i never brag about wins. I mentioned that i beat certain players with one hand cause they stay on auto pilot and they don't even notice. Simple!! Yo Coz.....Bring the Coconut Ciroc We gotta finish getting our weight up on VF. Secondly EMX Offline i will still work you the fuck out so fuck all that other shit. You Trash Son dulah. Fuck all you clowns with a built in excuses. I get a excellent connection with the players who matter most. I know what works online and offline and i can differentiate it..I gained my respect playing VF online. Im not going to any of you cats apartments or houses no time soon for offline games. so online is where its at for me.. Small ass comminunity where everybody met online and rarely chills together off have the nerve to complain about lag like it only affects you SMH!!!.Step ya Weak ass Wolf up EMX. If this offends you get your bum ass on VF and do something about it.
  6. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Cozby is right.
  7. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply but not actually reading. I'm not offended though lmao. Lag affects everyone's play, that is the point. Hell like you asked me earlier: why even play? We're on to something with that here.

    If I absolutely had to criticize you for one thing (since that's what you seem to think this is about), it's that you're an aggressively stupid and annoying VFDC poster. Is that going to change? Nope. I dgaf if online is where you go for your VF props dude, it's still objectively flawed for measuring anything but e-peen (your apparent specialty).
  8. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Awww wow now your a E-Scholar and i annoy you when i speak? Boo hoo. Now all of a sudden you say you not critizing but if you do? C'mon with that Most interesting man in the world bullshit. before i even spoke to your bum ass you always joined my games or i join yours and play against you having fun but never said a word to me about being annoying. After taking your ass whoopings i did'nt really care about i still never came on VFCD and told people what happened in our matches in the GG's section. Im annoying now but your on my friendslist though? FOH!!! Stay a loser......I lost all respect for you.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    To be honest, it shouldn't matter how serious you take online or offline play, you should be trying to bring VF to your opponent, regardless of format.

    I'm trying to serve you my VF game, it doesn't matter who you are, where you live, how much experience you got, strong or weak. Even if your current 100% is only 50% of what you can do, due to whatever conditions(rusty, sick, online play, personal problems, drunk, messed up stick) give me all of what you have at the moment, and let's get it on - you wanted to play.

    There's too many variables to keep track of, as to why someone may or may not be coming at you as best as they could as if it were their birthday or something. It's pointless to even be caught up on that.

    The problem is when people think they're so much better than someone else, or try to judge other players. That's where threads like this seem to stem from, imo.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    True Slide.. but i never said i was better than anybody.. We were just joking on beating auto-pilot players with one hand which is a big shame on them. Jerky toook it there with the whole online is a fake experience along with EMX's bum ass chiming in. When i step in the arena its to the death or else i wouldnt be playing. It just seems as if dudes been shaking off rust for the last 3 years, Playing drunk,Not caring about online, Just burning time, ETC. I don't have time to waste if you are not serious about learning new times, working on old ones or just having fun. I take my time on vf seriously because its the only time i get to kick back and relax when the kids are chilling. Im just here to bring it Nuggas plain and simple.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    I share the same sentiments as Slide and Cozby, and Rodney etc.

    I took exception to you poking fun at the expense of opponents who were probably just as apathetic during play as you. I then shared my personal issues with online and in no way denounced others in enjoying the experience.

    I even tried to separate my personal issues with what I felt was a pretty good game online. I then trolled you a bit as you took me way too seriously. (the irony)

    I'd like to drop this as I think people are getting the wrong impression of me. I'm a competitor, and enjoy VF, and I will play you hard.
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Sounds uncomfortable, i'd say that's enjoying VF a little TOO much.
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I've been playing for 13+ plus years. [​IMG]
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  14. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Yah I was wondering how my post was on the first page. I was trying to remember if I started this thread and I was positive I didn't. I hope it wasn't split to point out a message of mine that was misconstrued. By the way shouldn't the name of the thread starter for this be either "Myke" or "System"?

    The whole playing with one hand thing is typically for just a few seconds or a round at most when I've all of a sudden become preoccupied.

    I will say this, and at the fear of sounding like a broken record (yah Rodney you know what I'm gonna say), this stuff would never happen during ranking matches.

    I do try to take it as serious as possible, and for the most part do, but there is definitely something inherent about "something on the line" / "something not on the line".
  15. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    generally, perhaps taking the game serious in training is offline.

    but i feel so is optimizing your game in order to deal with lag.

    any restraints you throw on yourself will make you a stronger player. if you lose 20 games because you screw up an SPoD

    your game is probably too delicate...
  16. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Okay so how does being a bad poster (and trust me, I have no reservations about that assertion) = bad player even = bad person? I don't know who you are dude, I kept my judgements pretty much to what you were saying and I expressed my dislike for them. I was also harsh about it because there is no room in your posts for disagreeing with what you say without getting a tsunami of bullshit attacks about how someone is lazy or bad at the game lol. If you want to motivate people don't berate them you need to challenge them to get better. You can still be negative and mean about it but it's a fine line. R. Lee Emery is a good example.

    SDS you've played VF5 for years, put a lot more effort into learning than I ever did, you pick up the torch and carry it well in-game -- that's admirable, and the advice you've given me in the past was useful to refocus what I was doing the few times I played online w/ you. I really dislike online play's netcode and that's my only source of comp. I'm not sure why I need to sugarcoat my displeasure with garbage that gets posted when it's some kind of half-assed drill sergeant crapola and insults -- especially when you're not making an effort to reply to them and just double down on the attacks. If you want to feel like I harbored a grudge by my guest, but generally that only gets reserved for the bad people I actually deal with irl.

    I mean, maybe it does (unfairly) influence my expectations of SDS if i were to meet him irl. A LOT of people couldn't be more different online/vs. offline though.

    Not to dredge this up from months ago, but I knew exactly what the reaction would be and decided to take a break.
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Hey Emx best word of advice I can give you.... If you can win online you can win offline. There is not much difference from what works with 2 to 3 bars to no lag. Use the online to your advantage... I know what hampers me online that I can do offline even better. No need to flashback on old shit.... New year. Btw 5 yrs is the most I spent on one game
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I disagree. Some things that are pretty abusable and safe online, even with a 3bar connection, will get you straight killed offline. Saying there is no difference ignores the fact that there is a limit to human reaction time and any lag, and there is always lag online, cuts the time you have to react to things.
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Let me rephrase that... Not much a difference other than timing issue due to lag. I leveled up online and it made me a beast offline. Long as you remind yourself certain things are subject to change. Besides I alway spend time on dojo to neutralize online habits.
  20. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I still disagree, though less strongly. Though the better player should still win in a solid 2/3 bar connection, lag acts as a sort of equaliser. The gaps between skill levels are more clearly defined offline and where the better player may win 7-3 online, the same match xan turn into a 9-1 or a 10-0 offline.

    More experienced players tend to see and react to things better. Lag in any form goes some ways to nullifying this. Also better players tend to have better defence. Lag can reduce the strength of this. The fact that it's harder to use more advanced defensive techniques will obviously affect the player who hardly uses them less than someone who usually does.

    There are other things as well but the overall lag affects everyone. How much so depends on character and play style but as a general trend, in my own experience, it tends to affect better players more.

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