Taka: Ask a question, get an answer

Discussion in 'Taka' started by YOMI, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Actually 4P 6_P 6PP is 58 and KND :p
  2. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Hey Yomi, what practical use does Taka's 44p+k have? And would this move be useful at high level play or is it just gimmick?
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    it "dodges" high attacks and gives you pretty nice damage even on NH. It is punishable by throw as well... it is gimmick, but gimmick that works if you make proper read :) And as every gimmick, it works on every level if you bait your opponent into teating it. Still, 4P+K is mid, hitcheckable, with no guaranteed punishment and 11-f faster :p
  4. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    44p+K can be used from negative to cause whiff agaisnt some highs

    Question for Taka- Why you so rotund that un-natural combos turn to natural combos on you?
    Is there a special sushi you can eat to fix that? Hitting you with Shippu ppp makes me feel bad. :p
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    It's evasion is not limited to highs. The evasion is pretty much exactly what you see him do on the screen. His head tilts back a bit more but he does lean away with his whole body. My 6P has been avoided by this move point blank.

    In my opinion it's a really strong tool in taka's spacing game if you can make the right read for the moment to use it.
  6. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    It doesn't really inherently dodge anything, it's a backswing blow type move that you can try to throw out from a little distance away to hopefully evade your opponent's short ranged attack and hit them recovering, most of the time I've had it hit is against 2P since it's s.high. I wouldn't call it a gimmick, but it's -10 on guard and pretty slow so it's not exactly stellar either, throw it out sometimes just to see what happens.
  7. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    It's just a high, not s.high.
  8. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Apparently it is, must've been thinking the 4P+K+G slap then. Scratch the part about it then.
  9. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    And any moves like this that can cause whiff are often "meant" to be used after certain "pushback" moves are guarded, dont know Taka well enough, but I'm sure he has a move that when guarded pushes back enough for 44p+k to cause short range responses to whiff.
  10. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    It's a great move to punish whiffed rising mid kicks if you can bait your opponent into doing it. I have decent success with:

    KD > dash in > back dash as the opponent rises > the 44 is buffered so if they try a rising mid and your read/spacing is right > KA-POW > profit.
  11. Throwback

    Throwback Member

    what is the point of:
    hcb p
    hcf p

    Some of them have use in combos like 6p+k, but do these moves serve any purpose during play?
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    [6][P][+][K] I use this move also as poke (rarely) and it's a way to enter tachi'ai.
    [4][6][P] good punisher if there's a wall behind your opponent. Also takes 1 dp from Shun
    [P][+][K] is THE punisher for -15frames moves. If you don't use this move this way, you're missing too much damage.
    [4][K][+][G] it's a move I use from the distance and leaves you +1 on block.
    [2]/[8][K][+][G] Brave move to use on your opponent oki
    [6][K] good if you're looking for a CH or if you want to punish taka when he's -18 (6kpp is natural combo on recovery counter hit)
    [3][K] idk when to use this move.
    [4][K] a mid poke i use to look for the side hits or side throws.
    [3][P][+][K] good if you're looking for some wall stagger
    hcb [P] I use it sometimes when i need to press a panic button. Good to keep pressure when the first one gets blocked but idk how good it is in high level games.
    hcf [P] good move with armor on hit. when you expect someone to poke you with punches, use this one.
    [3][P]![P][+][G] good vs people who like to abare or crouch too much to avoid throws. I also use it to give pressure on oki but probably isn't the best use since it's punishable.

    This is my contribution but I'm no experct with taka. If someone has a better use for the moves i listed, please tell me :D
    Throwback likes this.
  13. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    6P+K is mainly combofodder but it can be used for poking purposes, esp if there's a wall behind opponents back. Mid, mid, mid, second hit can enter tachi. I never considered it too strong like that but I've seen some JP Takas use it to great effect like that.

    6K is also mostly comboender. It has a good hitbox, is safe on block and launches on CH so it can be used for that too. The threat of the follow-ups can make it safer on evades.

    4K+G I'd only use it on people who actively choose not to tech after KND's. If you take too much time deciding if you're going to do it they can roll sideways to get away from it. Not too good.

    3K worthless IMO

    4K,P also pretty worthless IMO

    P+K is one of Takas best moves. Combo punish on -15 moves. Good choise after evading moves with a bit of recovery. One of the ways to drill through expected sabaki attempts. Also guaranteed after hcb P+G and 1P+G and 2/8K+G.

    hcfP one of my personal favorites. It has armor vs non-KND punches and elbows. On CH it launches for very nice damage. Not that good vs single attacks as even armoring you won't get CH, only rCH. It's also a low bound but it's useless for that as you can land 43P whenever you can land this one in a combo.

    3P+K is one frame faster than K and it's unsabakiable but it's outclassed in range by K by a mile. If you are thinking about poking with 3P+K from the front you could be thinking of poking with 4P+K instead. Can be used to get wallstaggers if you want to. Can be used from the side to fish CH for sidecrumple without fear of kicksabakis from some characters.

    EDIT: I'm not a Taka player, so take this with a grain of salt.


    3P no use. Use 4P+K instead. I guess theoretically it could be good in a mirror match since Taka doesn't have a specific -13 punisher and 4P+K,P does not knock him down.

    K+G,P Slower than 4P+K but unsabakiable. Combos on CH or crouch hit. It's an alternate you can use instead of 4P+K if you think the opponent is going to try some reversal / sabaki on it. It also works on another Taka (dunno about the combos, probably not too much damage. Then again, in a mirror the opponents damage potential is just the same as yours.)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
    Throwback likes this.
  14. Throwback

    Throwback Member

    thanks for the replies.

    p+k is a punisher, fair enough I use it a lot already.
    k+g,p unsabakiable, also 3p+k, cool thank you.

    I did some testing on a couple of the moves:

    4k,p is only -5 but that's no good for taka (especially considering how easy it is to hit check 4p+k). It does have a tiny amount more range than 4p+k,p and I think the 2nd hit comes out faster so it may be worthwhile in a spaced neutral situation. At 19 frames startup it's hard to justify though. I guess this is more towards punishing punch sabakis than anything else.

    6p+k,p moves forwards much more than 4p+k,p so it can catch backdash on the 2nd hit which 4p+k wouldn't. I also tested and 6p+k,p, tachi'ai 2/8p+k+g is safe against 2p so you can try some conditioning with it. the transition to tachi'ai looks very similar to the beginning animation of the 3rd hit of the string, which is semi-useful.

    I guess 3p!p+g could be used against Wolf R.A.W? pretty niche though.
  15. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    4K,P second hit is also a high so if the opponent ducks it on block it's -20 something.

    When it comes to catching backdash both strings (4P+K,P and 6P+K,P) have their second hit come out abit late for proper effect. Taka's K is one of the best backdash killers in the game and he can combo 33P+K out of it (as a matter of fact, if you do it frame perfect, it's a true combo, even on fastest struggle).

    That 2/8P+K+G dodge out of tatchi is nice but it's not giving you the advange against 2P I'd wager (didn't test, just an assumption). Then again, I haven't quite figured out how the JP Taka players are making such a use of / are getting away with using 6P+K as a poking tool. Might be just me missing something.

    Good call on the vs RAW thing. It would similarly blow through another Takas 4P+K+G and hcf P.
  16. Throwback

    Throwback Member

    Yeah the tachi dodge would be more just a conditioning tool - if you can get them to come after the dodge, you can k instead for a combo. I'm not saying the dodge is great or anything, but at least you aren't guaranteed to eat an interrupt on the transition.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I am not a real Taka player, but when I have played him, I remember using 6P+K,(P) in the same way as Jacky uses 1P+K,(P) outside combos. ie. as a mid-mid pokestring varying between one and two hits that makes opponents guess which option Im gonna use and will there be a throw involved after either option. In other words, mess with my opponent.
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yep, also against Lions special parry thing (P+K+G I think it was?). Although the only person I've seen use that is Chibitox..
  19. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    3P!P+G is pretty much only for styling on your opponent, there are better moves for beating sabakies and parries. No use in mirrors either IMO, like Combolammas suggested, PP6P is a pretty good punish for it.

    4KP is good for tracking evade-and-attack happy opponents being a two hit move, the second hit is also circular and on hit gives good side turned frame advantage. You can also delay the second hit for some shenanigans or something.

    Tachi 2_8P+K+G has some use as dodging mid rising kicks, but it's fairly difficult, and otherwise to create "confusion" but it's not very stellar since you'll never really be in any real advantageous situation after it.

    3P+K is an OK non-sabakiable mid poke which puts a little distance between you and your opponent, good to throw out when Aoi tries to reverse your 4P+K at every opportunity and when there's a wall behind your opponent since it can wall stagger from a pretty long distance.

    6P+K string can be used for shenanigans by delaying the hits, going into tachi or sometimes just rocking it and doing the third hit after the first two were blocked, but it's not exactly super great for anything else since whenever 6P+KP hits, 4P+K would have also hit.

    63214P is the same as 4KP, use it to track evade-and-attack happy opponents.

    Everything else is pretty spot on.
  20. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Not completely true IMHO. I put some new combos in the combos section where this move actually works better to get much more damage. Altought it's just vs light weights.

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